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(Since we can’t see auras, Kiri explains how to tell if someone is being coerced from a third dimensional perspective. That leads into a treatise on religions down here and the evangelists who use coercion in their preaching.) 

Kiri: okay, now we were discussing coercion and waveforms were we not?

Russ: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: okay now, I understand that you guys didn’t fully understand my explanation on the waveforms, is that correct?

Russ: right.

Kiri: okay. I tried to explain it in the reaction in the layers around the head of the aura?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: and that if you can monitor the auric signatures and patterns, you can see how they change once somebody’s being coerced and how they will match the coercee to the coercer. So that they kind of come into a vibrational pattern, however you guys don’t see auras very well do you?

Russ: uh-uh.

Skip: not at all.

Kiri: okay, I’m trying to figure out a good way that would be useful for you to be able to detect coercion, when somebody’s being coerced. The only way that I think would work for you would be to watch their body language, to watch how they behave. If their movements become slightly stilted and puppetish, is that a correct word?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: they become kind of like, puppet-like? Even only very, very little. It’s something that you have to really watch people’s body language to see if it was going on. Something that might also work is if you suspect somebody is coercing, how they lean in towards the person that they're coercing. They tend to be continually looking in that direction, continually leaning in like they’re almost trying to tower over the person that they're coercing, even if they are coercing somebody that's taller. What I’ll have to do is see if I can get some time to watch some monitoring of coercers that are very well-known on your planet and see how they behave when they’re coercing and how the subject that they’re coercing behaves. That will give me an insight where I’ll be able to relay that to you. But even up here, somebody that is coercing does tend to lean in a little towards the person that they’re coercing and the movements do become a little puppet-like of the person that’s being coerced. Also the person that’s being coerced, another clue is that they will be kind of looking at the person that’s coercing them or in that direction almost waiting to be led as it were.

Russ: okay. I'm trying to remember a movie where I saw something like that. I can’t remember it but I know it had Steve Martin in it playing a preacher, a con artist preacher?

Kiri: not in any that I know but there are a lot of con artist preachers on your planet. Not meaning con artists, I mean conning people into doing things for them but they kind of use two different standards, one for the flock and one for the preachers.

Russ: well when they work it’s pretty coercive.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: in fact that’s some of our best coercers right there, I think they got politicians beat.

Kiri: hmm….

Skip: some of them, some of them.

Kiri: yeah but I think, and I'm being whispered in my ear so that I may sound a little bit stilted because I’m relaying, Jimmy Swaggart believes piously in his beliefs, almost to the point of obsession. So therefore his actions and his coercive actions come from pure belief. Yes he is a strong coercer but it is easier for someone to coerce if they believe totally in what they’re doing.

Russ: what about Jim Baker though?

Kiri: Jim Baker, he was successful but not as successful as Jimmy Swaggart because he didn’t seem to, from what is being whispered in my ear, hold the attention and have the passion and belief in his voice.

Russ: I thought Billy Graham was like Jimmy Swaggart……..

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: believes wholeheartedly in what he’s doing.

Kiri: exactly.

Skip: uh-huh, he can draw the crowds.

Kiri: uh-huh, isn’t he a politician?

Russ: nope.

Kiri: no.

Russ: he is a counselor to almost every politician.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: he holds a lot of power.

Skip: yes he does, yes he does.

Kiri: yeah but the coercive ability is in the belief. I know that my coercive ability is good, I know. Jimmy Swaggart and Billy Graham believe wholeheartedly in what they preach.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: so therefore it’s the same as I saying I know I’m a good coercer which I am but that’s beside the point. The point of the whole entire thing is not the coercive ability or the preaching capability to sway people but the belief, the belief is the most powerful thing. It’s like my grandmother says that with love and belief you can do anything. If you believe a hundred impossible things in one day no……if you believe a hundred impossible things before breakfast you’re ready for anything, that’s a politician. A politician chops and changes so rapidly, the good ones, for example let’s take our favorite politician Ronald Reagan, believed wholeheartedly in what he was doing. Believed wholeheartedly and where did it end him? In the presidency as one of the most successful and popular presidents of your time and you’ll have to excuse me I’m being whispered to so that I can relay this information.

Russ: but he was an actor though too so as an actor you have to believe in the role you're playing.

Kiri: uh-huh. What is one of your favorite writer’s sayings? "What are we but poor actors that strut and fret their hour upon the stage and then return no more?"

Russ: uh-huh.

Skip: our whole life is a stage and we’re all actors.

Kiri: uh-huh, we each play a bit part in other people’s lives but you also play a lead in your own life.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: there’s a song that I like, “did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?”

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: “so you think you can tell, is this heaven or hell?”

Skip: or is it just an illusion?

Kiri: uh-huh.