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(Karra goes over discipline and whether spanking is the best option for adjusting behavior. The question comes up on if there is lasting damage from being disciplined mentally or physically which is answered from her delving into my early personal experiences she saw through my eyes as they happened.) 

Russ: okay and then what about the folks who are completely and totally negative such as Abbul?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: the healing there, you want to just beat them over the head with a computer monitor. While it's probably more my healing then their's, I still try to talk to them and trying to explain in a very slow, childlike manner. What else can be done?

Karra: the way that you beat them is show them love and compassion. You do not deviate from your path because that would give them the false sense of "I won, I won" and behave even more childlike. How do you deal with a child that is errant? Do you pick it up and say, "there, there, that doesn't matter. You go ahead and do what's wrong" or do you pick it up and say, "don't ever do that again or I will spank you"? And if it does it again, what you do? Do you pick it up and go, "there, there, that doesn't matter", or do you spank it?

Russ: neither one.

Karra: sometimes it is the only way. You've seen me spank Klarra.

(her youngest daughter)

Russ: yeah I know but I mean it's like....I know, I've had this conversation with Mark and Kiri and Tia already before about....

Karra: and me numerous times.

Russ: and you numerous times about explaining what is actually wrong and why you shouldn't do that and why kids would not pay attention to that if you did.

Karra: sometimes they do not understand and the only way is, "you pull that cat's tails, you hurt the cat, the cat runs and hides. How would you like it if I spank you?" If you don't follow through, the child will go ahead and pull the tail again and become cruel and abusive towards cats. So by saying to the cat...saying to the child, "you pull that cat's tail again, I will spank you and spankings hurt." The child goes off, pulls the feline's tail again, you spank the child. You also explain that that is wrong and if it pulls the tail again, it will get the same treatment until it learns to stop. You have a perfectly good or we have a perfectly good pain mechanism but yet parents on your planet today seem not to want to use that because it's child abuse to inflict pain even if it is only temporary pain. For example Russ, has your mother ever spanked you?

Russ: whipped the living $&*^ out of me.

Karra: let us take an example of when you stole something from a shop.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: your mother whipped the living hell out of you did she not when she found out?

Russ: no my stepdad did.

Karra: okay you stepdad did, would you do that again?

Russ: I did that again.

Karra: and what happened?

Russ: nothing, I didn't get caught.

Karra: didn't get caught. You worked extra hard to make sure that you didn't get caught.

Russ: well true yeah.

Karra: okay, let us take something where you did get caught. You pick the subject this time.

Russ: all right, oh I got caught coming home late or I got caught sneaking out of the house to go fishing.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: my stepdad kicked the %$*#& out of me then too.

Karra: did you do it again?

Russ: nope, didn't do it again that time.

Karra: okay, why not? Look at it honestly, don't give me some psycho-dribble.

Russ: no I'm not, I didn't want to get the &*%$# kicked out of me again.

Karra: exactly.

John: you can't do that nowadays with children, you'll be arrested.

Karra: exactly but Russ is a prime example of why it works. Russ was only temporarily, physically hurt, mentally there was no damage but there was no permanent damage. You have no permanent scars from that beating do you?

Russ: of course not.

Karra: do you have any mental scars from that beating?

Russ: hell yes.

Karra: but they stopped you from doing naughty things like that again?

Russ: yeah.

Karra: so therefore it is not a scar, but a memory.

Russ: okay.

Karra: any more questions?

Russ: that's it hon.

Karra: John?

John: nope, not at this point.

Karra: okay. See you later love.

Russ: bye love.

John: see you honey.