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(Tia goes over Mark’s astral travel process of going within and expand on the method by explaining how she uses a modified version of that. The trick we find out is in making the mind a house that the traveler descends into to complete the separation.) 

Tia: okay, what are we going to talk about?

Russ: ahh, astral projection.

Tia: okay, it brings up a nice little problem doesn't it?

Russ: with.....(Ed. notes: name has been edited out)

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: it's important that she starts to get coaching and lessons. Because.....

Russ: she has to want coaching and lessons.

Tia: uh-huh, she has to want first of all and she's going to run into some problems otherwise. You want to know why?

Russ: umm.

Tia: because A, she can't shield, she read through that thing briefly and didn't understand it. B, she's going to try for the simple reason that Mark made a slight goof in his statement.

Russ: what did he say?

Tia: he said, "most people, couple hundred miles is nice but that's a walk in the park for me." She is going to want to do better. She's that kind of person isn't she?

Russ: true.

Tia: that's going to cause problems.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: it's an honest mistake. He just wanted to state that there is the levels and the fact that he is good and a good teacher and he is a good teacher, it's just that he made....didn't estimate her properly. She's a good girl and that's the problem.

Russ: she's an over achiever I suppose in certain areas.

Tia: she's a good girl. You know what I mean by that.....

Russ: uh-uh.

Tia: she's not an adult.

Russ: ahh.

Tia: she is still a little girl. Which brings me up to some interesting things but let's get back to your questions on astral travel.

Russ: okay, astral travel. Now Mark mentioned earlier about him going into his mind.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now is that one point of his astral travel ability that he uses?

Tia: yeah, it's kind of retreating within himself to analyze things. Shuts down basically all external input.

Russ: now how's he shut down the external inputs?

Tia: basically he goes into a state which is near to astral travel or his level of astral travel.......it's kind of like meditation you know?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: and it's a great way of looking within yourself and analyzing things. I do it, I do it in a different way.

Russ: what do you do?

Tia: basically what I do is I go outside, check myself and then I retreat within. He just goes from where he is deeper and deeper inside. What I do is I check to make sure everything is safe for me and then I retreat within myself, going deeper within my body. That's in essence is very similar to what Mark does apart from he just goes....pulls himself in and in and in and tends to either sit or lie very still.

Russ: hmmm.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and then how do you go out?

Tia: out? How do you mean?

Russ: you're inside and then you have to go outside again?

Tia: no, I just come back up like an escalator.....elevator. I just go back through and I check everything as I come back up and I'm back to being bubbly and cheerful.

Russ: so it's a little matter of being serious at first.

Tia: yes, it's not joking around or anything.

Russ: right.

Tia: it's a state of mind. It's very, very easy to do and quite a lot of people do it without realizing but to do it properly, to be able to go within and deep think without any external input, to be alone in a crowded room where all the noise is suddenly gone and you're sitting in the crowded room but you're not there. You're deep, deep within yourself.

Russ: that's probably why I have so much troubles, I don't go within myself........

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I try to go outside myself.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so I'm not shutting everything down.

Tia: yeah. It's kind of like being in a big house right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: and you wander outside, you wander around the house and everything's fine and dandy and then you go inside the house and you close the door and then you go up to your room and you close the door and then you get into the bed and pull the bedclothes over you and lay down and close your eyes. But you see what's happening in that analogy?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: you closed the front door, you close the door to your bedroom, you close yourself off with the bedclothes over you, you close your eyes.

Russ: yeah, it's like going to sleep but you're not actually going to sleep.

Tia: that's right and the doors are signifying closing things, going each level within yourself. Okay you're now in an enclosed house when you close the front door right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: you go up the stairs into your room, you close the door, you're within an enclosed room. You pull the bedclothes over you, you're now enclosed in your bed and then you close your eyes and you're enclosed within your mind.

Russ: well that's a good little astral travel tip, probably add in the "how to".

Tia: uh-huh. But that's kind of going within yourself.

Russ: well that's a good idea.

Tia: yeah. Going into a deeper state of meditation instead of sitting there and doing what yogi says......the yogi's say. Take so many deep breaths, so many shallow breaths, hum. Go, "hmmmmmmmmmmm." Create that resonance in the cavities in your skull. Hmmmmmmmmm............nope, doesn't work for me, never brought up that way.

Russ: well yeah, different culture.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: oh good, gives me something to work on really.

Tia: uh-huh.