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(Kiri explains the life of a guide which is a role a person will take on after death at some point to help the living in their growth. One important thing we did learn from her is that at the time of death, one group of guides that hands off to another group of guides or that your guides change as you get older to prepare for that time.) 

Kiri: okay, let us see what mischief we can create. Okay, spirituality, where were we last time we talked? We were dealing with the spiritual side of guides and the development of the gentle prodding, the gentle directional control. The slow, gentle guiding hence the term guides, ability of a guide. Okay, now having talked to my grandmother and she again is very hesitant and reticent to give us any definite yes or no's because of the nature of her monastic life and the nature of the business that she’s in or as she put it, the nature of the beast, there are certain things that she obviously would not disclose to us. 

(Kiri and Karra's grandmother is a nun high up in the mountains of Sirius and communicates with guides and those on the other side as needed)

Kiri: but guides seem to serve more than just coaxing and pointing and advising and prodding for action or a particular pathway, there is almost a symbiotic relationship between the host or the guidee from the guide. But yes, one does need the other, it is a mutual symbiotic relationship that both have. Certainly there are times where a guide will gain as much knowledge and experience from one individual and move on to another or where an individual no longer is cooperative or manipulative to the actions of a guide. There has to be a certain amount of similarity and personal behaviors between a guide and the guidee. This is because if you have two totally, radically, different personalities, they cannot work together for a mutual beneficial advancement. So that a guide that is temporally there as an antagonistic influence is there purely to push somebody in an opposite direction at the request of another guide so that the antagonistic nature forces the person to go in the direction that the guide that is more permanent wishes that individual to go by using the antagonistic attitude of a guide that has a more opposite attitude and persona than the person being guided. I can see that's opened up a can of worms.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: okay…..

Russ: is signs of guiding others in our physical world a sign that we’ll be a good guide or a guide in our afterlife?

Kiri: not necessarily, not necessarily. Sometimes guides are purely working with just the living, that is all they are interested in, that is all that they need to learn. There are guides that as you progress and become older are more both. So it really depends on the individual. There are incidences where guides will hand over at the point of departure from one group of guides to another group of guides but a majority of it is as you progress later into life you have guides that are there for the crossover, for the departure.

Russ: I don’t think I got that question right, maybe reword it maybe. If for example I like working with someone in like a school kid or something for example……

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I want to help them out to learn how to become a better adult and so on and so forth or I go to retirement homes and help out the elderly and maybe teach them various skills like computers or something like that, is this a sign that when I die, I would naturally progress toward being a guide for someone who is living?

Kiri: not necessarily, not necessarily. You could be setting yourself up for that certainly but there again you could also be equally be giving a gift of knowledge.

Russ: like the pilot part that we were discussing.

Kiri: uh-huh but actually doing it physically.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: whilst being able to do it more strongly than if you were in a guiding capacity.

Russ: I see.

Kiri: oh I got to watch both of those, the one about the World War II pilot and…..

('A Guy Named Joe')

Russ: oh, oh, oh, 'Always' and the whatever one Mark was talking about….

Kiri: yeah I got to watch both of them.

Russ: how did you like 'Always'?

Kiri: it was okay, I like the one a little better.

Russ: really?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: hmm, I haven’t seen of other one so I can't tell you.

Kiri: it has more meaning, it’s more out to save a life.

Russ: oh, I really like Richard Dreyfuss so....

Kiri: uh-huh, I thought he was funny but it’s a little bit confusing in spots how they portray the guide of a guide.

Russ: oh you mean....yeah what's that lady’s name where?....yeah right, I got it.

Kiri: uh-huh, the time, it gives a distortion of time.

Russ: right.

Russ: and as such we don’t really have much of that concept to look back on our history like when we talk about the pyramids being built at an earlier age and such....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: we have no way how to really grasp how many tens of thousands of years have passed since even the earliest known parts of Egypt. 

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: yeah. 

Russ: even the pharaohs, the pharaohs whole time period, incomprehensible for us to really even grasp much less you even try to shoot for the dinosaurs.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: well what do they figure, 5,000 years? For the Pharaohs?

Russ: yeah.

Skip: some 5,000 years?

Russ: right. For me, I can’t think that far back but yet here were talking about instances in civilizations rising up 10,000 years ago which is twice that.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I can’t grasp that kind of time span.

