(Tia gives us some great tips
on increasing the range of our astral
travel trips and how to boost the
focusing ability.)
astral travel. I have my notes
here, nice big pile of them. Okay,
now we have an astral traveler
don't we?
John: uhh yes we do.
Tia: uh-huh, don't be afraid to
talk, I don't bite very often.
Only people that annoy me.
John: you're the astral traveler
here, not me or Skip. She's
referring to you.
Tia: Ryan, Ryan there.
John: and you are talking to a
woman or a female.
Tia: Ryan knows who Tia is, don't
you? Who I am. Okay, now astral
travel, Mark tells me that you can
travel about a 500 mile radius
Ryan: yes.
Tia: uh-huh, and that you've been
experimenting with increasing your
abilities correct?
Ryan: I believe so.
Tia: uh-huh okay now, do you have
questions before I get down to the
technical stuff?
Ryan: no.
Tia: no okay, all right
now........okay let's skip that,
let's go onto that. Okay now then,
your breathing technique, do you
do ten deep and ten shallow or do
you just let yourself drift off?
Ryan: one of each.
Tia: okay so we'll work on
increasing your ability and we'll
give you a framework to work
within that will enhance and
expand your ability. Okay now the
other night you were discussing
with Mark if my memory is correct,
because I was listening, instead
of doing 500 miles, going to
somewhere like the city where the
Bears are? No the Cubs. The Bears,
Cubs? It's a city where a football
team is called the Bears?
John: talking about Chicago or
Ryan: okay.
Tia: and......
John: go ahead speak up because
we're recording this, we need this
for future reference.
Ryan: okay.
John: so speak up.
Ryan: I'll try.
Tia: yeah don't be shy, don't be
shy. I'm the shy one here, I used
to run and hide didn't I?
Skip: uh-huh.
Tia: uh-huh, used to have a hell
of a time getting me to channeling
sessions with people I didn't
know. I used to talk all squeaky
and funny, still do from time to
time. But yeah, okay Mark
suggested Chicago I think. Which
is about 3,000 KM correct?
Skip: 1,500 miles.
Tia: yeah that's about 3,000 I
John: no that be less than 3,000
Tia: well I don't know, they're
your measurements.
Skip: about 1,500 miles.
John: yeah.
Tia: okay.
John: I'd say it would be more
like 2,300 KM? Just off the top of
my head.
Tia: uh-huh okay so that would be
instead of twice as far, that
would be three times as far as you
would want to go and that would
stretch you a little bit too much
I think. Okay now what we suggest
is going back to the breathing is
that you do 10 deep and 10 shallow
and pace them nice and gently so
that you inhale a lot a lot of
oxygen on the first 10 and then
you exhale not as much oxygen on
the 10 shallow. And then I assume
that you feel your body getting
lighter and lighter correct?
Ryan: yes.
Tia: okay and then you just break
free and float up and head off
Ryan: yes.
Tia: okay now to increase your
stamina, what you might try is, do
you drink coffee?
Ryan: no.
Tia: tea?
Ryan: occasionally.
Tia: occasionally, some kind of
stimulant that will keep you more
focused because you have sort of
like a haze around the edges when
you look?
Ryan: uh-huh.
Tia: uh-huh because that should
sharpen it but also exercising
will help to increase your
stamina, not only to your physical
body but to your astral body so
being physically fit also helps
with your astral travel. You ski
Ryan: yes.
Tia: right ski.
Ryan: snowboard.
Tia: oh snowboard. Oh you're one
of those long hair types huh?
Ryan: not yet.
Tia: not yet but you're working on
it. Okay, now with the breathing
technique and the exercise,
exercising......what you can do in
the meantime, is put yourself into
a semi-trance state. Do you know
anything about yoga?
Ryan: no.
Tia: no. Okay now, there's a
position that yogis
recommend......and hold on whilst
I sit Mark up to
demonstrate.....he's wearing a
knee brace, that might make things
entertaining. Okay........okay so
it's not going to go all the way
around but normally you'd bring
your leg underneath here. No it's
not going to go all the way. Now
what you would do is put your
hands out so that they're resting
on the knees right? And just feel
the energy flowing into you right?
