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(Tia gives us a very in-depth dissertation on the morals of raising children and the five basic morals all children should be taught and all parents should follow as examples for their children. One of them, do not lie, gets the most attention.) 

Tia: September 1997.

Russ: 9:07 PM.

Tia: 9:07 PM. Okay, keep an eye on the chronometer. Okay, let’s get down to business as we do not know how long this tape is, my guesstimate is probably 30 minutes per side.

Russ: good guess.

Tia: uh-huh okay, let’s act accordingly and let me give a brief dissertation on moral behavioral patterns of raising of offspring and the importance to instill at an early age particular patterns that will be formed throughout the child’s life. But I will preface by saying that I feel that a positive enforced morals are a good thing for the upbringing of a child. The importance of morals will be made self-evident as I proceed in my eloquent communiqué. Morals and offspring. The importance of morals in the development at an early age even from the stage of infancy is very important. Simple vocal commands as no, don’t, naughty, wrong are used at an early age to correct a child’s behavior. If it is said in such a way, it is forced into the child that the word no said in that particular way will have a positive response command from the child that the child will stop doing what is wrong. Now, as a child grows, those morals that are instilled, do not lie, do not disobey your parents unless it is a wrong decision, do not cheat, do not steal, do not hurt. These morals are all important because with these simple five morals, do not lie, do not go against your parents, do not cheat, do not steal, do not hurt, they’re all very functional in forming a good individual. Let’s look at the first of all do not lie. Well this is a difficult one and the reason why it’s number one is that it needs some clarification. Sometimes it is necessary to bend the truth to protect an individual and this should be enforced as do not lie to a child at an early age. The child later on will figure out that there are certain times when it is appropriate to bend the truth, to lie in essence and these situations that a child will come across will be developed through experience. Do not go against your parents unless what they tell you to do is wrong. Parents are very important to a child and by enforcing do not go against your parents, you can set it in the rest of the morals. Do not cheat. Cheating is bad because you do not achieve your full potential if you cheat. If you can get away with something, let us say cheating on a test, copying from a friend, you are not learning, you are not advancing and you are not doing things on your own. Certain individuals in your history on your planet have succeeded wonderfully by disobeying do not cheat but in later light, looking at them, you can see that they were not very good people and they had massive other problems. Do not steal, this is self-explanatory because it will cause animosity and problems if you steal. Do not hurt, if you hurt somebody they’ll hurt you back and this leads to all sorts of problems. Okay here endth my brief dissertation on moral behaviors of raising of offspring. Any questions?

Russ: ahh yes, I assume these are the same morals that you grew up with?

Tia: yes.

Russ: ahh, and they’ve served you well ever since I take it?

Tia: I would assume so, I’ve added many to them.

Russ: hmm, okay. Now do you see any difference between other people who have been raised in the sixth dimension as opposed to your being raised in the third as far as these morals go?

Tia: these five that I selected, there are more, seem to be a standard that all beings of a third and sixth dimensions appear to have. They are the basic ones, the ones that have been instilled in my Cubs, in the Cubs in the crèche and other crèches.

Russ: okay. Now what happens though when a child sees his parents doing the exact opposite?

Tia: the parents should not.

Russ: I agree with that but that’s not always a factor that enters into it.

Tia: yes it is, it is very important to understand that when a child is around, you have to behave with those five morals.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: if you have to hurt somebody with your child present, you explain to your child why you did that.

Russ: okay what about for example with, oh let’s take a little thing like Santa Claus?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I was lied about Santa Claus for some ten years….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and never thought the worst of it after I learned differently but yet I did learn that well it is okay to lie.

Tia: that’s not a lie, that’s a fairytale, big difference. It is a make-believe character for children.

Russ: but I would be told, “that’s not the truth, there is no such thing as Santa Claus” and I asked my mom she says, “of course there is.”

Tia: and if you ask your mother, there is Santa Claus, St. Nicholas as far as I know really did exist, there was a Santa Claus and in your religion does a person when they become a saint or go to the period of waiting or heaven for want of a better name, do they cease to exist? I don’t think so. So therefore Santa Claus does still exist and in the mass consciousness of the mind, the group conscious, he does exist.

Russ: oh, well I just bring it up to bring up a point….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: that sometimes the truth is not always as beneficial as would be a fib.

Tia: well that goes into distorting or changing the truth.

Russ: right. So you have to explain to your child why you did so I assume?

Tia: that goes into later on in life.

Russ: yeah.

Tia: my girls do not believe in any Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or Father Christmas.

Russ: but now do you lie to your Cubs?

Tia: if I have something……if they ask me a question and I cannot answer it without lying, I do not answer. I will say, “we will address that at a later time.”

Russ: hmm, okay good, well that’s a good answer.

Tia: nowadays I can get away with it with just a look.

Russ: all right.

Tia: or if it is something that I am not equipped to answer without lying and I know either Kiri or Mark is, I will say, “go and ask Kiri or go and ask Mark.”

Russ: hmm, I guess the real problem will come in when you get to Leonedies.

Tia: yes Leonedies, next question as we are limited on time.

Russ: okay, oh that’s it.

Tia: okay.
