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(Kiri gives a dissertation on the morals involved with coercion where she lays them out so well, this channeling session has been moved to the first in the series from where it would have normally appeared. This is by far one of her best explanations on the power of coercion and why serious consideration should be used before using the skill. It would be considered a prerequisite before moving on to the other channeling sessions on the subject.) 

Kiri: okay dude.

Russ: what's up Kiri?

Kiri: okay, morals and coercion.

Russ: oh Lord.

Kiri: here we go. Morals and coercion are very important due to the power of suggested thought from the mind. The reason being that they are so important is the harm that can be inflicted on an individual by stray thoughts of a coercer and the fact that this can lead to an alteration in a person’s pathway and the life's journey that the coercer takes responsibility for. These actions have to be monitored very carefully and stray thoughts from a coercer can cause problems in such a way that it can be a continuing problem not for just for one life but for many lives to come so it is necessary to learn self-control above all others. Having thoughts that interact with other people and being able to manipulate other people is a wonderful skill but misuse of this skill in itself can present major problems. The necessary undertakings of a coercer have to be done with a good and clear conscience. The important ramifications of negative actions of a coercer can lead to a self-destructive pathway of the coercer and the coercee. The responsibilities that a coercer takes upon herself when she is coercing is something that the coercer has to weigh with a good, clear conscience. I repeat those words, with a good, clear conscience. Now coercion in itself has many different types of usages and each use has its own set of necessary rules. Let us take everyday coercion which is the most common that is used. What is right for the individual and how to use a coercive beam to control somebody else. Again, it has to be done with a clear and good conscience, what is right? As has been stated in the past, what is right for me may not be right for you or whoever. But, coercion in itself in the everyday mode is something that does not cause too much problems because the situations do not arise where serious damage can be done but damage can be done and it should be looked at carefully. If you want to coerce somebody to move out of the way, come to you, to sit down, to be quiet, these are all useful things of a personal nature. When you have an express idea to coerce an individual, that is where it becomes more serious and in its serious nature itself lies problems that a coercer may come into, a moral dilemma. Now there are a whole load of morals that are necessary for a coercer to live by. Doing the right thing, not just the right thing for herself but, for everybody involved. So when a coercer decides that she has to coerce, it is necessary for her to weigh what she is doing and to look at it necessarrally to come to a compromise and in that compromise is the starting of morals. Moral one, be prepared to compromise, moral two, do not do it for self-gain. Self-gain has certain clauses, self-gain in progression in one’s occupation. For example, a coercer wishes to coerce so that she can get a better position with more fiscal gain so that she can provide for her offspring and therefore improve their lives. This is not a negative use of coercion but, using coercion in a way that she gets a willing partner who is easy to coerce to create a new life within her, that in itself is negative coercion because that is for self-gratification to continue a lie. That is not done from love, that is done from lust. Lust itself has to be addressed as a moral, it has to be laid out and carefully analyzed. Lust is an interfering factor that cannot be used in coercion because that in itself leads to negative actions. Once you start on that slippery path on using lust to judge your moral standards, lusting for wealth, lusting for somebody, lusting for a contented, self-centered lifestyle, these are all negative and should not be tried because again that affects the long outcome, not just one life, but many lifetimes. Okay, moral number three, purity of heart. Nobody that I know has a 100% pure heart but by using logic and understanding and reasoning, something can become pure in your opinion. This is important, your opinion is the opinion that you must base your moral and coercive attempts upon. With the pure mind that you perceive that you have, then coercion becomes easier. Deciding and judging whether something is right, whether something is of good intent, whether something will benefit somebody, these are all subcategories of purity in coercion. Coercion in these functions serves as a useful everyday tool but not everybody can be a good coercer so if you’re in doubt, do not coerce. Now specific subjects to coerce, people of a destructive nature, I believe my sister has covered in great detail people of a destructive nature. But, using coercion is a little bit like talk therapy and again it has to be done very carefully and cautiously. You do not replace one set of problems with another set of problems or as my sister says, waveform patterns of the brain. This is important to be understood that when dealing with somebody of a destructive nature, you must know when to say no and to disengage, otherwise you will join them in their negative, addictive behavior and therefore your own waveform patterns in your brain will