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"well you’ve grown up around it almost."


Here is how it all began-

   The Center for Ascension was born in Sedona in 1986 when a weekend trip by myself and first wife turned into three years of amazing energies and learning capped off by meeting my future mentors. Before that I had been a surfer living in the beach cities of Los Angeles. I had gotten serious about learning all I could about the New Age about ten years previously which involved stints in an evangelical church, member of a Wiccan study group and finally going solo with my studies into crystals and meditation. Newly married, my wife and I had heard that Sedona was a New Age mecca well worth visiting. During that weekend we were sightseeing in the Oak Creek Canyon when we crossed the river into a trailer park. One of the trailers with a patio overlooking the river was for sale and an overwhelming urge came over us to find out how we could escape the big city to this little slice of paradise we had found. Not only that but the town was everything we had heard and ended up visiting each of the four vortexes. The people were friendly and open so different from coldness we had uncounted back in Los Angeles. Arrangements were made and we moved in two weeks later.

   What we found out as the winter came around is that Sedona is a seasonal vacation spot and jobs are hard to find then. Working as a bar manager and my wife and an accountant, we were making it but there were still lean times. My wife and I divorced near the end of the third year living there and to cheer me up one day, a friend of mine named John who can be heard in the sessions invited me to attend a channeling session. I had been to one previously when I live in L.A. so I joined him to see why he was so excited over a previous session he had attended. The channel that night was named Roger Pinion and the entities he channeled were named Omal and Korton. My mind was blown by what I learned and what was disclosed and decided to learn more and discovered a girl sitting next to me knew Roger quite well. She was part of a group he worked with privately and said she could inquire on if I could be a part of that group. I happily accepted the invitation that came later that week and went my first group meeting. There were twelve of us, each asking questions or just listening. After about ten sessions, Roger left Sedona and I was left searching. Omal revealed in one of our sessions that was on purpose to change the path I was on to another. Sign after sign pointed in the direction of California again but to Lake Tahoe this time.

   I ended up going out to Lake Tahoe to work at a ski resort for the winter only but once again, an overwhelming urge kept me here when summer came around. Six years later I met Mark Crocker and we hit it off with me almost immediately. It was like we had known each other all our lives for several reasons. We were born on the same day just years apart, we both had a thirst for knowledge and we both enjoyed fencing. I needed a roommate at a house I renting so Mark was the obvious choice and when I was able to buy a house, it was only natural Mark and I would live there together. During that first year we setup one room in the house as a meditation room combination library. As Mark was a talented astral traveler and I had my experiences from Sedona, we started brainstorming how we could combine both to regain that connection I had found so fulfilling. I had the thought that if Mark left the house in his astral body and started looking for UFO's, he could follow it and see if it led back to Hades Base. Trusting only on luck that plan would work, I got ready with a tape recorder for him to dictate what he was seeing just in case he was successful. We did not find out until later that everything we were doing was being closely monitored by the base so as soon as Mark cleared the attic he found a ship directly above the house. He followed it as it changed dimensions and eventually came to Mars where it entered a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel it and he were met by a beautiful young lady who introduced herself as Kiri. Mark had been dictating all of this as I asked questions and he would give a running commentary. She revealed she was his twin soul though we would find that she was actually his triple soul. She asked if he would be will to channel Omal so a further exchange of information could be set up and he agreed.

   Omal came through Mark the next week as Kiri took Mark off in his astral body back to her apartment. For Omal and myself it was old home week as we reconnected and some answers finally came to make sense of what had been a turbulent few years as this was now 1992. Over the next few weeks we would learn about Tia and her being the third part of Mark and Kiri's triple soul. I would also meet Karra who came in to channel and revealed she was my twin soul. For me there was no question and a really big piece of the puzzle fell in place as I could now put a name to the presence I had felt all my life. Our recording was on a hand-held tape recorder that gave us a quality we are unable to use in the archives until 1995 when we could afford to upgrade to a better system. During that time, we learned over several sessions and past life regressions I did with Mark and Tia through Mark that both of them plus Karra and Kiri and myself were all originally from third dimensional Sirius and had been part of the colonization from there to Atlantis where it was hoped a utopia could be found. At one point Mark and myself had a falling out prior to Atlantis going down and were reconnecting in this life to mend the karma on the third dimension while the girls had moved on to the sixth dimension. With all of us in our proper dimensions we continued on from where left off in Atlantis only this time trying to all be on the sixth at the same time. We continued on a weekly or bi-weekly basis until 2001 when Mark moved away from Lake Tahoe and I continued the webpage started during the channeling sessions to post texts of the sessions. Over those nine years we met an amazing assortment of friends from many dimensions, races and worlds. This website is a culmination of all that knowledge condensed into a usable format to assist in the visitor's search for answers and I'm proud to be a part of its creation.

Russ Hatfield