And this will make you feel a
little bit lightheaded like you're
about to astral travel. Now what
you're doing is you're charging
your being with energy coming in
from around you so that you
go...(breaths in and
out).....inhale and then exhale.
And then you wait a bit and then
inhale again and exhale. And what
this is doing is charging your
astral form with energy which will
increase your radius and range. It
will also increase your lung
capacity which means that it would
help with the exercises as well.
Do you have any questions at this
Ryan: no.
Tia: okay.
(the phone rings and the
conversation has been edited out)
Tia: yes okay so by doing the
breathing routines, that will help
increase the energy flow within
your being and charge your astral
body and increase your lung
capacity to your physical body. So
by increasing the energy, you can
actually travel a further
distance. Now have you got any
particular problems with astral
traveling like maintaining focus?
Ryan: yeah.
Tia: okay, now what we can do to
help you is if you pick an object
right? Let's say the bookcase
there, you see the bookcase and
keeping your eyes open, what you
do is without touching it you
imagine all the books disappearing
off of there and then you imagine
whilst keeping your eyes open and
looking at the bookcase with the
books on it you imagine it being
without books and then you imagine
what you want to put on there.
Let's say you want to put on
little, tiny, miniature trees or
little, tiny, miniature buildings.
You visualize those there instead
of seeing the books there and that
will help you to focus mentally
and how it does this is it's
sharpening your mind to the
perception that you have when you
astral travel. Or what you can do
as another helpful technique is
instead of traveling a great
distance right? Is traveling into
the next room and putting an
object, let's say a book right?
And a book with a picture on the
front and you go and have look at
the picture and you keep
concentrating on that picture and
then when you come back right? You
write down what you saw on the
book and then you go and check and
this will help you with your
Ryan: okay.
Tia: okay? Any questions? Come on
you must have one question. No?
Ryan: no.
Tia: hmm, okay let's proceed with
the next part. Okay now when you
start to travel over the 750 KM,
is that correct?
Skip: uh-huh.
Tia: 500 miles.
John: close enough.
Tia: yeah close enough, who wants
to argue? Yes Johnny?
John: I'm all done, we'll talk
Tia: okay, now over the 500 miles
in the circle that you do, what
you can do is if you have a map of
the continental USA, you get one
of those things with points on it
and a pencil and you do a circle
let's say that is 800 miles right?
And you pick a town and you travel
to that town. Now the first time
that you do that it will be a
strain. Mark suggested doubling
the distance, I suggest doing it
in little increments because that
way instead of stretching yourself
hard, you stretch yourself a
little bit. And you pick a town
let's say it's somewhere in
Montana? And you pick the town of
Missoula, is that correct?
Missoula, Missoula?
Skip: Missoula.
John: Missoula Montana.
Tia: yeah that's the place.
Missoula right, you pick that town
and you astral travel to it. Now
if my memory's correct, that is
the capital of that state right?
Skip: no.
Tia: it's not?
Skip: Helena.
Tia: okay Helena will do. They're
pretty close together anyway, or
they look so on a map, I never
been to either of them. You pick
the capital right? You astral
travel to the capital. Now you
don't need to go off and look at
pictures and stuff like Mark
suggested because I have
confidence in your ability. I see
it in your aura that you're an
astral traveler right? And you
travel to it, you see what you see
and you come back. Now you will be
tired so if you want to take a nap
you're welcome to. Also I suggest
is that you keep a journal of your
trips when you do the stretching
trips where you increase your
ability. Now how it helps you in
your everyday life is it gives you
much more focus on what you want
to do. It gives you an objective
and it affects everything else
that you do that you get more of
an objective.......it gives you
somewhere to aim for and it makes
your life more focused that you
can direct your energies better,
it increases your concentration
level, it increases your mental
processing abilities so that you
can think and decide much quicker.
Do you have any questions now? No?
Okay well I'm going to step out
for a few and I'm going to put the
next person in. And don't worry, I
don't bite.
John: yes you do.