be changed. This will lead to serious psychological and mental problems in a coercer. When a coercer uses these new set of destructive patterns that they have become addicted to, they proceed down a very nasty, dark path where the coercion becomes corrupted and festers within the individual. Again there are certain morals when you are using coercion for a psychoanalyst purpose. One is, do not use it to start off with. This is because when you are using it, first of all you have to gain the person’s confidence naturally without using any coercive skill whatsoever. Two, if the person does not achieve your confidence or you achieve their confidence, do not coerce them. Three, having achieved their confidence, you coerce a little, a tiny, tiny bit at first so that it becomes a suggestive thought within their brain but not a command. As you progress and deal with the problem, now you can start to insert commands but these commands must be thought out carefully. That is moral number four, think out your coercive commands carefully. When you have constructed the necessary framework upon which they can build their improvements, now you step back and watch your pupil or your patient develop for themselves. That is moral number five, learn when it is it appropriate to disengage in a healing of a psychoanalyst nature. Having let them form new structures on the framework that you have given them, you can now start to help them to progress into a more secure way of thinking. By constructing extensions to the framework that you have created, you have given them the opportunity to grow. That is moral number six, aiding in growing what is beneficial for them, not for you but what is beneficial for them to progress on their path and in their progression, they will find that you are no longer a necessary tool, that you are somebody that is now a friend. That is rule number seven, letting go. When the time is appropriate, let them go. Now following coercive psychoanalysism, coercive healing which is normally done in the presence of a healer, the healer does the healing business and the coercer opens up the mind to make it more receptive to be able to aid in the healing. Aiding in the healing is very important, it speeds up the process but it is also necessary for the coercer to understand the purposes and function of the healer. So we have a moral here, moral dilemma. Is it appropriate for a coercer to know anything about healing? Oh yes it is, it is very important, that is why I’m not a coercive healer is because I do not understand the healing in my opinion well enough to be able to aid in the healing process but a coercer that knows nothing about healing can help to a certain extent by soothing the person's consciousness and subconsciousness and distracting them whilst the healer goes about their business. Humor in coercion. Coercion can be very humorous actually, not many people realize that a lot of fun can be had with good, positive coercion. Practical jokes are something that coercers enjoy tremendously and in doing so, you again have to be careful of planting too deeply within the subconscious a set of commands. These have to be done very lightly on the surface but I do not recommend that everybody goes around practicing coercive pranks, that is for the more adept and experienced coercers. I enjoy doing it myself quite a bit actually but that is a hit moot point. But as I was saying, coercion has a very useful tool in humor. Being able to make somebody see that what they have done is extremely silly by making them look without themselves so that they are seeing themselves from somebody else’s point of view makes them realize that some of the things that they have done are very silly and funny. When you are coercing, regardless of whether it is comic coercion, physical healing coercion, mental healing coercion or everyday coercion, it is important to remember that it has to be done for the best of all parties or the individual that is being coerced. Not for your own personal gratification but as I stated there are the few exceptions. One is for an improvement for yourself so that you can provide better for your offspring or those that are dependent upon you. Another one is if it is of a destructive nature and the person could serve no function from the learning experiences incurred by that destructive nature. Three, another example is where it becomes dangerous and the person is not aware that their behavior has become dangerous because they have not perceived that it is dangerous but you have. It is your duty at that point to coerce as a coercer them into a safe or an environment that is no longer threatening for the group or themselves if they are not aware or are not suffering from psychological problems. Lot of if's, and's, but's, or's in there but they’re all important. Overall, coercion is a great tool but has the power to corrupt if you do not think your actions through carefully. Most people on the third dimension do not have the speed of thought to be able to analyze and realize what their actions are going to achieve on the instant, they have to think and plan accordingly in advance. There are simple structures that can be put in as a tool for coercion. First of all stop, think about what you are going to do, think of all the possible outcomes. These three things will help you decide if it is right or wrong. Unfortunately you can’t make a decision in a split-second, you can go on gut feeling and instinct but sometimes gut feeling and instinct is inaccurate. If you’re ever in any doubt, do not…….I repeat, do not…..I repeat, DO NOT coerce. You have any questions?

