(Karra compares the different
ways of thinking for the various
dimensions such as Sananda, Omal,
herself and myself. We theorize on
Sananda’s motivation for being
incarnated on the 3rd dimension as Jesus
and how he may have foreseen the outcome
it had on our evolution as a race.)
let's talk about
hmmm.....different consciousness',
different ways of thinking.
Russ: okay.
Karra: that seems to be the topic
of tonight. Looking at the way you
think and I think as opposed to
the way Omal thinks. Omal tends to
see things on a much bigger scale
and a much smaller scale which is
very hard and contradictory in my
opinion. You can't look at both
the little picture and the big
picture at the same time. It is
fascinating to see Omal's thought
processes on how he addresses
situations and how he uses
phraseology and the construction
of that phraseology, the analogies
and the parables that he draws.
Russ: well, do you think possibly
that it is that each dimension you
see a bigger picture from the
smaller pictures that are
presented to you?
Karra: I don't know hon.
Russ: okay well let's
then........you see through my
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: much of what I see.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: you've lived third
dimensional lives as I do.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, you know exactly how I
view life.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: from the smaller pictures
with a small glimpse of the big
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now you on the other hand
living in sixth dimension, you see
more of the smaller picture but
you also see a lot of the bigger
picture in a larger extent than I
do. For one thing, you have access
to your past lives, your mind
thinks quicker.......
Karra: yes, yep uh-huh.
Russ: so what's that take to the
next level then?
Karra: to the next level, I don't
know. I have the lacking in
information to be able to come up
with a clear answer. If I said I
think, that is just thinking, it
is lacking concrete evidence.
Russ: all right, let's take some
evidence okay? Let's take Sananda.
Karra: okay.
Russ: now, Sananda choose to go
through a short lifetime of some
33 years......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: to teach and in the end,
present a grander lesson than had
been presented before.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. Could we then say that
Sananda saw the bigger picture
which includes even today what is
going on from that act? Do you
think that he, from that higher
dimensional point of view he was
at before he went down to third
dimension, saw to this point what
would go on or only the big
picture to that point?
Karra: I don't know for two
reasons. One, I'm not a eighth or
a ninth or a tenth dimensional
being and for two, I'm not
Russ: I know.
Karra: I can say I think possibly
maybe, I could say all those
things and it is my point of view
on Sananda. Omal is concurring
with me, he's saying that it is
wrong when dealing with a
situation or a person that has
shown and taught that much to sit
and conjecture is just adding to
the myths, stories and legends.
But I know what you're trying to
Russ: I like to think he did in my
own opinion.
Karra: uh-huh, you can think what
you want.
Russ: yes, I know, it's a neat
Karra: yes it is, it is but by me
saying that I think, I feel when I
don't know Sananda. I've met him
as many times as you have,
actually I've met him three times.
I don't know Sananda so for me to
make a comment about somebody of
that importance that I've only met
three times, how can I do that and
come up with the facts? You're
talking about myths and stories of
somebody that you've only met
twice all cobbled together. What
is true and what is not true? I've
heard a lot about Sananda, all
second or third or fourth hand
information. From that is
everybody's point of view so I
can't say personally.
Russ: true but....right. But the
opposite to that statement is the
fact that he was just throwing
Karra: maybe he was.
Russ: maybe he was?
Karra: who knows?
Russ: who knows? Right, what's
interesting though is though he
went from the higher dimension
that he was at.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: came down to third dimension
and I'm seeing him among these
gentlemen that he's brought
together who look up to him and
he's teaching them. Peter, Paul,
Matthew, John and so on.
Karra: Luke, Mark.
Russ: correct.
Karra: Judas.
Russ: uh-huh and he's actually
talking to these gentlemen in a
third dimensional realm much as
you do to myself.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and to be able to do that
for him must've been just an
incredible experience.
Karra: it must of been. Let us
look at it from a different point,
a different angle.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay? I'm a sixth
dimensional being, you're a third
dimensional being.
Russ: correct.
Karra: he is 10th?
Russ: 10th.
Karra: okay. The thought processes
that we go through are totally
different. I think faster than you
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: I have access to my past
Russ: right.
Karra: I can work out things
quicker in my mind. Okay, let us
look at Sananda and this is
totally projection and totally my
Russ: understand.
Karra: it's not based in general
fact, it is my opinion.
Russ: okay.
Karra: obviously to me, he thinks
faster than I do. He has access to
all his past lives, he has perfect
recall of those past lives. Not,
my opinions from those past lives
but he has.........or not his
opinions from this past lives, he
has by closing his eyes can
actually experience the life as it
was and he can play it through his
mind, a whole entire life. All the
thoughts, feelings, emotions,
points of view, all of that in the
space of because in my opinion
that he thinks faster, he can
probably experience a whole entire
life in maybe five minutes. Now,
being able to do that for many,
many past lives, may be able to
see patterns where he is not
looking into the past but into the
future. Seeing all these possible
outcomes and how each emotional
status and each emotional behavior
is going to affect further down
the line. By being able to
experience not only his past life
but the group consciousness of the
planet that he is from or the
planet that he has chosen to
visit, will be able to see how his
emotions and behaviors and
behaviors of people interact in a
way to affect the future. Now the
faces may be the same, I don't
know, he could actually be seeing
into the future by looking at the
most likely outcomes.
Russ: so you're saying, and this
is only my opinion......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: Sananda's an artist. Sananda
has a canvas in front of him, the
picture he started has got these
swirls and colors and forms that
he's started....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: but the rest of the canvas
is blank but he can project how
the rest of that canvas is going
to look by which brush strokes
he's going to make here and how
they're going to interrelate to
these other strokes he's going to
make later on.
Karra: I don't know hon.
Russ: but if that's true, and it's
only conjecture in our
opinion.......my opinion
Karra: uh-huh.
Karra: then isn't that true for
all of us? We're all artists, we
all have our own canvas' that
we're creating upon.
Karra: I don't know hon and Tia is
pointing at your recording device.
Russ: okay.
Karra: and saying that as we have
three more speakers, I've got to
cut it short.
Russ: well we end on a good note.
Karra: uh-hmm, "I don't know."
Russ: thank you my fellow artist.
Karra: let me go and find a bottle
of claret.
Russ: fair enough.
Karra: okay.