(Kiri explores the actual mechanics
of coercion where she teaches how to identify
the brainwave patterns of the subject being
coerced to do the coercion mentally. She
explains how a coercer can tell when someone
is being coerced and how we can tell whether
someone is coercing us.)
okay, now let’s get down to
seriousness for the moment.
Okay, let’s sidestep issues of
horniness, let’s sidestep
issues of projects, let's
sidestep webpages and go
straight to something that
should be entertaining for all
of us. Okay, that is
Russ: ahh.
Kiri: and your coercion
Russ: what coercion exercises?
Oh yeah right.
Kiri: Skip, is it my
imagination or does he have
the attention span of a gnat?
Russ: I scored twice in two
days on that so I’m doing
Kiri: uh-huh………(Skip starts
laughing)……..am I impressed?
Russ: I was impressed myself.
Kiri: okay, you want to see
coercion, you want coercion
huh? Okay let’s have a closer
look at coercion and the
purposes and what we’ve
covered so far in all our
years of inane rambling.
Russ: well, basically the
differences between positive
and negative coercion would be
the biggest things we’ve
covered and gone over and over
and over.
Kiri: uh-huh and also the
Russ: yeah the morals of
Kiri: and the reasoning why
you should and should not use
coercion in certain
Russ: right.
Kiri: we’ve also covered how
to coerce.
Russ: oh yeah.
Kiri: we’ve also covered why
to coerce.
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: okay now then, let’s
look at something we haven’t
covered, the actual mental
process. I’m not talking about
the how-to, I’m talking about
what actually happens in the
mind. The mind of the person
that you're coercing, how do
you make the brainwave
patterns alter? Okay we can
talk about energy fields and
things that you wouldn’t
understand or maybe you would.
Do either of you guys know
what the energy waves are that
are produced by the subject’s
Russ: well we’ve gone over it
before with various speakers.
Kiri: uh-huh, but not in
coercion, that’s one thing we
haven’t covered.
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: okay the way that the
mind……..the wave patterns of
their mind, the subject’s mind
works, is that in actual fact
you can tell when somebody’s
being coerced if you can see
their mind waves or brainwave
patterns. As long as you can
see patterns and know that
they’re not natural patterns,
you can tell that the person
is being coerced.
Russ: yeah but the person that
I’ve seen be able to do that
that though is Treebeard and
our little Bunny.
Kiri: uh-huh, the little horn
dog or horn rabbit. Okay now,
when they talk about
brainwaves and the way that
the patterns and waveforms
occur right? Now for example
let’s say you Skip are
coercing Russ and you are
being very clever about it and
using my kind of coercion,
total mental coercion without
using speech. Now the fact
that I could look at Russ and
go okay brainwave forms yes,
wait a second, those aren’t
Russ’ waveforms, those look
very close to what Skip’s look
like. You see what I’m saying?
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: that somebody that’s
being coerced, you can see
that they’re being coerced by
the change in their wave
patterns of their mind. Now it
doesn’t have to be in close
proximity, let’s say you’re as
talented as I am, yes I am
being conceited with my
coercive ability. Let’s say I
am outside and down the street
but I’m focusing my mind on
the Russ’ mind, our victim.
Okay so, Russ’ wave patterns
gradually change to something
similar to mine, not totally
like mine because to do that I
would basically be turning
Russ into an automate and he
would have totally no free
will to do anything. I’d have
to regulate everything
including his breathing, his
heart rate, muscle movement,
digestive tracts, everything.
So to totally take over
control means basically I take
possession of the body which
means that I’m totally focused
in Russ’ and not my own body
and taking care of my own
needs. So, most people don’t
do that. I say most, there are
a few people that do it for
various reasons, some of them
positive some of them
negative. But, the fact
remains that the brainwave
patterns change to look very
similar to mine but not
totally like mine because
everybody has different brain
wave patterns just as they
have individual ribs and
retinas and so on. No two
people are totally identical.
Not even twins are identical
in their brainwave patterns
and their retinal scans and
their fingerprints and their
DNA, there is always a little
bit of a difference. So,
that’s how you tell how
somebody’s being coerced,
whether they’re being coerced
or not. If you can recognize
the brainwave patterns that
are similar to the person
coercing the victim, then you
are able to track down and
narrow down who is coercing.
Now, let us say that I am
coercing something that is on
a lower intelligence level
like the feline. Okay the
feline’s brainwave patterns
are so radically different
from mine that I do the
dominating effect. The
dominating effect is where I
use sheer will power and
energy for the cat to obey.
