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(Omal explains Comet Lee and its gravitational quirks such as one that had initiated a rumor that it would become a possible second moon which he shoots down. He has some information for us about some of the other comets such as the one that caused the 1909 Tunguska blast.) 

Omal: okay, let us answer questions on a general basis.

Russ: okay.

Skip: go ahead Russ.

Russ: on a general basis, we have reports coming in recently from NASA and various websites about something called Comet Lee.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: which apparently was discovered recently by a gentleman named Professor Lee and it's supposed to be coming in our close orbit coming up in August and lasting pretty much through the early 2000. But a lot of secrecy is going on behind this where a lot of the data about tracking it has all been put under a nice military security seal that is having trouble getting......

Omal: ahhh, I see where you are going with this, continue.

Russ: anyway, a lot of the things that are in conjunction with that that's coming out though is that around the same time in August there is a planetary alignment coming along that is magnetic and plasmic instead of gravitational between Venus, the moon, earth and I think another planet and apparently it's thought that it might be caught by either Venus or the moon's gravitational fields and set it up as another moon of ours or something a little worse.

Omal: I can see where you're going very clearly with this. Setting up as another moon would be detrimental. We've been tracking it for some time, you might of heard vague references to astronomical phenomena over the past few channeling sessions. The other option is one that the path looks like it will be close. Now close in astronomical terms is approximately a million miles. I estimate it's going to be close more in the region of two million miles, which means that you'll be in for some spectacular sunsets and maybe some interesting meteor strikes. However, the course at the moment due to gravitational fields is a little erratic and a deviation of more than 1% in either direction can throw the calculations off. As it passes closer towards your sun and the magnetic discharges occurring and the gravitational effects occurring, it wobbles in its path. Now it depends in which direction the wobble occurs when it gets closer to your planet, it depends on the outcome. However, Comet Lee is not a new comet as as was the previous one that was Hale-Bopp. Hale-Bopp had only made a few cycles past your planet. This one has made quite a few but not as many as Haley's Comet or any of the other more recent comets that have been by recently. It has an elliptical orbit of I should say approximately a million years. So therefore it has made probably about 20 or 30 orbits which means that it is considerably smaller than it once was however depending on the convergent path depends on the effect that it will have. As comets go, this is a medium-sized comet, it is nothing spectacular as was Hale-Bopp that was approximately 25 miles. This is more in the region of about 5 miles. To give you an idea, Haley's Comet is about 2 1/2 miles. Those are medium-sized comets. There are comets that you no longer see because have burnt out and they have a cycle of four years, or one that has four years. So therefore comets are in varying sizes from a few hundred yards across to many miles across. The age suggests the size, the smaller the older, the more trips that it has made around your solar system or around your sun. So Comet Lee could present an interesting problem depending on its wobble. Depending on how close it approaches depends on the meteor strikes that will follow. A meteor strike from a passing comet was responsible for the 1909 Tunguska blast. This is the kind of effect a piece can have. However with the tracking that you have, you will have enough warning to be able to perceive the dangers and the fallout that may occur. However there is nothing that we can do about it and I would not worry about something that you have no control over.

Russ: true. I'll go watch the video "Armageddon" again.

Omal: I'm not familiar with the end of the world.

Russ: comet strikes the earth.

Omal: ah would that not be a little bit of poetical justice?

Russ: aye, it would.