Kiri: well the thing is that when you don’t have the long life expectancy, yeah a hundred years is a long time, a thousand years is a hell of a long time. For us, that's like 10,000 years. To look back on a race that is 10,000 years old, that is a long time for us. A thousand years, the average life expectancy is somewhere between 850 to 900 years, that’s a long time for you, for us, it’s a lifetime.

Skip: yeah, for us it’s incomprehensible.

Russ: yeah, we can’t think that far.

Skip: we can’t think that far because we’re talking about our lifespan is one tenth of that amount.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: we're like candles burning brightly.

Skip: and they go out quicker.

Russ: and they go out quicker.

Kiri: which yeah brings us back to the Sirian problem of the dwelling, the thinking because we do have the time and to us time is a concept of, "well, we've got between 850 to 900 years, no hurry, why hurry?" And that takes that in itself is a problem whereas for you the other problem is that you don’t have enough time to achieve everything.

Skip: we're racing around to get it done.

Kiri: uh-huh, which is something that happens to us later in life when we realize that time is starting to run short. Yeah by being a race that is known for its dwelling and contemplating, it’s certainly been a problem for us. It’s something that until I think we as a race address that problem, we won’t progress higher. That for us is our learning lesson in the sixth dimension whereas yours is learning to be spiritually active in a third dimension, the sixth dimension is definitely learning to realize that there is a time where you do have to hurry and a time where you don’t have to hurry or it is a matter of finding that equal balance whereas for you, you don’t have that 850, 900 years leeway time, you have at most maybe a hundred, a 110 years.

Russ: that’s what I like about these channeling sessions, is that we're both helping each other grasp those concepts because we're in so much interaction we're working with here plus our twin soul mind linkup that we have of course helps us immensely.

Kiri: oh immensely yes but for us our guides are just as aware of the time difference and the dwelling difference. For us they are of a much higher frequency than are for you. So that the development is very different for our guides as opposed to your guides.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: now if you take somebody that lives in the now, in the moment, take for example Sarah. She lived very much once she was free and realized what was going on, she lived in the now. She knew there was the possibility of no tomorrow and the past had been so radically altered and changed for her, that it was very difficult for her to look to the future so she lived in the now. One of the problems that if you look at people of great age in our planet and on your planet, let me take a couple steps backwards here for a second. First of all, a new child or a child lives in the tomorrow, always in the tomorrow. There is no past for a child, everything that has happened in the past is hearsay for that child so it lives in the now and the tomorrow. As you get older, there is a past so you draw a little bit in the past of the good old days or, "remember when we were younger, remember this?" But you also live in the now and the future because tomorrow you have to get up and go to work and take care of the necessary needs for tomorrow. But as you get progressively older, it becomes more of the past than the future and the now until finally and especially if you have a life expectancy of a race such as ours, you dwell a lot in the past. If you take somebody such as our sleeping tree (Treebeard), he lives a lot in the past but still has the one important thing that keeps him going of the quest for knowledge.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: I mean there is more of yesterday for him then there is of tomorrow.

Skip: I think that same thing holds true with our 3-D existence.

Kiri: uh-huh, it is something that is very common in any species that has a mortality factor that when you reach the point of that you no longer desire to learn, you no longer desire to proceed with tomorrow, then it is certainly the start of the time to depart. As long as you keep looking to tomorrow and the now, certainly dwelling in the past is good because from the past, what do you learn?

Skip: the experience…..

Kiri: keeps you alive.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: you know that if you go outside after showering on a cold winter's day, you’re going to get sick, you may even die on a really cold day.

Skip: I have a question darling.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: a person that has passed their halfway point in their particular existence….

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: if they continue to teach, they're also learning correct?

Kiri: that’s correct.

Skip: and by doing that, they're prolonging their own existence.

Kiri: uh-huh. Now Skip, here’s a question, do you think you’ve passed your halfway point?

Skip: yeah I'd say so.

Kiri: maybe you haven’t, maybe you're going to live to be a 130.

Skip: well it’s not likely but it’s possible.

Kiri: it’s possible, it’s possible, you don’t know. 

Skip: no I don't.

Kiri: you could defy all the odds and live to be a 130.

Skip: oh yeah.

Russ: medical science comes around and gives you a new cure to extend your lifetime.