Now you’ve all seen me do
that. That is sheer
stubbornness and power, raw
coercive power. There’s
nothing subtle about it, there
is nothing skillful about it,
it is just sheer dominating,
coercive power. Okay, got any
Russ: how do we see brainwave
Kiri: it takes a lot of skill,
it takes a lot of time. To
give you the very, very
simplified version is that you
get to know the person, the
way that they behave…………..this
is a three-dimensional
way………..how they react to
certain situations and how
they would react to other
situations. Now knowing the
person you know how they react
so you can watch their body
language for anything that is
different and unusual. Now to
actually see the brainwaves
takes a lot of skill and
practice and something that I
don’t think you can do on the
third dimension but how it is
done up here is basically
looking directly at the head
and seeing the auric image.
Now once you can focus in on
the auric image, you can
actually focus in much finer
and see the differences and
the patterns within the
different layers of the aura.
Now the patterns within the
top part of the aura of the
head are basically like little
waveforms that you would see
on an oscilloscope. They go
like this and it’s a very thin
and fine and it’s the
differences in colors of the
aura, there is a little line
in between each one that
corresponds to the brainwave
activity. Now the average
person if you focus in on the
head, on the aura of the head,
will have about sixty to a
hundred different shades of
one color and within each
shade if you focus in tightly
on it, you’ll see a little
line dividing each shade.
Those little lines are the
brainwave activities and as it
radiates out, all the way
around, you will see the
various waves and activities
and they are fairly constant
depending on the situation and
the emotional status. For
example, let’s say picking on
our favorite subject tonight
Russ, let’s say Russ is in a
happy, giddy, youthful type
mood. Now, by looking at his
brainwave patterns, I would be
able to deduce that he’s in a
happy, giggly, boisterous,
boyish type behavior because
it would very rapid lines. Now
if Russ was totally the
opposite, sad, depressed, fed
up, bored, tired, you would
see a much flatter waveform.
It would still be bumpy but it
would be much flatter, much
more suppressed with his
suppressed state of mind.
Which brings me to my next
little bit of coercive tidbit.
It is easier to coerce
somebody when they’re in a
lowered state of emotions,
action, activity, mood. Now
when is that most common?
Russ: before sleep?
Kiri: before and during sleep.
Sleep is when an individual is
the most vulnerable because
everything is switched off,
everything is running on bare
minimum. So what do we know,
okay what have we covered?
Skip: brainwaves of coercion.
Kiri: uh-huh and how to
recognize when somebody is
being coerced and when
somebody is at their most
Skip: okay, question darling,
Kiri: uh-huh?
Skip: my coercion is verbal.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: by using reverse
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: I coerce people into
doing things.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: I have a question for
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how do you tell when
you’re being coerced?
Kiri: well if somebody is
good, you can’t.
Russ: right well, we’re down
here so….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how do you tell if
you’re being coerced?
Kiri: okay because you’re
doing something that you
wouldn’t normally do or you're
doing something that is
against your beliefs or you’re
doing something that suddenly
popped into your mind that
felt like a really good idea
that you wouldn’t normally do.
Russ: now how do you determine
that, distinguish that from a
wild hare?
Kiri: a wild hare? I’m not
familiar with that term.
Skip: okay, a thought pops
into your mind…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: by your own volition.
Kiri: ahh.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: okay, that boisterous
side of your nature.
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: how do you would deal
with it is maybe it’s
something that you don’t want
to do. Now do the erroneous
thoughts that you have
occasionally that make you do
wild things, most of them are
more enjoyable correct? A
little bit mischievous, you
get a kick out of it.
Russ: uh-huh.
Skip: uh-huh.
Kiri: now if you don’t?
Skip: then somebody’s put it
there for you.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: what about like say sex?
Skip: like what?
Russ: sex, you know someone’s
trying to coerce you into
having sex with them…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and you really want to
have sex with them but you
really know better you just
can’t help yourself, you just
want to have sex with this
person. It’s really something
you want to do but you know
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: but it’s hard to tell if
that’s you or them. I mean is
it your stupidity or their
Kiri: that sounds more like a
bit of both. I’ve yet to come
across anybody that would
knowingly have sex with
somebody that they didn’t
really want to for whatever
reason, even though that they
really wanted to but they know
better. Somebody that does
that either doesn’t know
better, doesn’t think of the
consequences or is being
coerced or all three. Now it
only works if it is the
combination of all three. You
really want to, you know
better but you really don’t
care that you know better and
you want to do it anyway and
they want you to do it as
Russ: hmm.
Kiri: that is when it works
most effectively the coercion
because you really want to do
it but you know better but you
really don’t care.
Russ: right or salespeople,
our best coercers down here
are salesmen.
Skip: yeah.
Kiri: uh-uh.
Russ: and you really want to
buy it, it sounds great. You’d
like to try this and buy this
but, "God, it’s kind of out of
my price range but I’d really
like to buy this, this guy
sounds really convincing."
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: uh-huh, now are you
talking about people on your
communication, on your
Russ: no actually, just people
that walk in or that you
already meet in the street.
