(Kiri pulls back the
curtain on the unseen world of guides and how they
exist apart and yet are a very great part of our
lives. Deaths is explained in detail by the guides
at that time so as to make the transition to the
waiting period something not to be feared.)
Skip: okay one question darlin', you say
you have been talking to your grandma.
Kiri: yeah.
Skip: all right, has the gentleman that
supposed to be my guide come out of training yet?
(the guide in question was a soul between
lives Kiri and Karra's grandmother identified as
as coming to guide Skip in the future)
Kiri: he's doing part-time at the moment.
Skip: okay.
Kiri: so when you feel that nudge or that
thought or that suggestion that pops into your
mind, which I think you had from time to time
recently right?
Skip: yeah I believe so.
Kiri: yeah that's him guiding......
Skip: okay.
Kiri: but
he is still doing training at what would be the
word? He would be doing on-the-job training for a
few hours a week?
Skip: okay alright that's fine, that's
fine. I was just curious okay?
Kiri: yeah from what my grandmother
explained to me is that when you're in that state
and you're doing the learning necessary to be a
guide, part of it is that you spend a lot of times
on the spiritual plane talking with other people
that are guides, that are about to be guides, that
have been guides. They all get together and they
learn from each other and and then they look at
individual situations and then they go off and do
a little bit of work with the person that they're
intended to be a guide for. Normally that there's
another guide to help them, to guide them, so the
guide's being guided.
Laura: sort of a mentor?
Kiri: yes.
Skip: on-the-job training......
Skip: on-the-job training.
Kiri: so that that they normally ease
into it gently. In this case it's a little
different due to the fact of that you don't have
any until now......
Skip: yes.
Kiri: and the guiding is part of the
process. Now there is another kind of guide which
is a guide from love and they're
normally things like spouses, parents, very close
friends and they don't need the on-the-job
training because they know the person intimately,
mentally, sometimes physically and they do a lot
of their own kind of guiding and pushing in the
correct direction or the direction that they
perceive is correct. Now the important thing to
remember is that guides do it from their point of
view and try to analyze what is best for you even
though it is their point of view.
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: so that's something
very important to understand is that when they're
pushing you in that direction, they are guiding
you to what they think is the best goal, not what
is actually the best goal but what they perceive
is the best goal for you. So therefore mistakes do
happen, errors do happen and both parties learn.
Part of the process and that is the learning
process for both the guide and the individual
being guided.
Skip: okay.