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(Tia discusses the different types of astral travelers and astral travel using myself and Mark as examples of the two extremes in abilities. We also talk about ways to improve the skill she plans to set down in channeled tapes focused only on astral travel.) 

Russ: okay so what's the schedule for this evening? Meta-concert and astral projection I believe.

Tia: uh-huh but we might do an abbreviated one this evening due to the lack of....

Russ: participants?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: no problem.

Tia: okay I will put on........no I won't, I've been told to fill.

Russ: oh, so we'll do astral projection first?

Tia: seems like it. But first of all, yeah.......

Russ: first of all?

Tia: yes, that's the way we will be doing....hold on........okay, well what we will do first of all is we will ask Johnny, have you ever astral traveled?

John: no, I haven't.

Tia: uh-huh. Have you ever had the feeling of floating out of your body?

John: in dreaming but not in a waking state that I can recall.

Tia: okay, have you ever thought you have seen yourself from a different vantage point?

John: dreaming yes but not waking that I can recall right off the top of my head.

Tia: so you are not then an natural talented astral traveler?

John: I really don't know. I don't think so, I don't know if I can develop it or I really don't know.

Tia: well we could try a few experiments. We have a astral travel tape which is.....I've done better.

John: so I should listen to the tape, is that you're saying?

Tia: well we will redo the tape at a nearer time. Ummm yep, that's what we will do. We will re-record the tape and I will do it in a much more stable environment then and also have a technician available that knows the hand signals.

Russ: that's me.

Tia: yes, that's why I'm looking at you.

John: oh okay, I understand.

Tia: yeah.

John: so Russ would be the technician in this?

Tia: that's correct.

Russ: right.

John: okay, I understand.

Russ: right, we tried it the other night but I had to leave to go pick up Erica because we kind of ran over a little bit and so I wasn't able to do the technician work but we got the music part done that I wasn't able to be here for the actual taping of the...

Tia: yeah.

John: oh okay, is that what you and Mark were working on upstairs?

Russ: right, that's what we were working on, well that's what me and Tia were working on.

John: right, right exactly yeah okay.

Tia: I mean if I was to score it out of one through 10, I would give it a three.

Russ: yeah, Kiri's was much better and that was done on way worse equipment.

Tia: yes it was but yeah I had a very good, passable technician at the time.

Russ: I love you too baby.

Tia: yes okay, now then, astral travel. As we are lacking the one particular person that I wanted to discuss it with......

John: would that be Skip?

Tia: no that would be Ryan.

John: oh I see.

Tia: yes I did have a whole load of notes and information for him on astral travel to aid him in increasing his ability. But as he seems to have wandered off in his own little planetoid, well not to worry. We can work on that with Ryan at a later time. But in the meantime, Mr. semi-astral traveler here......

Russ: that's me.

John: why do you refer to him as a semi-astral traveler?

Tia: I'm pulling his.........one of his bipedal devices.

Russ: it's due to the fact that I do not consciously separate my astral body from my physical body.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I have more of a, how would you call it?

Tia: conscious experience.

Russ: conscious experience, I project just my sight to Hades Base.

Tia: and sometimes his astral form.

Russ: and sometimes my astral form and can make babies but....

Tia: yes when Mark comes up here, he's very real. He can grab things, he can plug things in, he can make tea, he can make all sorts of things.

John: right and now Russ doesn't have that ability?

Russ: no I've had cups fall out of my hands, crash on the floor, break.

Tia: and I've had to clean it up.

Russ: big messes. I have to be careful handling children.

John: you could drop them? Because you're not fully solid?

Russ: fully there, right yeah. I'm more ghostlike, I waver in and out.

John: is there something that you're doing to refine your technique or anything?

Russ: we're working on that. Tia's helping me with that.

Tia: yes we spend a lot of time discussing various techniques and we keep on trying different techniques and going back over old techniques and blending them with different things and Russ is one of those elusive problems. However, astral travel is not for everybody. Russ is a much stronger healer than an astral traveler.

John: right.

Tia: far stronger, as are you but that's not really my department, I'm an astral traveler with PK.

John: okay but Mark is, he's got a natural ability to astral travel? Do I have this correct?

Tia: that's correct. He has it in vast quantities and also he is border point speed of thought which has surprised a few people, including himself I think.

John: and it's an individual thing where different people have, are able to progress to different levels?

Tia: that's correct. There are some people that will progress, let's say that they can travel vast distances, not just thousands of miles but millions or billions and hundreds if not thousands of light years and that's as far as they will progress. And there are some people that can hop between dimensions and that is as far as they will progress. And there are other people do have to go and deal with cups of tea.

Russ: and that's as far as I'll progress.

Tia: uh-huh but there are other people again that can hop through to a different dimension and make themselves as solid as they are on their own dimension and those people unfortunately pay a very heavy price. But alas, Russ might not be one of those that can make that jump because being a healer, he is concerned with his body and his well-being. You see?

John: yes, yeah. This is all new to me so I appreciate your patience.

Tia: uh-huh, now there are certain side effects from astral traveling. Acute hearing, being very sensitive to touch, being almost fanatic on personal cleanliness, all sorts of interesting side effects. Most common is acute hearing, Russ will tell you that his hearing has become sharper.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: I believe Mark's is painfully sharp. Would that be the right way to describe it?

Russ: yeah, he doesn't like rock concerts that much.

