(Karra gives a very
detailed seminar on stimulating the maximum
mental and spiritual growth in an infant. She
continues on as the child grows to where
meditation is advised as well as mental
Russ: hi Karra.
Karra: hey.........
Laura: hi.
Karra: hey, hey.
Russ: how you doing tonight
Karra: I’m doing good, tired
but I’m doing good.
Russ: excellent.
Karra: okay, learning
patterns. Okay, it’s
something that you can all
use but we’re going to start
off with for the obvious
reason with infants. Okay,
now a learning pattern
designed for an infant to
stimulate maximum mental
growth and spiritual growth.
All the coochie-coochie coos
are fine. “Who’s a good,
strong baby?” is always
fine. “Who’s a beautiful
baby?” is always fine but,
you must also talk to the
child as an adult using
words that are adult words.
This has a twofold effect.
One effect is the fact that
you’re treating a child like
a child but you’re also
giving the opportunity to
learn and to advance the
mind of the child at a much
rapid rate, much more rapid
rate. So when you do the,
“coochie-coochie coo, who’s
a beautiful baby?”, you can
always add in, “and you will
grow up to be a smart and
intelligent person.” So in
one sentence you are talking
to the child in a rather
silly way but in the next
you are giving it a
compliment and using words
that later on will increase
its vocabulary. The
stimulation of the mind is
very, very important.
Putting a child down in
front of a entertainment
device is not good. Sitting
with the child in front of
the communication device is
also not good……entertainment
device, sorry. If you sit
the child in front of a
educational entertainment,
then it must be explained to
the child afterwards and
must be followed through on
to increase the child’s
mental development. Parents
that sit their child in
front of the entertainment
device and leave them to
their own devices are very
remiss in their duties as
parents. It is better to sit
down and read from a book to
a child then it is to leave
them unattended in front of
the entertainment device.
That causes problems later
on and gives them
difficulties in perceptions
of what is fact and what is
fantasy. Okay now, when the
child starts to talk, it is
important to correct the
child so that the child
speaks crisply and clearly
and eloquently. You give the
child key words that are
hard for the child’s mouth
to form but by copying and
practicing that key word or
key words, the child’s mouth
will be able to enunciate
those words more correctly.
For example, enunciate is
one word that is very useful
to help to explain or to
manipulate the child’s mouth
and pallet to be able to
formulate higher words. But
when you give the child
these words that they learn
and they repeat them until
they have them down, the
next thing is to get them to
use it in a sentence where
it is understood. The
earlier that you start, the
more advancement will happen
with the child. Now as you
stimulate the child’s mind,
you must stimulate it in all
capacities. Now with the
mental development, there
also comes an enlightened
consciousness which will
lead to the spiritual
development. Now let us
address the spiritual
development which my sister
and myself and a few others
have been aiding in. At an
early age, the child should
have a quiet time where the
child sits still and thinks
and dwells within itself. To
start off with, five minutes
is more than adequate but as
a child gets older and the
development continues, then
the child's spiritual growth
needs to be addressed with
longer increments of time
where that is able and
capable to facilitate that
spiritual growth. Now, if
you’re working with key
skills, for example let us
say your child is a healer,
then there is a time where
you start to teach the child
the capability of the hands
and that by touching
somebody in an appropriate
way and generating
appropriate feeling can
create a euphoric and a
healing process. But you
must explain continuously
with all the subjects that
we’ve covered, the mental,
the spiritual and the gift
departments, what is
happening so that you have
to explain and be prepared
to repeat it many, many
times until the child
understands. Now, as a child
learns, you revisit earlier
levels to see if the child
has learned it properly and
correctly. Now if there are
difficulties with members of
the parental group that are
causing problems in these,
then they must be dealt with
unfortunately very harshly
because what they are doing
is they are stopping the
mental, physical and
spiritual growth of the
child which is important to
be able to facilitate the
maximum potential that that
child has. If for example
one person of a parental
unit or parental group
thinks that it’s appropriate
for the child to sit down in
front of a entertainment
device, then that must be
addressed. If necessary, the
entertainment device must be
withdrawn even if it causes
friction for the development
of the child’s mind. A child
would advance much more
rapidly if it has more
stimulation then something
coming from a tube placed in
front of it. That is very
important and very necessary
for the child’s growth that
it has as much stimulation
as possible from a source
that is controlled and is
designed to facilitate the
mental growth. Any
Russ: hmm, now what about
stuff for example
educational material at a
later age?
Karra: I said that it when
we covered that briefly that
it is necessary to explain
what is going on and to
learn or to test the child
to see what the child has
Russ: I grew up in an age of
TV where TV was like a
Karra: yes, uh-huh.
Russ: and I got a lot of TV.
Skip: but see, I grew up
without TV.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm.
Laura: horrible thought.
Skip: no my entertainment
was radio.
Karra: uh-huh but you did
other things whilst you were
listening to the radio.
Skip: you can do lots of
things listening to the
Laura: yeah.
Karra: uh-huh but with the
picture entertainment, you
sit there and look at it and
everything else around
becomes irrelevant, is that
Laura: uh-huh.
Skip: yeah that’s right.
Karra: so therefore it is a
negative for the advancement
of the mind. It’s great to
be able to sit down and
watch it for entertainment
purposes and know that it’s
entertainment but to take it
as gospel is wrong. Just as
my point of view is my point
of view, the television
projects somebody else's
point of view which may not
be right.
Russ: uh-huh, yeah true.
Howard Stern...oww...I
Karra: uh-huh. So you see
what I’m saying?
Russ: right.
Karra: it is important that
the entertainment device if
necessary is withdrawn if
the child spends too much
time being placed in front
of it.
Skip: hm-hmm.
Russ: hmm, so a child’s room
should definitely have zero
Karra: correct.
Russ: that’s easy to
Karra: uh-huh. And if one
member of the parental group
countermands that or places
the child where there is an
entertainment device, then
the entertainment device
must be removed. There is
certainly yes, a time where
you could put the child down
to watch entertainment and
explain that it is
entertainment and it’s not
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: and that it is
entertainment only. But if
it becomes a babysitter,
then it must be removed and
the job of both parents is
to parent the child. To be
there for the child, to read
to the child, to do whatever
is necessary. Now later on
we will come up with a very
strict learning structure
which is very Sirian but has
been heavily modified. The
basic parameters are very
Sirian, some of them are
quite austere but they’re
all designed for the
advancement of the mind, the
body and the spirit.
Russ: now do these things
need to be taken at an
infant level or can anybody
do them?
Karra: yes, they start at
infant level but some people
with infantile minds may
(Skip chuckles)
Karra: I know.
Skip: yeah.
Karra: I’m just in that mode
tonight Russ.
Russ: I understand.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay.
Skip: thank you.
Karra: oh no problem.