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WHO ARE THE 144,000

(Tia brings up the 144,000 for the first time in the podcasts and in clarifying what they are which is basically the Eagles who are already close to ascension and at some point could get together and bring about the ascension together or continue to ascend individually.) 

Russ: okay, so first off we’re going to work on Earthwatch stuff?

Tia: yeah, let’s get down to business.

Russ: all right, first off……..all right so I spent a half-hour over at the theater tonight working on the Earthwatch stuff?

Tia: yeah.

Russ: okay…..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now what I found out was that I can get a……..there’s this guy who's starting up this homepage for Ashtar Command and what it is is, he’s going to try to link up a bunch of stuff like channelings, anyway he wants to do like a……he's going to be hooking up some commander's homepages.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: which I don't know how he's figured out how to do that.......light works.........

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: things like that and he’s got about eight or nine different things that he wants to link up. So what I want to do is hook up with him, connect up and see if we can’t add our stuff to his. He seems to have the knowledge…..

Tia: yeah.

Russ: and we can do this two ways. He has the knowledge to put this together….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: under the right heading, under the right things. If I can hook up with him, we can set it up in one of two ways. Number one, we can do it at so that he has a........we do it as a subscriber basis…..

Tia: yeah.

Russ: on a two-part system.

Tia: okay.

Russ: one is free.

Tia: yes.

Russ: okay which is like channeling like what you and I are talking about right now.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and the other would be like a $10 subscription a month.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: now, either way we do this, it looks like he’s got a lot of good stuff that we can access with him…..

Tia: yeah.

Russ: that he has different places with connections to Ashtar lightworkers down here.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: all right so basically the other option we have is we can go ahead and learn all this stuff ourselves.

Tia: yeah, that might be the way to go you know. You’ve got to remember that there are two types of channelers, well three types actually, conscious, trance and Mark.

Russ: there are some other options we’ve got which are these guys here.

Tia: the Star family.

Russ: see if we can hook up with these guys and see where else we can get some other websites.

Tia: okay but we have to construct one of our own for information of a more earth importance nature. I mean it’s fine and dandy talking about bringing up the harmony and the vibrational frequency. If society goes to pieces that is pointless, you’re going to have a whole load of people that aren't prepared but if you prepare and plan and train, it doesn’t matter how much……it doesn’t matter how bad things get, the people are prepared and trained.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: see what I’m saying? Yeah, so it's okay to have this sort of stuff that talks about light frequencies and stuff that’s great, that’s great to deal with the masses but when you’re taking the leaders and training them, they have to be more knowledgeable and more prepared.

Russ: well the problem comes in with accessibility.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: I don’t know yet how when we get our own going, first off that we can publicize the fact that it’s out there.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: unless somebody just happens to be wandering through and checks out Ashtar on the web browser I did and finds it that way. All right let's see, what else do we have here? This particular one here was talking about a 144,000 making up the future Messiah if I've got that right? Let’s see if I've got this right, the collective Messiah and these are the 144,000 ascended Masters referred to as to the Eagles within the command who form the legion of special volunteers here on earth.

Tia: that’s very badly worded and from what it sounds like to me is it’s talking about the Eagles is a term used for the understanding of the individuals talking being channeled to is the 144,000 volunteers quote, unvolunteers that are ready to ascend to the higher consciousness that are going to do it anyway and it’s just part of, “are you ready?” “Yes, I’m ready, let’s do it.”

Russ: well it’s talking about how these guys are going to.....a lot of these guys are going to be activated or awakened and one of these is this Earthwatch. That might be one way to do it if we can figure out the best way to…

Tia: well I don’t know what Omal’s long-range plans are but I know that he’s got some very long-range plans that he's working on with Korton and Ashtar and various other people so we’re just playing the strategy that they want us to play. Okay, I think I've hogged enough enough time, how much tape has been butchered?

Russ: about 10 minutes.

Tia: is that all?

Russ: it’s only 9:30 darling.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: all right love.

Tia: what?

Russ: see you in a few.

Tia: okay.
