(Karra and I get down to
the molecular level as she theorizes on how Mark
makes himself solid on arriving at the base. The trick we deduce is
that he almost simulates a black hole to suck in
enough matter to create a physical body on the
base from his astral form.)
Karra: uh_huh?
Russ: I
have a question for you
Karra: yes.
Russ: this relates back to what
Treebeard and I were talking
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: if you and I are both
molecules that have agreed to come
together as a body, then our
molecules should be....shouldn't
that be something that when I use
my astral ability, is I'm just
taking part of my molecules and
taking them up there right?
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: okay and then what Mark does
is to reassemble them up there
once he gets there.
Karra: and he collects them all as
he arrives.
Russ: right, because he needs
extra. So what is actually going
up there, what part of his
molecules are actually traveling
to Hades Base?
Karra: just his consciousness.
Russ: how may molecules does that
Karra: you want it in a specific
Russ: no, I'm just kind of curious
is if there is a specific number
or if there is like an amount.
Karra: if you were to measure it,
it would probably weigh maybe
about 16 to 20 ounces.
Russ: oh really?
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: wow, that's a lot.
Karra: uh hmm but it takes up a
very little space or it can be
spread out.
Russ: interesting, okay.
Karra: hmmm, actually that....hear
me through on the thought process
for a second.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay, if Mark travels up
here and is in his normal form but
just in the consciousness, then
that would be very dispersed. But,
if he compacted it,
ohhhh.......this may be a lesson
for him too. If he compacts it to
a very tight, tight pin size,
Russ: less energy is used.
Karra: less energy is used and it
attracts more matter and
Russ: sort of like a black hole
kind of thing?
Karra: uh-hmm, but in miniature.
Russ: I see.
Karra: so as it spreads as it
collects more matter together and
molecules, it grows to his full
170 pounds.
Russ: so in other words, he could
Karra: that's how he does it.
Russ: and he could propel that
faster if he was compacting it
Karra: uh-hmm. I think that's how
he does it you know, is makes a
solid jump.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: he compacts it and creates
a small little gravity well which
sucks in matter and energy.
Russ: I see what you mean.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm, so in other words, he
can take molecules that are just
dust laying on the floor and all
of a sudden you have this clean
spot on the floor and a full Mark.
Karra: yes, I'd have to watch
Russ: that'd be interesting.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now how does the
consciousness know enough to be
able to reassemble itself
and.....oh yeah because it's just
a basic cloning process.
Karra: uh-hmm and it's Mark.
Russ: yeah, so Mark knows...so
actually because it's that 18 to
20 grams of molecules.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: they all know the original.
You could have just one...well a
bit more.
Karra: no you need the
consciousness, one would not make
up a consciousness.
Russ: so it's a group
consciousness. What about the
molecules he pulls in from up
there? Do they suddenly become
part of that group consciousness?
Karra: they become under the
control of that group
Russ: oh I see, and when he leaves
what happens to them?
Karra: they return back to their
original state.
Russ: so all of a sudden
somebody's got to go out and clean
the dust up after he leaves.
Karra: well the molecules are
floating around all over the
place. For example, there is a big
chunk of molecules.
Russ: oh okay, I see what you
Karra: yeah molecules are
Russ: that's right, because air is
made up of molecules.
Karra: uh-huh. So when he pulls
them all together, he creates
himself in duplicate.
Russ: so when I go there, I'm more
spread out and dispersed.
Karra: uh-hmm.
Russ: now what would happen if I
try to compress myself down to a
pin size?
Karra: you may create that
gravitational well. But, you've
got to remember that when Mark
first did it, what almost
Russ: he almost died, well he got
almost thrashed.
Karra: uh-hmm, and he was even
then a very experienced astral
Russ: oh yeah, that's right. Still
I could take it down to a less
compact size or a more compact
Karra: uh-hmm, which you have done
in the past.
Russ: yeah which I have done in
the past. But that's the key
though, that's what I'm not doing
now is I'm not compressing it down
Karra: uh-hmm, let's say we reduce
it by three quarters.
Russ: okay.
Karra: and let the matter fill in
the rest. Either you will be a
quarter your normal height, or...
Russ: well, our kids would sure
have a good time with that.
Karra: uh-hmm, somebody their own
size to play with. Even a little
shorter than that.
Russ: a little shorter than that
actually yeah.
Karra: uh-huh...the Cubs may have
a time to play with you.
Russ: okay I see, yeah take it
down to a quarter size, now would
that possibly though attract other
molecules just because I am
getting smaller?
Karra: hopefully, hopefully.
Russ: hopefully right. That would
be something just to practice
without astral traveling though,
just use a mental amount to
compress my consciousness just
sitting around.
Karra: uh-huh,
Russ: hmm, interesting......okay.
Karra: hmm, that would explain why
he doesn't have the nicks, cuts
and scratches because he's not
cloning himself totally.
Russ: right.
Karra: but down there he has the
cuts and scratches and nicks and
cuts that he normally has.
Russ: uh-huh.