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(Omal helps us understand better the Hale-Bopp comet that the companion that was reported traveling with it is actually a gravity field being generated by the comet itself due to it being 25 miles long.) 

Russ: all right, let's see. Oh yes, Hale-Bopp comet.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now apparently there is a companion along with that.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and there is some spiritual implications about the companion, I wonder if I could get some information or insight into this?

Omal: there is no companion.

Russ: oh there isn’t?

Omal: there is none.

Russ: okay, what is exactly happening with the Hale-Bopp Comet?

Omal: it is a very large comet.

Russ: okay.

Omal: it is approximately 25 miles across, it is on a path that makes it appear to have a companion. It is behaving a little unusual due to the fact of its very size.

Russ: oh, so in other words it’s just creating some strange gravimetric affects?

Omal: basically yes.

Russ: I see.

Omal: you have a very dense solid object that is 25 miles across in space and what is it going to do? It will generate its own gravity field.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: very weak but it will generate it.

Russ: now it’s already passed by?

Omal: no.

Russ: not yet.

Omal: not yet.

Russ: and it has no shot at ever getting close to the earth except in a spatial sort of way.

Omal: in a spatial sort of way yes.

Russ: and will we cross through its tail then?

Omal: yes.

Russ: and what will happen at that point?

Omal: what normally happens?

Russ: not a lot?

Omal: meteors, lots of beautiful meteors.

Russ: hmmm, because of the breakup of the comet.

Omal: because of the dust particles that are given off.

Russ: ahhh okay, so it's going to be more of a light show than anything.

Omal: yes.

Russ: good. All right, well that’s about all I have for this evening.

Omal: okay, thank you.

Russ: thank you Omal.

Omal: live long, prosper, I’ll be back and have a Merry Hogmanay.

Russ: well thank you, you too.