Skip: rejuvenate me (laughs).

Kiri: exactly, exactly. You honestly can’t say that you've have passed the halfway point.

Skip: well in our current existence and current beliefs and current scientific revelations, yes I have passed my halfway point.

Kiri: no, you may have, you may have. You may actually live to be 130.

Skip: well like I say, it’s possible

Kiri: it’s possible so you don’t really know.

Skip: no I don’t know, there’s no way of me knowing.

Kiri: exactly.

Skip: but I consider myself past halfway okay?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: that doesn’t mean I’m going to kick off tomorrow, I don’t mean it that way.

Kiri: no but you can always keep on telling yourself, “maybe I am going to live to be 130.

Skip: well I figure about 130.

Kiri: think of the wonderful things that you could see, think of the wonderful things that you could teach, think of the experiences.

Skip: well darling, actually I never thought I'd make it to 30 let alone 130. 

Kiri: well there you go, you see? Okay but what I’m…..

Skip: yeah I understand.

Kiri: is that we really don’t know. I mean you could honestly live to be 130 or 140 so therefore you cannot say that you’ve passed your halfway point.

Skip: well even at 130, I’ve got to the halfway point.

Kiri: uh-huh, not quite.

Skip: well right…..

Kiri: yeah just over.

Skip: yeah, just...

Kiri: okay, 140. You don't know, you don't know.

Skip: you keep stretching it out there baby.

Kiri: you really don’t know.

Skip: no I don’t know, no nobody does.

Kiri: maybe you have enough Sirian blood to make it to 850? Wouldn't that be a shock? 

(from a life with Kiri prior to this one)

Russ: well now here’s a concept, the fact that we do die and reborn and die and reborn, we really are immortal so time difference as far as that goes is something we have to take into the fact that well this is merely our current period of awareness but we’ve got more current periods of awareness ahead of us forever and ever and ever.

Kiri: yes exactly but the thing is that the condition of the third dimension is you don’t remember the past.

Skip: that’s it exactly, see we have no concept of what happened in our past.

Kiri: occasionally you see glimpses in dreams or emotions and thoughts and so on.

Skip: right but we can’t continue.

Kiri: no.

Skip: in other words, when we lay aside this body or existence or whatever, this lifetime and go to the next one, we can’t continue experience wise into the next life.

Kiri: no you can’t.

Skip: we can’t take it with us.

Kiri: no unfortunately.

Skip: our knowledge, our experience, our education. We do take parts of it, don’t misunderstand me.....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: it’s just like we talked about this before a couple years ago I believe.....

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: where did I get my mechanical ability?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: my dad couldn’t…didn't know one end of a screwdriver or hammer from the other. My mother was not a mechanic, she was a farmer.

Kiri: uh-huh, no short term memory loss there is there?

Skip: yeah, where did I get my mechanical ability to walk into any situation, take it apart, repair it, put it back together and make it work?

Kiri: uh-huh. 

Russ: well the point is our memories are locked inside of us.

Skip: well true but you still can’t call them up.

Russ: but I wonder if somehow, someday we'll be able to figure out a way to do so to where you’re born, you get to a certain age and suddenly they put you in a machine, the machine reawakens all your memories from your past and suddenly you’ve got all this experience and you go on to the next part like the Dalai Lama.

Skip: the only way that I could foresee that becoming into an existence would be to record your memories from your particular body before you schuck it off.

Russ: yeah but how do you get them back once you come forward?

Skip: well they’d have to be recorded and this has been science fiction for many years about recording a person’s memories and experiences and replacing them in that person when they come into existence again but you would have to know where that person is going to go in their next existence.

Russ: right that’s the trick.

Kiri: uh-huh, that's the trick.

Skip: that’s their trick.

Russ: thus the Dalai Lama like I mentioning, that’s how they do it.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: they find, they have all these tests to find where that person…

Skip: has gone to.

Russ: incarnates into in his next life and then that person is given a certain amount of or given certain rituals that he goes through to reawaken those memories and then he remembers all those other past lives as Dalai Lamas to aid him in this life now.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: okay.

Skip: thank you sweetheart.

Kiri: no problem, I’ll be back. Don’t forget, I’ve got the tight shorts on and the waistcoat and the whip and the tall hat.

Russ: good.