(Omal expands on Kiri’s
coercion dissertation by reminding that you have
to be aware of the environment and that coercion
can cause karmic paths to be changed in expanding
circles. Also how, on higher dimensions, the
ability to know past lives makes it cut and dried.)
okay, now we have the
rambunctious one out of the
way, let us address Kiri's
coercion. That is a mouthful
is it not?
Russ: that is a mouthful.
Omal: okay, now Kiri talking
about her responsibilities as
a coercer, the calling of a
feline. Yes it is a good
example. The fact that it is a
young, nervous feline is a
good example of fine control
and Kiri stating her awareness
of the potential for harm is
something that is important
and necessary to be aware of
in coercion. However, Kiri did
skip over certain points that
are necessary. When coercing,
it is necessary to be aware of
the person but also aware of
your environment. Most
coercion that is done is
simple, thought out coercion.
"I want you to do this, come
here, go there, sit, stand."
There is very little chance of
harm coming in these
situations. To take an analogy
that Kiri has used a few
times, you are at a rock
concert and the person in
front of you keeps on getting
in your way. You coerce them
to move to somewhere else or
to sit down or if they are
being vocal, coerce them to be
quiet. There is nothing wrong
in this, this is for your
enjoyment and entertainment.
It is not for
self-gratification, there must
be a line drawn there. It is
something that you have wanted
to attend, the rock concert,
the play, the musical,
whatever. The person in front
of you is inconveniencing you
and they are not being
considerate. They are not
thinking about other people
around them. So to coerce them
is quite acceptable because it
is no longer a point of right
or wrong but of consideration
and morals. Is it morally
correct to talk or to get in
somebody's way that is at a
place for their entertainment?
You are there also to enjoy so
by getting in their way, or
somebody getting in your way,
they are taking away from your
enjoyment and they are not
being aware of other people.
So morally, it is quite
acceptable to coerce somebody
to move out of the way, to do
something that is an
inconvenience. However, it is
quite easy to cross over into
gray and black areas of
coercion at this point that if
you want somebody to move out
of the way and go somewhere
else and annoy somebody else,
they will. So that you have
changed their karmic path from
annoying you to annoying
somebody else that was not in
the equation before. So it is
better to coerce a person to
sit down instead of going away
so you have to be aware of how
a small action can cause a
bigger action. It is like the
proverbial little chunk of
snow down a slope. You drop
the piece of snow and it
starts to roll and it picks up
momentum and more snow and so
on until you have an avalanche
on your hands and it is the
same with coercion and the
karmic pathway. You can use
coercion to change somebody's
karmic path for a possible
better outcome. There are
other uses of coercion. Any
questions at this point?
Russ: yeah, it's much simpler
in sixth dimension to
determine the uses of coercion
than in the third I assume?
Omal: yes, it is.
Russ: okay.
Omal: oh, okay.
Russ: well I mean it's
just......I know it's
self-evident but but it's just
you're able to look at past
Omal: okay, yes it is
self-evident. It is better
than saying, "yes" and raising
my hands as if I'm looking for
an extra answer or an extra
question. Let me explain more
detail. As you stated, yes
past lives are in play, you
are aware of your past lives
and your past life interaction
with the individual. Also, as
Tia is fond of talking about,
morals, that the moral
understanding is more aware
instead of black and white,
this is wrong, that is wrong,
maybe that's right, maybe
that's wrong. With the moral
equation added in to the
coercion and the past life
experience added in, then
coercion is very cut and dry
on, is it appropriate? No. Is
it appropriate in this
situation? Yes and you know
why. For example, Kiri
coercing the feline, and we
end up back there. The feline
was sitting outside in a cool
environment. It wanted
attention and warmth. By Kiri
pulling it into the room it
starts to overcome the fear of
people and other interactions.
Now if Kiri had been very
clever about it, she would've
had the feline come close but
stay out of arm reach and be
warm. Sit in a blanket, sit in
a place where it can watch and
be comfortable. To be able to
go through the thought
processes necessary for that
feline to overcome its fear of
people instead of it not
comprehending why the
compulsion was for it to come
into the room. In Kiri's case
it was a demonstration of
coercion, plain and simple on
how coercion works and
interacts. The moral issue was
not addressed, even though I'm
sure that Kiri considered the
morals. The karmic issue was
not addressed because there is
no karmic issue to look at
between Kiri and the feline.
The feline was there just pure
and simply by chance as a
tool. But taking the moral
issue, Kiri did the right
thing, not the way that I
would've done it but it was
addressed. Any questions at
this time?
Russ: yeah, as we get more in
tune with our consciousness
and our superego, that will
enter more into play and we'll
then have a greater step
towards that understanding I
Omal: correct and the reason
being that with the
vibrational changes, the
necessary interaction of the
subconscious and superego
comes into play and no longer
becomes subconscious. It
becomes back to the computer
analogies, sub routines
necessary for survival.
Russ: excellent good, thank
you, that ties it all together
Omal: thank you.