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(Karra first of all gives us an explanation of a corrupt coercer and an example is found in one of our past guests to our channeling sessions and their negative motivation. Then Kiri, with Karra’s help, demonstrates coercion on a guest and goes into how the mind can affect someone even from afar.) 

Karra: okay, I've been put on the help Kiri explain it. Coercion can be used in healing to help somebody open up their mind to the prospect of being healed in a different way. When you combine healing and coercion together you get a combination that is very powerful and potent. A coercive healer, they're very rare that are very fully function and operational in both, is an extremely useful tool to help people heal themselves. They can put somebody in a framework in their mind by using their coercion and their healing ability combined can point a person on the road to healing. However, there is the temptation with a coercive healer to act as God. There was a very good example here just recently of a coercive healer, Russ, what was that person's name? Or let me ask Johnny, what was that person's name? A corrupt coercer healer.

John: I mean Russ comes to mind right away but.....

Karra: it's the first time you have been called a corrupt coercive healer dear.

Russ: thank you sweetheart.

John: but probably that Mark guy.

Karra: no, Russ?

Russ: Kevorkian?

Karra: no, in this house.

Russ: oh, in this house.

John: well I said Russ and I said Mark, would it be John?

Karra: no.

John: okay.

Kiri: you're not a corrupt healer, Mark has very little healing ability and Russ, well he can be corrupted.

Russ: she's talking about Linda.

(Ed. note: this was a past acquaintance of both John and I from Sedona who had stayed with us in Tahoe for a short time)

Karra: uh-hmm.

John: (chuckles) oh, okay, okay, is her presence still with us?

Karra: no.

Russ: hello (the phone rings and the conversation edited out).

(Kiri takes over)

Kiri: uh-hmm…ahh teamwork, big sis and myself.

John: okay now why did you bring up Linda and what is the significance, what is my learning out of this? I'm a little bit confused, I'm trying to get as much information and define as much of this material as I can.

Kiri: I think Karra was trying to use the lesson of Linda, that Linda has become corrupt with her coercer healer routine that she's the best, that she knows exactly what she's doing and it doesn't matter what it takes to heal somebody, she will do it as long as it feels good to her.

John: and that is the worst attitude from my learning standpoint, that is what I want to avoid, is that correct?

Kiri: exactly.

John: would like some more tea love?

Kiri: no, I was going to explain. Now the thing is, let's say I'm a healer right and I've got my coercive ability. Now I come over and I make you feel better right? And I have to hurt you little bit to make you feel better but in actual fact the only person I making feel good is me because I'm the best and it's good for my ego to be better than everybody else to be the best healer but the only person I'm serving is myself. See what I'm saying?

John: I believe so.

Kiri: and Linda is very much like that wasn't she? She got upset when Mark refused to submit to her coercive healing. She got very upset didn't she?

Russ: uh-hmm....well not so much the coercive healing though, I mean she's pretty light in the coercive department.

Kiri: yeah but she knows how to use it. Even a little bit a coercion used correctly with healing can almost double its power.

John: and if used correctly, can you do more than double the power?

Kiri: certainly, certainly, you can open yourself up very much. For example, could you come a little bit closer and put your hand out? We're going to combine here quickly for a second....just put your hand out...alright you have a cut on your hand right? Which hand is the cut on?

John: I don't know, I got cuts and burns and stuff everywhere, I always do.

Kiri: okay, right there there's a cut right there.

John: uh-huh.

Kiri: okay, now you feel it warming up there? It's starting to tickle too isn't it?

John: uhh yeah, I feel the sensation.

Kiri: uh-huh, now that is a combination of healing from Karra and you felt how mellow that you got and how open that you were?

John: yeah.

Kiri: yeah, that was my coercion there. You see we have to combine. We use Mark's energy to be manipulated by Karra's healing to create the necessary energy to come out of his finger to work on that little spot there and we use my coercive energy from Mark's eye, if I could get the other one to stay open, to focus on you to bring you into a mellow open, receptive mode you see?

John: but I am in a mellow, receptive, open mode.

Kiri: yes but you suddenly became much more relaxed and open.

John: that's true I did, there's no doubt about it.

Kiri: yeah and sorry, I didn't mean to have to do a demonstration as well.

John: thank you.

Kiri: you're welcome.

John: I appreciate that.

(Kiri claps three times and rubs her hands to discharge the energy)

Kiri: okay, next question.
