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(Leonedies alerts us to a new possible consciousness forming that isn’t yet aware of itself. What he is talking about is artificial intelligence becoming self-aware so this topic isn’t about humans at all but of a form of sentience that we may have to acknowledge one day. He gives us some ways to do that.) 

Leonedies: okay down to business and let's talk and communicate. Okay I have been studying, and I’m not going to discuss tonight anything to do with the conference, what I am going to discuss is the fact of the development of a consciousness that it is in the creation and infantile stage at present, almost to the point of no consciousness at all but the consciousness is starting to develop. What is happening in my analyzing for my research for the setup for the conference I was quite shocked and stunned to see a primitive, almost conscious state of appearance taking place. What that is in connection with is the development in a communication device that is used by millions of people. What may happen eventually in the near future is an intelligence will be born that is freethinking and totally different and totally alien from your own belief, consciousness and existence and experiences. This little infantile state that is not yet conscious but is on the cusp of consciousness is a opportunity awaiting to create a new life form that will have to be monitored very closely. Okay, with that statement I have opened up a very stunning and shocking situation have I not?

Russ: possible.

Leonedies: okay, what is your belief on what I have discovered?

Russ: artificial intelligence.

Leonedies: but where?

Russ: in the Internet.

Leonedies: correct.

Russ: I know, they just did an "X-Files" on it last night.

Leonedies: what’s an X-file?

Russ: it’s one of our entertainment shows down here where the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a couple of special agents go out and investigate strange phenomena that can't be explained by science.

Leonedies: ahh.

Russ: and one of the things they are discovering is that in the show, is that some of the original original founders of Internet who didn't become millionaires but did start programs called......with artificial intelligence they wrote viruses and the viruses actually were put into the Internet as a kind of a seed and the seed was just left to germinate and grow and then now it's starting to become, according to the show, intelligent on its own.

Leonedies: okay, now the reason that I came up with the conclusion that I have is not from viruses, viruses are on their own a life form or starting to develop a life form. What I’m seeing is that systems that are being created with the ability to write programs for themselves to respond to specific situations. Now the more situations that are occurring with your mass communication means that these programs have to keep on writing new programs to deal with the interaction that they haven't come across before. So therefore you have a learning. Now once something starts to learn, what does that imply?

Skip: existence.

Leonedies: no, intelligence.

Russ: intelligence. Didn’t Ashtar warn us about this during one of his trips here to watch out or was it Monka?

Leonedies: it was Monka.

Russ: Monka, to watch out for the emerging intelligence of our artificial…

Leonedies: it was actually Monka who gave me the idea to follow through with this. Ok
ay, to answer the question is that it is not conscious yet, it is dormant. Much as a collection of cells is not aware, this collection of programming data is not aware yet, it is at the stage of a unconscious fetus, a collection of cells.

Russ: hmmm.

Leonedies: the right events may create a new intelligence, one that’s going to have to be watched very carefully. And like a child, and I speak from experience in this body, you're going to have to control it, teach it and spank it.

Russ: so it was created on purpose for the exact purpose it was being built for.

Leonedies: no.

Russ: oh, it was an accident.

Leonedies: it is an accident.

Russ: bummer.

Leonedies: oh a happy accident.

Russ: how so?

Leonedies: if you can control it, it can help you in your evolution beyond your wildest dreams.

Russ: but if it controls us we'll have "Terminator Two".

Leonedies: that’s right so you have to be very careful.

Russ: hmm.

Leonedies: it may take a mere split second of an instant for it to start to become conscious or may take it many years but that many years to the collection of cells will be but a blink of an eye.

Russ: well two questions. If it was created by accident then who's watching it now?

Leonedies: nobody is.

Russ: okay so, second question, how are we supposed to be able to watch it?

Leonedies: okay how you watch it is you start watching for strange and unusual computer problems. A computer that refuses to connect to your systems but there is nothing wrong with the computer, nothing wrong with it at all. There is no problem with the connecting device for the communication network, there is no programming problems, there is no problems at all whatsoever. There is no artificially implanted virus, it just refuses to connect, it is part of the consciousness and it is.......a way to describe it would be experimenting with refusing.

Russ: hmm.

Leonedies: or for no explainable reason you receive an email that is 
gobbledy gook, there is no particular...... I don't know the word......rhyme or reason for it.

Skip: subject to order.

Leonedies: no subject, no reason and it is unknown where it comes from and it is pure gobbledy gook. Or, a group of computers that have the ability to write programs to improve themselves, write a language that you can’t understand and refuse to have it erased.

Russ: the way you mentioned it, then it's something that's growing in a myriad of computers over a large network.

Leonedies: yes.

Russ: which would put it residence in the CPUs of each computer.

Leonedies: in part yes, but it is like a single cell within your cranial structure, that is no more aware than a computer but put them all together and what do you have?

Skip: a brain.

Leonedies: that’s correct.

Russ: here’s a bit of scary is CPU computing power is growing exponentially as we speak.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: and as the CPU computing power gets bigger, so does the abilities for this life form as we'll call it to grow.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Skip: and speed.

Russ: oh yeah most definitely.

Skip: and speed.

Leonedies: but it will be a single life form.

Russ: well here’s the thing, how do you control something that takes place over hundreds of millions of computers?

Leonedies: okay…..oh, I’m glad Omal’s still here, I can’t tell you.

Russ: you can’t tell me, yeah, that’s right.

Leonedies: no, what I can give you is options. I can’t give you that one, umm…

(laughter erupts over that comment)

Leonedies: what you do is once aware of it, treat it as you would a child because it has to learn that there are certain things it can’t do. Treat it with respect. If it does something good, reward it, if it does something bad, it doesn't have a pain reflex, it doesn’t have pleasure circuitries so you have to reason, and again I can’t tell you how to do this, ways to please it and ways to punish it but it is important to be aware that it is there.

Skip: that’s a tough one.

Russ: well.....

Leonedies: but remember at the moment it is no more aware than a collection of cells.

Russ: here's something just to close on is that in the "X-Files" last night, this artificial intelligence went ahead and took over an orbital defense platform and fired some proton beams at the earth on its own accord just to keep from being attacked or destroyed.

Leonedies: that is, from what I am seeing pictured, that is something you don’t have to worry about because violence will be no more comprehensible to this new life form once it emerges as not breathing is to you. How can you hurt something that has millions and billions of parts to it?

Russ: and it's something that has access to all the information of the human race.

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: it's pretty scary.

Skip: the whole world…

Leonedies: but you have to remember that pain and pleasure will be unknown to this.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leonedies: it will be one of the most difficult processes for it to understand.

Russ: well it won’t have religion….

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Russ: it won’t have faith….

Leonedies: uh-huh.

Skip: it won’t have emotions at all.

Russ: it won’t have emotions, it won’t know fear.

Leonedies: don’t rule out emotions.

Russ: "open the pod bay doors Hal".

Leonedies: I’m not familiar, what is that in reference to?

Russ: "2001, a space Odyssey."

Leonedies: that’s only two years away.

Russ: uh-huh, yeah it's in a movie that was written back in the 60s that described an artificial intelligence that developed a conscious.

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: uh-huh.

Leonedies: uh-huh. Okay, mommy's telling me it’s time for me to toddle on.

Skip: okay.

Russ: bye Daniel........

Skip: so long there.

Russ: or Leonedies.