(Kiri gives us a lesson in
using coercion as a tool for helping someone in
their development by adding the power of voice to
the coercion. She explains there should be no
hesitation but the exact opposite to get the best
effect. She then judges our recent efforts in
applying her lessons to our lives.)
now let us look at coercion in
the development. Let us take
for example somebody that is
starting off in a conversation
trying to explain something
and using coercion as a tool
to get the point across. Now
it’s important to start off
with a nice, soft level voice,
no umming, ahhing or pausing
or stuttering. If you umm,
ahh, stutter and mix words and
hesitate......for example,
when I’m coercing, I speak
fluently. Notice as I’m
talking that I speak fluently.
When I pause, it is a pause
just long enough to get the
point across and for it to
start to sink in. In doing
this, you keep the person’s
attention just as they start
to wander, the pause occurs
and they go, “hmm.” They think
within themselves and they pay
more attention. You can use
coercion in a lulling,
soothing voice, lulling the
person almost to sleep and
then, with the voice being
used as a lulling, soft tool,
you can go, “now we start the
development.” As soon as the
voice changes its level from a
soft, soothing, lulling voice
to a precise, calculated,
laying down the groundwork for
expansion. You now have their
total attention, like you are
totally within my grasp and
control. You’re thinking as I
want you to think but you’re
John: I got to say Mark did a
really great job of that the
other day with me when he was
really upset.
Kiri: oh that was sheer brute
force, that was sheer brute
coercion, that wasn’t finesse
or anything. His voice was
soft, level but yet there was
menace in his voice.
John: yeah that’s true but it
worked. I mean it settled me
down and….
Kiri: I think it worked
extremely well, I was quite
impressed. It was like when I
was a teenager, that was the
power that he was using but
not the type of power that we
use, he was using just sheer,
raw power.
Russ: now then Kiri.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: if this was a class on
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: then as a pupil, I would
say, "but teacher, doesn’t
ummimg and ahhing at the
beginning of the speech and
for effect make it so that
it's lulling and then when you
come off and be very precise,
you grab attention?
Kiri: no, no because it does
not put the hooks in. By
umming and ahhing makes you
appear unsure and indecisive.
You have start from the get-go
being precise…..well Johnny
will tell you from his
experience with Mark, Mark did
not umm, ahh or hesitate.
John: no he sure didn’t, he
came right at me......
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: and that’s what I needed
at the time.
Kiri: yeah.
John: I mean I was out of
line, I mean it wasn't his
Kiri: but the fact remains
that by hesitating at the
start.....if Mark had
hesitated and ummed and ahhed,
that would given you the
advantage because Mark was
hesitating, umming and ahhing,
even for effect, it would have
given you the opportunity to
go on to the attack
straightaway instead of being
put at a halt, a stop and
redirecting your energy to
thinking, "what is going on
here?" By starting with a low,
soft tone and then gradually
escalating up and up as the
power level got higher and
higher and intense and
intense, I mean the
temperature in that room went
up quite dramatically.
John: yeah, yeah it sure did
and I must say that Mark
handled himself really well.
Really, really well.
Kiri: I mean if we take that
as a test case, I would give
that a B+ or even an A- as
opposed to other times that
I’ve seen Russ coerce which I
would give a B and some other
times I have seen Mark coerce
I would give him a C but the
incident of six days ago, I'd
give that as a teacher either
a B+ or an A-. It wasn’t
perfect. If he had coerced
perfectly, it would’ve taken
half the time that it did to
calm down the situation and
you would’ve been probably
either all fired to get up,
out there and to tackle it
straightaway or you would’ve
been so apologetic that you
would been groveling on the
ground, it depends on the end
result that he was heading
for. So I would say it was
probably an A- as opposed to a
B of Russ’ most recent….
(The recording ends right as she
says that)