Kiri: uh-huh right.
Russ: like the other day who
sold me big time but I got
what wanted, she got what she
wanted but she was a hell of a
good coercer.
Kiri: uh-huh okay now, those
people work one-on-one, I
would say that they're good
coercers, they’re not great,
not by the standards on your
Russ: right.
Kiri: now who are the great
coercers your planet?
Russ: politicians.
Kiri: that’s right, a lot of
them are politicians.
Russ: sure, and that’s another
one where you really want to
vote for these guys…
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: even though they don’t
stand for a few things that
maybe you do……
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: but….
Kiri: they talk hell of the
Russ: they talk a hell of the
storm and they really got
great charisma and they’d make
a great whatever they want to
run for.
Kiri: uh-huh. Now would you
say that I have great
Russ: sure.
Kiri: okay, would you say that
I carry myself with a lot of
Russ: oh yeah.
Kiri: would you say that I
am.......I have great poise?
Russ: no.
Kiri: you wouldn’t?
Russ: no.
Kiri: what makes you say that?
Russ: because I’d compare you
to Karra, Karra has great
Kiri: uh-huh but Karra gets
Russ: yeah but she has great
Kiri: uh-huh but she gets
flustered, do I get flustered?
Russ: I don’t know.
Kiri: uh-huh, I do get
flustered but not very often.
Russ: I don’t know, see I
don’t deal with you except on
just the channeling sessions
so it's not quite the same.
All I know is comparing you to
somebody I do know who has
great poise….
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and against her, yeah
you don’t have great poise.
Kiri: oh great poise? When
Monka and Ashtar was here,
“umm okay we will proceed,
ummm….” No, I don’t call that
great poise, I call that being
a little bit, a little bit
nervous and jumpy. Great poise
is being able to walk into a
room wearing a backless,
braless dress, full-length and
know that everybody is going
to turn and look at me and
whether or not my headlights
are on, I’ve got to walk
upright, proud and smile.
You’ve seen me do that.
Russ: hey you’re the ring
mistress for that session
weren’t you?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: I can’t remember what
happened, how was your poise
that night?
Kiri: did I get flustered?
Russ: can’t remember.
Kiri: no, I did not but you
remember the inauguration
Russ: yeah, yeah I was there.
Kiri: how I walked down the
stairs and everything and I
was wearing a very nice dress,
a little bit short in the
front but very nice. No
straps, no bra.
Russ: I don’t know, I was
watching Karra.
Kiri: uh-huh but poise.
Russ: well yeah like I say…
Kiri: confidence….
Russ: I have to take your word
for it.
Kiri: yes confidence, poise,
keeping a cool head, being a
little bit conceited knowing
that yes, I am good. Those are
the key markings of a coercer,
confidence. Confidence is very
important. Poise, not being
able to get flustered because
you have to be focused if
you’re coercing. If I wanted,
I could run for an office just
on my poise, my confidence and
my lack of flustability alone.
The fact that it doesn’t
appeal to me is something that
is irrelevant, I could do
that. Okay, more questions?
Russ: no that's it.
Kiri: Skip?
Skip: well I was going to give
you a case in fact that
happens here not too long ago…
Kiri: okay.
Skip: about your sex example.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: oh yeah right, right,
Skip: well a gentleman that's
father to my grandson’s
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: got coerced into doing
sex with a married lady that’s
got kids of her own and after
it happened she yelled rape.
Kiri: that’s not good.
Skip: no but he got coerced
into it.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: how did he know though?
Skip: huh?
Russ: is it possible it wasn’t
the little head talking?
Skip: no, he went over to get
his money because he works for
her husband and she told him
to come in and when he walked
in and she threw the covers
back and she was completely
Kiri: hmm.
Russ: I still say that could
be the little head talking at
that point.
Skip: you haven’t seen this
Russ: oh well, like you say
yeah, I don’t know.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: yeah.
Skip: but that happened and he
went to jail for it.
Kiri: but that’s something
that needs to be looked at on
your planet because it does
happen too often.
Skip: yes it does.
Kiri: I mean I could come down
to your planet and decide that
I needed a good drilling and
enjoy myself tremendously and
then turn around and scream
rape and kick up a hell of a
storm and the person who did
it would go to jail on my word
Skip: yep because it’s your
word against theirs.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well that’s the thing,
you have to know when you’re
being coerced and if you are,
I mean good shielding will
help you but at some point
you’re going to have to be
able to exert control over
that coercion and you have to
recognize that you’re being
Skip: well it’s all three
points that came up, you want
to, you know better and
Kiri: uh-huh.
Skip: okay?
Kiri: "but who gives a damn,
nobody will find out?" Okay,
any more questions?
Skip: no thank you.
Kiri: any more comments?