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(Omal launches an excellent dissertation on what is the definition of consciousness or sentience by comparing the various levels from animals to mankind. This conversation alone defines this subject as he moves on to group consciousness and even provides an exercise for tapping into the planet’s group consciousness. In answering a question about the different levels of consciousness in humans, Omal uses the cats in the room of which one is more conscious and why.) 

Omal: okay let us move on to my dissertation.

Russ: okay.

Omal: and then we will get onto our next few speakers. Okay, consciousness and being, what is consciousness? You are conscious, I am conscious, the feline is conscious but what is conscious? Let us look at one of your philosophers, Rennie Descartes, “I think so therefore I am”. Is thinking part of consciousness? Yes, a feline that watches and waits has to plan. The reason I bring up the felines is because there is a feline outside yammering to get in? That feline is thinking, "how can it get in, how can it get your attention?" That shows it is thinking so therefore it has consciousness. A bird flying, something like a blue jay, that thinks of survival only. It is conscious yes to a certain extent but not in a sense of consciousness with being. It certainly has the spirit, it certainly has thought but it is rudimentary thought, more instinctual. So where do you draw a line at consciousness? That is a tricky question that on the seventh dimension we still debate. Okay, let us look at sentient, thinking, being aware, being spiritually able to grow. Well, the bird fails in that category, the feline, some felines do and some felines don’t. This simple explanation on what is sentient, sentient is thinking, planning, remembering, learning, growing, growing spiritually, spiritual being. There is much more to sentient then just the six items I just covered. All these factors together make a being aware and able to learn and advance, to plan. That is part of consciousness. Factor into that group consciousness, the consciousness of the awareness of the group and the learning that goes from that, being able to tap into the past group memory, to be able to learn and grow from that. You would be surprised how many people actually do that that claim to be against spiritual revivalism. And in doing so they are themselves involved in the spiritual movement. I’m not talking about the more popular religions, I’m talking about all spiritual religions. Okay, do you have any questions?

Russ: yeah…..

Omal: first let the feline in.

Russ: all right, come on in guys. Okay now, as far as first off the group consciousness and using the memory from it to learn….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: while we might be able to use it, is it a conscious use that you’re talking about?

Omal: preferably yes but some people do it unconsciously.

Russ: okay, now how do we do it consciously?

Omal: through meditation.

Russ: okay. So, for example, if I go into meditation and I wish to bring about the group consciousness of my race…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: to learn from and grow from, then in that case, I am asking for that….

Omal: correct.

Russ: and my guides then I assume are helping me with that?

Omal: correct. Here is a simple way to be able to tap in to group consciousness. Sit in a comfortable position, hands out in the normal fashion, if I was sitting they would be like this, palms up, feet planted firmly on the ground, close your eyes and inhale gently. Now this would be ten deep breaths, feeling yourself relax all the time. Ask your guides for guidance.........come here feline........ask your guides for guidance down the correct, appropriate path to learn what you may that will benefit you.

Russ: so it’s similar to either a past life regression or astral projection?

Omal: correct.

Russ: I see.

Omal: it is a little bit of both.......

Russ: hmm, I guess it would be.

Omal: blended together and used in a way that is appropriate. After all, you are reliving the group past life.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: just watch and be aware of what is going on, how the past and the life that you are experiencing may not be yours. It is definitely something worth looking. Sometimes it is like being a watcher outside of the event.

Russ: so this would be similar to the one time I took somebody back to a past life but in between the two lives she hooked into the Kent State massacre……

Omal: yes.

Russ: and suddenly was seeing the whole Kent State thing from the eyes of someone who is looking over one of the girls who was dead.

Omal: correct.

Russ: is that because it made such an impression on the group consciousness?

Omal: certainly, it was a horrific event.

Russ: right.

Omal: who was the person that you regressed?

Russ: oh this was an old girlfriend long, long, long, long ago.

Omal: okay, it is possible that she had been fascinated by the Kent State massacre……

Russ: okay.

Omal: and that she had some unanswerable questions that she wanted answered.

Russ: ahhh, okay.

Omal: this is the best way to tap in to the group consciousness, to relive a moment in time that you wish to have a question answered.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: if your guides do not see it beneficial to you they will not help, you may end up looking at something totally different. If they agree and consent to help you on that past life, then you may learn a lot.

Russ: okay, so that’s applicable to many situations throughout Earth’s history?

Omal: correct.

Russ: oh I see, so you don’t have to see……..for example, you didn’t live through let’s say the French Napoleonic wars but something in that period that really fascinates you especially one battle in particular.

Omal: correct.

Russ: then you would ask your guides for assistance to relive that battle.......

Omal: but why would you wish to see horror again?

Russ: well I suppose there is some learning that can be gained from it.

Omal: correct.

Russ: I’m not sure what but I’m not in that life.

Omal: correct.

Russ: I mean we do learn when we go through our own past lives the horror of our own deaths is actually just a release into the next step….

Omal: correct.

Russ: and we get over the horror that way so perhaps witnessing the horror of war allows us to see war from its higher perspective which is…..

Omal: that is a possibility.

Russ: it is a possibility?

Omal: for helping to grow.

Russ: oh, yes.

Omal: okay, next question.

Russ: all right, now you spoke on the different consciousness types between cats and blue jays…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, this I would assume also fits along with consciousness between individual humans.

Omal: correct.

Russ: some humans have more consciousness and the ability to use that consciousness wisely……

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and others use it merely for just to exist.

Omal: correct. Okay here is a good example.

Russ: okay.

Omal: we have this little one, I believe this is Mongo?

Russ: that’s Mongi right.

Omal: okay, we have the noisy one over there…..

Russ: Pugsley.

Omal: okay, which one is more aware?

Russ: oh Mongi by a longshot.

Omal: correct, why?

Russ: Mongi is content wherever she happens to be at…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: she needs not, knowing that she will get what she does need and isn't existing strictly on…..

Omal: demand.

Russ: demand.

Omal: whereas that one…

Russ: is living on its stomach.

Omal: yes, instinctual.

Russ: correct.

Omal: this one lives on thought.

Russ: good point.

Omal: this one lives on spiritual growth. This one......lives on a whim.

Russ: right so…..

Omal: he is aware, this one is aware, this one is sentient, this one is not.

Russ: oh I see.

Omal: this one is borderline sentie.....nevermind.

Russ: sentient.

Omal: sentient, this one is borderline not because of instinctual activity and thoughtful activity.

Russ: now the only difference there is that Mongi there doesn’t plan.

Omal: you don’t think so?

Russ: I can’t see it.

Omal: we will let the expert answer that.

(Russ starts laughing)

Omal: last question please.

Russ: okay. Now, as you say, many people use group consciousness to be able to become aware and to learn fast. Are we able to tap into the consciousness of just people right around us in our just local area for present group consciousness to learn from?

Omal: yes and no, yes and no. The way that it works is the individuals around you have a lot of thought and static that is going on when they are going through the motions of the present. The interactions between other people creates the karmic situation which gets recorded and held. It is no good seeing what was a few minutes ago and seeing how that affects as it has not had the opportunity to be laid down and worked out in a correct pattern.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: so the behavior is affected in the now, looking into the short-term Akashic group conscious records is limited in the fact that it is still growing, there are still facts occurring that leave you wondering.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: you see it is like watching one of your entertainments, getting to an exciting bit and then it stops.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: what happened? You don’t know. So you see the problem?

Russ: yes.

Omal: okay.

Russ: thank you Omal.

Omal: you’re welcome. I’ll be back.