(referring to a Pink Floyd concert Mark and I attended)
Tia: no (chuckles) but Kiri loves rock concerts and she's not an astral traveler. I have naturally acute hearing because of my feline ancestry and again I don't like loud noise either.

Russ: now Tia.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: another thing I was noticing was the correlation that the physical body is like a house for our consciousness.......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and that that's what the consciousness lives in but the astral body is sort of like a car that we use to cruise to elsewhere.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now would seeing a visualization like that perhaps sharpen focus or help with the transition between physical to astral body?

Tia: we will try that, we will try you visualizing you as a automobile.

Russ: or something, just getting into something to travel maybe?

Tia: uh-huh, how about a space capsule?

Russ: sort of.

Tia: yeah some kind of pod.

Russ: that might be easier.

Tia: yeah so you could pretend that you're a specimen in this pod.

Russ: well good. All right, well it's just a thought.

Tia: (speaks Durondedunn.)

Russ: who you're talking to?

Tia: there's a cat hovering around out there. Can't you hear her?

Russ: uh-uh. Okay, we'll give that a go. Alright now then for Johnny.....

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: if he wanted to practice something like astral projection, how would he start?

Tia: okay what we will do is we would talk you through it. We would do a very clear, precise recording of step-by-step that would get you up out of your body, get you nice and relaxed, up out of your body and just let you cruise around and get used to the feeling. And that is the purpose of the first astral travel tape that we did.

Russ: now one thing I'm having trouble with the astral travel tape when we......

Tia: yes, that loud part.

Russ: well no, no, that's not the problem I had.

Tia: and also Pink Floyd?

Russ: no, that wasn't the problem either.

Tia: I thought you had a problem with that?

Russ: no, no, no that's not it, I was just discussing. What I had was where you get to the point after you go through all the breathing exercises and you turn off all the switches, you then say, "okay, now gently lift up out of your body" right?

Tia: uh-huh, you want a more descriptive term on how to lift up out of your body?

Russ: well not everybody can just lift up out of their body no matter how relaxed they are such as me for example.

Tia: well by going lighter and lighter and lighter, makes you feel lighter and lighter and lighter until you're slowly and gently moving out of your body. Even that you're not aware of it.

Russ: right but that only works if you have a natural ability to do so anyway like Mark does.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now for some of us like myself who don't have that natural ability and have to work to get to that point.

Tia: well that's why we suggest listening to the tape many, many times.

Russ: well that's what I was suggesting, maybe if you were to say something like visualize yourself lifting up out of your body?

Tia: I suppose I could do that but the way that it's done is for maximum effect. You see most people know that feeling of floating free of their body. Even Johnny knows that feeling from his dreams, correct?

John: yes.

Tia: so you are, you know what it feels like and when you reach that point that your body feels like it's floating free, in actual fact it is floating free.

Russ: oh I see what you are talking about.


Russ: okay, that makes sense.

Tia: so by floating to that point on the tape that you're floating free, that's where you slowly and gently rise up. Arise, rise, rise, rise.

Russ: okay.

Tia: so therefore it is necessary to do a more refined recording with a technician available because this next tape that we do will be part one or tape one. And then on the other side we will do tape two which will talk you through it again and it will be more of a directional tape.

Russ: will it take you to Hades Base?

Tia: no, no. We will do that on tape three which will be a very special, limited edition which will start off with....in fact what I might do is for tape one is to do a little preamble, explaining what astral travel is, tape two I will also do a preamble and tape three will be a limited edition for those people that are ready to travel to Hades Base. We will do a tape four which will talk you through going solid............I did it, I got it open.

(speaks more Durondedunn)

Tia: there's a chronometer here. What happened?

John: oh, it fell off the wall and the battery fell out of it, I've got to replace the battery and hang it back up.

Tia: okay, so there will be numerous tapes, probably four in total which will be two tapes correct?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: which will talk you through the astral travel.

Russ: now will we go ahead and we'll do the preamble and then start the music?

Tia: correct.

Russ: okay.

Tia: in fact we might do some light music in the background for the preamble.

Russ: okay, I got something we can use.

Tia: better not, better not because it will distract.

Russ: oh yeah.

Tia: so you see what I'm saying?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: but by having these four tapes, it's up to you if you use the tapes later on to help other people at a small replacement fee for the tapes.

Russ: okay, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to pick up two 60 minutes.

Tia: yes 60 minutes would work.

Russ: because 45 may be a bit too long.

Tia: yes however for the astral travel tape two.....no, make them 45 because the preamble will take some time.

Russ: oh okay.

Tia: uh-huh. So we will do the preamble. Now the special one, the Hades Base one as I said will be a limited edition which will be directed mainly at those people that want to come to visit us on Hades Base for extra tuition and coaching. And the guinea pig, is that correct?

Russ: yeah.

Tia: will have to report to you by telephone.

Russ: okay.

Tia: you know who that is?

Russ: who, Carrie?

Tia: of course.

Russ: didn't we give her one to Hades Base already?

Tia: I don't recall.

Russ: well I know I've got one to Hades Base, I thought that was a copy we made from hers?

Tia: no, I think that's the master. I don't think we ever sent her one but she doesn't have a device to listen with at the moment.....

Russ: no she doesn't.

Tia: so what we will do, if you two are up for it, is send her a little present of a portable, earphone recording......transmitting.......

Russ: a tape recorder, I'll talk to Mark about it.

Tia: uh-huh with the tape already in there and the batteries saying, "put on and please listen".

Russ: okay and that will be tape three.

Tia: yes.