(Leonedies explains how a
group of people with the same goal form a group
consciousness and that while the individual raises
the consciousness of the group through analyzing,
the group so in turns does the same for the
greetings and felicitations and
welcome. Tonight we're going to
discuss important issues
concerning the evolutionary level
of the mind. It is necessary to
understand the evolutionary level
of the mind as heading in a
particular avenue of.....I'm
Russ: that's all right, mom called
you on that one eh?
Leonedies: yes.
Russ: okay.
Leonedies: it is necessary to
understand that the evolutionary
levels of the mind is a necessary
development of the progress of the
individual. In relationship to the
greater expansion of the mind, it
is necessary to learn patience in
the process to be assimilated by
the developmental level of the
consciousness of the group. The
group consciousness is reflected
in turn in the individual who in
turn returns the complement back
to the group by expanding the
group consciousness into a much
more refined level of
understanding. The level of
understanding is refined further
thus through analysis and internal
debate within the individual. The
individual has a affect on the
large collective consciousness in
the development of a higher
spiritual awareness.
Russ: right.
Leonedies: questions. Did you not
comprehend what I just said, did
Russ: no I do exactly because this
follows right along to what I was
talking about with your mother
(Kiri) concerning assimilating
into a larger group where you do
not, you're the minority.
Leonedies: no, it is not the same,
you are talking of a hostile
environment. I am trying to
explain that on a spiritual level
that an individual can from a
analytic point of view affect the
larger group if it is of the same
consciousness, group
consciousness. The group
consciousness works in conjunction
with the individual's
consciousness to expand itself
plus the individual on a specific
goal that is designed by the group
consciousness. The group
consciousness is avenue is
reflected by the individual's
actions, it is a spiral that is
climbing higher and higher. The
more refined and analytic the
individual, the more refined and
analytical the group
consciousness. The group
consciousness in turn helps to
distill and refine to a
higher-level yet again the
development of the individual. The
individuals work separately but
together with the group.
Russ: okay case in point, the
spiritual web chat that your
father (Mark) talks upon nightly
down here......
Leonedies: uh-huh.
Russ: is this a good example of
what you're working with or
talking about?
Leonedies: no. It is a group of
individuals with a specific goal.
That from what I comprehend does
not have a specific goal apart
from the exchanging of ideas and
information. It is, my references
are to a group of people aiming
for one particular point of like
John: would that be like us doing
the channeling?
Leonedies: yes.
John: all right, and Russ and Mark
and I working towards a survival
type mode.
Leonedies: that is correct.
Working on a survival mode is
something that is necessary for an
expansion of the collective. The
collective of your group of three
may increase. It is necessary for
the collective consciousness
of....what is happening to the
Russ: oh he's got a throat
problem, it's dried up.
Leonedies: ahh okay, I will
compensate. Okay, the collective
consciousness of the group of
three may increase to a higher
number. You are working for a
specific goal of survival,
enlightenment and exchanging of
information for the specific goal
of achieving a higher level of
evolution. In return for this
advancement to a higher level of
evolution, you pay the supplying
information service a necessary
boon of other services for the
development of other groups. The
information that is given to you
by the parent group for your
survival and advancement is
necessary for its own survival.
The necessary levels to attain in
achieving the goals is mutually
beneficial for those purposes. The
purposes in connect........why are
things slow?
Russ: umm, third dimensional.
Leonedies: understand.
Russ: okay so the parent group is
Hades Base.
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: how is it that we are
helping with its survival?
Leonedies: by your understanding
and returning of information.
Russ: why would they need our
Leonedies: because there are
information factors that are not
readily available to the base.
Russ: ahh, so we increase their
information as they increase ours.
Leonedies: correct, that you also
exchange points of view which are
useful for them and they give you
points of view that are useful to
you. It is mutually beneficial
Russ: can they measure the
consciousness of a planet from a
small group like this?
Leonedies: no.
Russ: they need a much larger
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: okay. But we, by working
from our parent group, can work on
that consciousness.
Leonedies: correct.
Russ: I understand.
Leonedies: by your actions within
your primitive Earth
communications and everyday
actions in life and mother, be
(speaking to his mother)
Russ: (laughs) yes I understand.
Leonedies: it is necessary for
your actions to be measured and
done with the best intent. It is
no good charging into actions like
some large horned animal and
smashing lots of different little
ceramic objects. You must weigh
your actions and achieve the goals
that is desired and the results
will return in complement to you.
(speaking to his mother again)
Russ: okay. All right, now best
point of view for achieving that
is the state that we're working on
Leonedies: correct, it is
necessary for you to proceed as
you are. It is wrong for me to say
do this, do that or whatever, you
have to proceed what is suitable
for you and is designed by the
personnel up here on the base.
Russ: because the evolution of the
mind will take place no matter
Leonedies: I am afraid that I
would lack the patience to guide
you. The fact that I lack
experiences on a third dimensional
level that are readily accessible
at this time and what I can access
is old and out of date would serve
no purpose so it's no use asking
me the information that you need.
Russ: obviously but you are part
of the parent group.
Leonedies: in a limited way.
Russ: so you are increasing your
knowledge from your corresponding
with us.
Leonedies: correct, at this time I
am the pupil even though my
intelligence is vastly superior to
yours, I need your lessons to help
me to learn to return the favor.
Russ: understand.
Leonedies: thank you.
Russ: thank you.
John: thank you very much.