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(Kiri talks about the history of civilizations where she questions the age of the Sphinx and Atlantis. They are brought up to demonstrate civilizations are far older than thought. The vast gulf of years is attempted to be comprehended which brings us to their race and the lifespan they live where the priorities are different.) 

(We have switched speakers and a conversation is taking place prior to Kiri speaking)

Russ: definitely worth studying, phenomena what we do know of from records that have been discovered and civilizations beginning or ending shortly thereafter.

Skip: well from what I understand is astrologers that are studying these stars and what’s going on in the universe are coming up with a lot more history than they have before.

Russ: hmmm, you mean like what place where the stars were at when a civilization was rising or falling?

Skip: yes, yes, yes. See because some of the lights from the stars are still there even though the star is gone because it’s millions and millions of light-years away so the light is still there but the star could possibly be gone.

Russ: hmm, interesting.

Skip: okay? So they're.......with the new computers and new telescopes that are being satellited, they’re coming up with more and more and more continuous.....it’s amazing how much information they're coming up with. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Kiri: oh that’s quite all right, quite all right. Actually you brought up a very good point that I happen to have a little bit of an interest in……you’re going to love this one Russ. There is a theory on your planet that the pyramids are obviously older than they actually are and so is the Sphinx.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: this is because a theory is going around from a tomb that was discovered a little bit earlier than the pyramids that has a landscape picture of the River Nile and overhead is in alignment is the Magellan cloud.

Russ: hmmm.

Kiri: and within the picture of the landscape is a construction, a very early construction of a great pyramid.

Russ: great pyramid?

Kiri: and……

Russ: thought it looked almost like a swampy area too.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: which is definitely not holding up with when the pyramids were said to have been built which would be a dry, deserty area.

Kiri: uh-huh and, if you do the maths and run the computer simulations which has been done, you would find that to have that exact alignment of the Magellan cloud and Orion....or what’s the......Osiris are lined up in the configuration that they have it would be much, much earlier than previously thought, considerably earlier.

Russ: well that would explain the water runoff onto the Sphinx which definitely points to a much wetter climate then when it was built.

Kiri: which puts it at current….

Russ: or survived.

Kiri: wait for the number……..puts it current 12,000 years for that particular alignment to have occurred.

Russ: 12,000 years BC?

Kiri: no, from now.

Russ: from now.

Kiri: well from the eclipse.

Russ: year 10,000.

Kiri: 10,000 BC.

Russ: BC, 10,000 BC was before any known civilization was upon this planet.

Skip: not anymore.

Kiri: uh-uh, Skip’s quite correct.

Skip: not anymore.

Kiri: they now have proof that there was a civilization in Egypt that was developed, very developed 10,000 years ago.

Russ: I hadn’t heard of that yet.

Skip: didn’t they just find…..oh mercy…..I got to stop and think, didn’t they just find a petrified person that is 50,000 years old at right at the present and this was just discovered less than a month ago?

Kiri: it is very possible that they have discovered another one. There was the famous gentlemen discovered in the Alps that was estimated to be 8,000 and had a very extensive herbal knowledge.

Russ: hmmm.

Skip: hmmm.

Kiri: but that was quite a few years ago.

Russ: 50,000, that puts it……

Skip: that puts it way back there.

Russ: so that puts it back at Atlantis.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: pretty close to it, yeah.

Russ: which would be…..that wouldn't be an Atlantian, that would be an indigenous species of the planet at that point.

Skip: yeah because that wasn’t discovered on the coast, any of the coasts, it was discovered inland and I think if I’m not mistaken, it was discovered in North America in Canada.

Russ: well 50,000 years ago, North America was much different than it is now.

Skip: well yeah.

Kiri: there was a land bridge.

Skip: there was no Atlantic.

Russ: oh yeah there was.

Skip: no there wasn’t.

Russ: 10,000 years ago? Sure there was.

Skip: it was part of Europe.

Russ: no it wasn’t Pangaea, Pangaea broke up 50 million years ago.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: oh a lot longer ago than that.

Skip: okay.