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(Kiri gives a long dissertation on the mindset needed to use coercion in a beneficial manner. She moves next to the morals of coercion and examples of coercion throughout history. She also explains how to avoid the God complex of coercion.) 

Kiri: okay, my brief dissertation time. Everybody gets to dissertate tonight apart from Tia (speaking to Tia). Stop sticking your tongue out hon, I’ll bite it off. Okay…….

Russ: Lyka doesn't get a dissertation?

Kiri: no.

Russ: oh.

Kiri: every one of the regulars.

Russ: oh.

Kiri: okay let me see, coercion and certain mindsets for using coercion in a beneficial way. How does coercion benefit us? Well it is a tool that is used by an individual that is a coercer to be able to control and manipulate persons or entities or beings around them for a purpose that is beneficial to all parties. How do you decide what is beneficial for all parties? Well this is more of a gut instinct, what feels good, what is right, what you know to be morally…..seems to be the flavor of the week…..to be right. Is it moral to coerce somebody into giving you a job? I do love using this analogy and I will use it over and over again. Is it morally right to coerce somebody to give you a job? Well it depends on what the job is and whether or not you really need that job. If it is for betterment then yes, if it is for self-service, no. Because coercion is one of those interesting little abilities that if you don’t use it right, it will feed back on itself and in doing so it will cause harm to you. There are certain ways to keep on the straight and narrow. This most frequently is morals and gut instinct, is it right, is it wrong? Sometimes you don’t have time to decide whether it is right or wrong but do it. When you do find yourself in that situation, you can come back later and repair the damage that you have done as long as you do it with good intentions at heart, it is easy to repair any damage that you might have done. If it is done with a self-serving purpose and you know this, then it becomes more difficult to repair the damage that has been done but more necessary to repair the damage that has been done because if that is left unaddressed, it will come back to haunt you at a later time. Coercion in itself is a good tool, it's a very useful tool but it is one of the more harder ones to actually master and use beneficially. It is quite common from what I have heard on a third dimensional level to use it in a negative way. Sometimes coercion is used in what appears to be a negative way. For example, let us take my favorite topic, somebody that is sexually repressed and they have difficulty interacting in a sexual way. Using coercion to seduce a person like that, that wants to be sexually active and interactive is good because it frees up their libido from being bottled up and pent-up inside them. So by seducing somebody that wants to be seduced but is used to having their sexual urges repressed can be beneficial. Sometimes however you can unleash a monster as has happened quite a few times in the history of the world. Somebody that becomes after being coerced into becoming sexually active that turns into a sexual monster appetite wise has to be refocused and have that urge addressed because it will destroy them. For example, Katrina the Great, she was seduced and became very sexually active, it ruled her life. Certainly she was a great leader as a czarina, she could of been a lot better if she wasn’t hopping in and out of beds half the time. Another example, I can’t remember her name (Pasiphaë), but she became very sexually active in Greek mythology and ended up being seduced by a bull and giving birth to the Minotaur. This is a myth but it is also a way of looking at being overly sexually active. Now, when that situation occurs, the person that has opened up this individual to their sexual excesses needs to be the person that puts the proverbial cork back in the bottle but do not turn the person back into a sexually repressed person. They must learn how to have a sexual, sexually normal life but that again depends from the individual to individual. What is normal for me may not be normal for you. So, by using your coercion to help somebody in a sexually repressed state has to be done very carefully and how you do this is little by little, bit by bit. Otherwise as I pointed out, you will have a sexual monster on your hands. If you use it repeatedly and repeatedly and repeatedly to have an intimate reaction with the person that is sexually repressed, you will create the monster. You have to be able to do it as few times as possible for them to lead a normal life. Certainly coercing them to become sexually active to start off with is the only way that successfully works but if you use it the next time and the next time the next time, then you will create a monster. But if you don’t use it on the second time and it happens and you make love with that person, it must be done differently then the first time. It must be either very hard and fast or very slow and tender. It has to be the opposite of the initial coercive action so that they experience both sides of the coin. I suppose I could get myself a job as a sexual therapist on this, don't you think so Russ?

Russ: I’d go.

Kiri: of course you would go, you don’t need coercing on that. Do you have any questions now?

Russ: yes, this ties along kind of with what Karra was saying in regards to the fact that isn’t being as a coercer subject to also that God complex?

Kiri: yes.

Russ: and beating that down, could you give me some and our audience of hundreds of listeners a….

Kiri: an example?

Russ: an example of how to beat it down, how to not do it, how to get around it or get out of it.

Kiri: I’ve never experienced it. From what I’ve heard, it happens on the third dimension. Our educational system up here sets in certain rules that are, think what you are doing, think of the negative and the positive. Negative first, what can go wrong? What harm can you do? Then think of the positive and what good can come from coercion. So by having these simple structures and sitting down in a learning environment and debating the negatives of coercing in itself drives home the point that you can have failures and frequently you have failures in the early years learning how to use coercion. On the third dimension, I don’t really have the experience to be able to tell you what you must do to overcome that God experience except for again sooner or later it will happen where you will brought down.

Russ: hmm, okay. Well I know you talked about that one corrupt coercer on Sirius.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: and it sounds like a similar situation where he had a God complex.

Kiri: no, he just got his kicks from doing harm.

Russ: oh. Okay, now you did make one little statement there that I have a little problem with......

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: that maybe you can clarify where you said through your studies, it appears to be…..it’s much harder to act in a negative manner coercably on the third dimension.

Kiri: I meant that the opposite way around.

Russ: thank you. I had one or two little, slight problems with that when you said that.

Kiri: uh-huh, it’s easier on the third dimensional to…

Russ: easier yes.

Kiri: yes coerce in a negative way.

Russ: I was going to say, wait a minute. Okay yeah that makes more sense now.

Kiri: uh-huh. Okay, my time is up.

Russ: bye Kiri.

Kiri: bye.

(Ed. note: she actually said, "Coercion in itself is a good tool, it's a very useful tool but it is one of the more harder ones to actually master and use beneficially. It is quite common from what I have heard on a third dimensional level to use it in a negative way.")