Russ: one or two.

Kiri: okay.

Russ: all right first off, when you’re using negative coercion okay or for a negative purpose?

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: is the penalty that you accrue through the use of that karmically equal to what the negative coercion you are or do you get backlashed worse?

Kiri: it is amplified, you get backlashed a lot worse, it is amplified.

Russ: why is that?

Three: that is because you are sending your negative energy that creates negative energy from the person that it hits which is returned with your negative energy and their negative energy and anybody else’s negative energy that it interacts with.

Russ: okay. Third dimensional use, for example as you stated when using it to acquire financial gain….

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: you’re still incurring a karmic debt there aren’t you or as I'll call it, karmic loan?

Kiri: could you expand upon that because what you’re saying is for personal gain, is that personal gain only for let’s say myself?

Russ: let’s use the example you gave.

Kiri: okay.

Russ: getting a better job so that you can feed your children. Okay now, is that a karmic debt that's accrued?

Kiri: no………no.

Russ: no? Not at all?

Kiri: not at all because you are in actual fact paying a karmic debt, you are……because you are involving your offspring, whether it is one child or many children, you are therefore providing for them so that they have a better chance to advance and what you are doing is sacrificing a little bit of your self for them so that they can have a better environment. This makes it non-karmic because you are doing it for the common good of your children.

Russ: well this is the first time we’ve actually included children, usually it’s been just you yourself getting financial gain. If there is no children, wouldn't it be better not to use it at all?

Kiri: it depends on the set of circumstances. There are so many different variables that could be interjected. We could sit here and analyze this one in itself indefinitely. Let us say you are the best person suited for that job.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: and that you see that with you doing that particular function, you would improve the people that you are working for, you would improve their lifestyles, you would improve the growth of the organization you’re working for and the overall group…..

Russ: ahhh.

Kiri: the people that are dependent upon them. Again that is like having children, you are sacrificing yourself for others, that makes it good.

Russ: I see.

Kiri: when it is specifically for your own personal gain and your own gain alone so that you can accrue vast financial gains, then it becomes negative because it serves no other purpose than for yourself. However, if it is part of a long-term plan that by making yourself fiscally stable, that you can settle down and find a bond mate who is willing for you to sacrifice yourself to continue this function so that they can raise the offspring or to be taken care of by you, then you are involving somebody that you are sacrificing for so that they can be better off themselves.

Russ: I see. So essentially if we're looking at it from a higher point of view, higher dimensional point of view, we're actually the ones who are going to judge this in the long run.

Kiri: correct.

Russ: we’re going to be able to look at it from the point of view after the fact when we determine whether or not we did negatively or positively……

Kiri: correct.

Russ: so we’ll have all these factors to add in at that point…

Kiri: correct.

Russ: so at the time you just work with your intuition.

Kiri: correct. It is something that when you are dealing with something like advancement within a organization, it is not now that you are thinking about, it is later.

Russ: ahh, thank you. Okay, now for when using it for healing purposes…..I’ll go onto that section you covered….

Kiri: okay.

Russ: in which you’re working with patients or subjects, now the use of coercion will tend to bond these people to you.

Kiri: okay first of all let’s differentiate between mental healing and physical healing.

Russ: okay.

Kiri: okay which one are you talking about?

Russ: physical healing.

Kiri: physical healing, I know very little about physical coercion. That’s why I skipped over it very lightly.

Russ: okay how about mental?

Kiri: mental yes, I know how to do that.

Russ: okay now won't these tend to bond themselves to you?

Kiri: yes but as I explained that knowing when to stop the coercion is important. Being able to ease the person away from you is also important and the necessary skills involved in that. People will tend to see you as some wonderful person and the normal thing to do is to let them continue seeing you as a wonderful person and when they find out that you are fallible and you do make mistakes, then your image will be tarnished and they may even be disgusted and turn around and head straight back to their negative pathways. If it is done carefully and in a particular way, for example, let us say…..let us take a fictional person. Say I heal somebody that has suicidal tendencies……

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: and they latch on to me. Now I have to make them realize that I am not all wonderful, that I’m not all good so I would do things that would raise a question in their mind. I would discuss with them and as I’m discussing with them I would insert the thought that I am fallible, that Kiri Tanaka makes mistakes. So therefore the seed is planted for them to think that I am fallible, that I am after all only Sirian and I do make mistakes. Then I would deliberately make a mistake, just a small one but I would wait a decent interval of maybe a few hours or a few days and make a mistake and they would see that I make mistakes and that would make them think with the coercive seed that is planted, it is like pouring water on the seed that it would start to germinate and they would still think I’m a good person but Kiri is after all only Sirian and she does make mistakes. You see?

Russ: uh-huh, okay…..

Kiri: but it has to be thought out from beginning to end, from the start of the mental healing to the end of the mental healing. It has to be thought out bit by bit by bit.

Russ: alright, this takes us to my last and most important question of them all. In sixth dimensional, especially on Sirius……..

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: you have schools…..

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: that teach coercion……

Kiri: yes.

Russ: that teach all the basics that you just went over.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: we don’t have anything like that down here. Well, can we start something like that down here if we're........like for example if i put this on the web, this is going to people all over the world?

Kiri: correct.

Russ: well, how about people start schools of coercion?

Kiri: yeah, it’s something that I can’t interject. I cannot say what will work down there, I only know what works on Sirius and what worked in the past.

Russ: right.

Kiri: so therefore I can’t say go ahead create schools.

