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(Tia gives a class on vibrational frequencies affecting the growth of spiritual awareness in a time of social pressure. She also gives out a written assignment for extra credit.) 

Russ: with the earth changes coming up.......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I'm reading something in the "Sedona Journal of Emergence" here that was fairly enlightening on that matter where it explains in a very nice way how you.......how the changes are affecting us in what is basically needed for humanity.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and it goes on like this, "earth changes are indeed a part of this time that has been prophesied and is upon us. It is being called among other things the New Age, the age of Aquarius, the Golden age and the Apocalypse. I will simply say that it is time for humanity to move forward and step fully into the next era. It is also time for earth to move forward vibrationally and it is no coincidence that we're in this cosmic dance together at the same time."

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: "we must in....what must happen in order to experience this new era upon and within the planet is the raising of vibrations of both the earth and her inhabitants. In order to accomplish these changes easily, both parties must be ready and willing and this has not been easy for the most part. To be brief, we could easily say that humanity have chosen the lesser road. To a certain degree we could say that the physical changes that have been experienced recently have been a physical manifestation of the turmoil humanity currently finds itself in. Like it or not, it is a fact that generally humanity will look at the grander scheme only when pushed into it and even then some will not look beyond their own backyards."

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: "so physical changes assist in nudging humanity along and we have part of the next few years to be assured."

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: so that was a good way of putting that as far as nudging humanity along.

Tia: yeah. Well basically that's what we've been saying for some time is that all these events that are occurring are refining and........it's part of evolution.

Russ: well we haven't discussed the vibrational aspects of it and I'd like to do that now if I could.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: the vibrational changes taking place within the earth and its inhabitants.

Tia: well the inhabitants we have covered but we haven't but we haven't put it under the name vibrational frequencies or changes.

Russ: right, I'd just like to put some handles on this a little bit to make it easier for people to understand that have gone through this route.

Tia: okay the vibrational changes are the awareness in spirituality, the cooperative working together, the preparation and the feeling of something is going on. The changes are part of the growth, the evolution or the nudges as you wish to call them. It is a vibrational change in the outlook on existence that things aren't important, certain things aren't important, other things are more important. One or part of the awareness is the fact that they talk about the "me generation". "What about me, what about me?" Okay which is directly after the baby boomers correct?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: and those supposedly are the grab, grab what about me, everything's for me right? And these individuals are part of the holdup in the growth and the change of the frequencies. There are some people in that supposed quote, unquote "me generation" that are very in tune with the spirituality and the changes and the awareness involved within the shift. The.......you see I don't like the terms that they use, these New Age quote not New Age terms. The terms themselves are part of the vibrational changes but they're not new and they're nothing special. They all go to predictions in Revelations, the quatrains of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton.......all these people have made predictions and they talk about the 20th century being the end of an era. And this is not a coincidence that they all say the same thing. And they all talk about fire from the sky, destruction, changes in continental structure, changes in climate and so on. They all say the same thing and it's part of the millennium crises as would be a good phrase. And that in itself helps to change the vibrational frequency, the fact that people are concerned that the world will end with the turning of the millennium. This is a common misconception okay? And it dovetails very carefully with what I'm saying.