Russ: oh I know but I mean it would seem to make the most logical sense that we put in a theory into an actual hands-on……

Kiri: well there actually are a search of educational facilities that do handle coercion or rather they set up the morals to handle coercion and these are religious, educational facilities that teach good morals. Unfortunately most of them are aimed towards making priestesses and priests but these things can apply.

Russ: right.

Kiri: that the morals of being pure of heart and good and so on and thinking things through are there already. It is just a matter of being able to spread them and to be able to get everybody to follow those positive thoughts and to achieve that goal.

Russ: okay. That’s fine with me, it’s just seems a little bit of a shaky institution to be teaching coercion through, they don’t call it coercion.

Kiri: no they don’t.

Russ: and so you’re not really learning the basics of how to deal with coercion.

Kiri: no you’re not but indirectly you are because it teaches the moral structure. I will admit I’m very playful, I enjoy making love tremendously but I do have very strong morals. I will not do anything that will harm anybody, that would I think fall under thou shalt not kill. I will not use coercion to cheat, I will not use coercion to take somebody away from their bond mate, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s husband. I will not use coercion to cause destruction, thou shalt not kill. I will not use coercion to get somebody under my sway to do my bidding whatever that is, thou shalt not steal. You see?

Russ: yeah, yeah, I understand that it’s just we have those same principles we learn in Sunday school.

Kiri: but it’s the principles that are useful. You can take the Ten Commandments and use them in a way that is a good moral tool on making the correct decisions for coercion. And by wording them carefully and slightly differently, you can lay down ten laws of coercion. They are not suggestions, they are things that you obey.

Russ: all right.

Kiri: you see?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: okay, any more questions?

Russ: no, that’s all I’ve got for right now, I'll have to think about this.

Kiri: hmm, how long did that take? That took up quite a bit didn’t it?

Russ: not that long.

Kiri: well we started that…..

Russ: about 15 minutes?

Kiri: uh-huh, yeah but it is basic behavioral patterns that are important within coercion. You see, coercion through the ages has been used and abused.

Russ: right.

Kiri: on our home planet, Tonar the Corrupt, powerful coercer. Good example, great example. Tonar the Magnificent, also a corrupt coercer, that was after the ascension (from the Sirian Chronicles podcast). Hurrah the Brave, another corrupt coercer although he did try to redeem himself, that is why he's called Hurrah the Brave because he did great harm in his youth but he started to understand the moral dilemmas that he had created and the necessary plans and actions. Actually he's a good example of what was thought of as negative coercion to start with turning out to be good in the long run.

Russ: uh-hmm. Yeah but where is Honar the Brave here?

Kiri: Hurrah…..

Russ: oh right.

Kiri: he’s been dead for quite a few thousand years.

Russ: I mean that he could be reborn and reborn and reborn.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: he must’ve achieved some sort of enlightenment from his turn of ways and he might be on someone’s Council now for all we know.

Kiri: that is something that we would not concern ourselves with because what he had done in the past he had learned from.

Russ: correct but that’s what I mean, he went through the necessary lessons so…..

Kiri: yes but at the time what he did was that he had people constructing and cutting down and clear cutting an area. Did great harm to the land and he had an industrial complex and all the yucky pollution that goes with that but, from the research facilities and the things that were related to that came out with good things that were able to clear up the area that he had destroyed and replant it and return it to back to how it was. He had done great harm in his first 500 years and when he realized that he was heading on a very negative path and all these people that were in his control that did his bidding that had no thought of anything else but to appease their master, he started to change and to realize that he had to redeem himself by doing things and restoring the balance. What it had took him over 450 years to do, he restored it in 200 and restored the balance and also the technological advances that came from his corrupt period in agriculture, horticulture, all the necessary interactions with that from that period in his life in the long-run became good. You see they had to or he had to go through those steps to achieve where he was going so it was looked upon to start off with that he was doing great harm but, when he decided to change radically and to advance towards a specific goal that would be good, he had to make some very hard and dangerous choices which made him look very brave.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: hence the name that he got in the last 350 years of his life, he didn’t live to be 900 because of how hard he pushed himself in the last 350 years. He pushed himself very hard and his actions were looked upon as very brave and long-reaching….

Russ: ahhh.

Kiri: and by taking those gambles and putting in action a whole load of events that are still even felt today. The love for the land in that area is beyond belief.

Russ: I see, well thank you, that makes a lot more sense.

Kiri: uh-huh, any more questions?

Russ: uh-uh.

Kiri: you got questions but you just want to get me out don’t you?

Russ: well I am a little concerned about time.

Kiri: oh okay.

Russ: come back later if you want dear.

Kiri: we’ll see.