(Omal hears the
story of the scuba diver who found a sacred
crystal in an underwater pyramid and has some
points to make that challenge the veracity of its
authenticity. The points he makes are based on the
science that would make the experience a hard one
to believe.)
okay, greetings and
felicitations. I
apologize for being
delayed, there were
certain key matters that
needed my attention.
Russ: you’re a busy man,
we don't mind.
Omal: thank you.
Russ: no worries.
Omal: okay, let us get
down to business, how
much time do we have
Russ: about half a tape.
Omal: okay, let us get
through these things as
quickly as possible as I
do have to return to
deal with the situation.
Russ: oh, okay, no
Skip: go.
Omal: okay, ask your
Russ: oh, I brought that
piece of paper.
Omal: ahh okay, let
Skip: go ahead Russ.
Russ: okay, this is
dealing with a incident
that happened
in.......doesn’t say.
"Another unusual crystal
find bears directly upon
the use of crystals as
the generator for the
universal form of power.
In 1970, Dr.
Ray Brown, a
practitioner from Mesa
Arizona was scuba diving
with friends near the
Berry islands Bahamas in
an area 20 miles from
the edge of the
submarine drop-off
called the tongue of the
ocean. During the dive,
Brown became separated
from his companions and
in trying to rejoin them
suddenly saw a strange
pyramid shape looming up
against the aquamarine
light. The pyramid was
situated 22 fathoms down
and stood 120 feet high
with only 90 feet
projecting out of the
seafloor’s shifting
sands. Brown was first
struck on how smooth and
mirror-like the stone
surface on the structure
was. The joints between
the individual blocks
almost indiscernible.
Swimming about the
capstone which the diver
thought looked like
lapis lazuli, he
discovered an
entranceway, decided to
explore further. Passing
along a narrow hallway,
Brown finally came to a
small, rectangular room
with a pyramid shaped
ceiling. What was
amazing was the room
contained no algae or
coral growing on the
inner walls, they were
completely spotless. In
addition, though Brown
had brought no
flashlight, he could see
nevertheless everything
in the room perfectly.
It was very bright and
well-lit with no direct
light source was
visible. Brown’s
attention was drawn to a
bright scintilla rod
three inches in diameter
hanging from the apex of
the center and at its
end was attach a many
faceted red gem which
came to a point.
Directly below the rod
and gem sitting in the
middle of the room was a
stand of carved stone
topped by a stone plate
with scrolled ends. On
the plate rested a pair
of carved metal, bronze
colored hands life-size
which appeared to be
blackened and burned as
if having been subjected
to tremendous heat.
Nestled in the hands and
situated four feet
directly below the
ceiling rod gem point
was a crystal sphere 3 ½
inches in diameter.
Brown first attempted to
pry loose the ceiling
rod and red gemstone but
neither would budge.
Turning back to the
crystal sphere he found
it easily separated from
the bronze hand holder
and left the pyramid
with it. As he departed
Brown felt a presence
and heard a voice from
somewhere telling him
never to return. Fearing
that his unusual prize
might be confiscated as
salvage treasure by the
US government, Brown did
not disclose the
existence of the strange
crystal or experience
until 1975 when he
exhibited the crystal
for the first time. He
displayed the crystal
only half a dozen times
but each time witnesses
have seen or been
sensitive to strange
phenomenon directly
associated with it. Deep
within the crystal form
one gazes upon three
pyramidal images, one in
front of the other in
decreasing sizes. Some
entering into a
meditative or alpha
brainwave state of
consciousness are able
to clearly see a fourth
pyramid in the
foreground of the other
three." It’s about the
Hall of Records in Giza
and the position of the
three images hold the
key to finding the
Omal: what was the
fathom depth?
Russ: I think it was 22
if I remember right. 22
fathoms down.
Omal: 22 fathoms down
Russ: 6 feet a fathom
puts it at a hundred and
twenty something feet.
Omal: he is lying.
Russ: oh really?
Omal: below a hundred
feet you need to change
the mixture or deeper
than a hundred feet have
to change the mixture of
the oxygen regulator. If
he is not using the
correct mixture, then he
is dicing with death.
Russ: hmmm, interesting.
Omal: 70 feet is the
normal safety limit for
divers with unregulated
tanks. The deeper you
go, the more pressure
there is.
Russ: ahhh.
Omal: so therefore this
is not strictly
accurate. If the report
is indicating as it is
that he was at 22
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: then he is in the
danger area and if he
did go into a temple,
first of all I would
assume that he would’ve
realized the
significance of the find
and not disturbed it but
having been once told
not to return, taking an
object from somewhere
such as that and as you
stated he was a natural
healing practitioner?
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: he would
understand that what he
would be doing is
desecrating something of
great importance. So
this sounds more like
somebody has taken a
partial truth and has
altered it and has not
checked their facts.
Skip: it’s 132 feet is
how deep that was.
Omal: then he is well
into the danger zone.
Skip: way past the
safety moment.
Russ: almost twice as
Skip: because 80 feet is
just the limit, no
safety at all, that is
the limit.
Omal: that is correct.
He is past the safety
limit. If he came
straight back to the
surface without
Skip: he'd die.
Omal: correct.
Skip: because the
nitrogen in his blood
would turn to bubbles
and would kill him. You
have to be decompressed
when you go that deep.
Russ: hmmm.
Skip: it takes about
three hours to come back
Russ: from that deep? I
always thought 120 feet
wasn’t that far.
Skip: it is when you’re
breathing oxygen or air
excuse me, not oxygen,
air. They have to mix
nitrogen in with it to
be able to breathe that
Russ: hmm.
Omal: and still they
have to come up and
Skip: yeah and then they
have to keep changing
lighter form…..lighter
mixture tanks and stay
at a certain level so
that the nitrogen
dissolves in the blood
and don’t make bubbles
to stop the heart.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: and the brain.
Nitrogen entering the
brain is worse than an
Skip: hmmm.
Omal: what happens is
when you come to the
surface is your body
bends and thrashes
around hence the
nickname of……
Skip: the bends. Rapture
of the deep is another
name for it.
Omal: yes.
Skip: and that’s when
you start seeing things
when you go down below
the safety zone.
Omal: which is quite
possible what may have
occurred in this case.
Skip: yeah, rapture the
deep is like getting
hallucinations is
exactly what is on
account of the nitrogen
in the blood.
Omal: however, that does
not explain the crystal
Skip: that’s right.
Omal: the crystal sphere
could be a old sphere of
that fell into the hands
of the individual and is
being used with the
story to enhance its
reputation. But to go to
that depth, this is a
fictitious story with
smatterings of truths
and half-truths added
Russ: ahhh.
Skip: could be, could
have grown over a period
of time that it was
deeper than it actually
Omal: that is another
Russ: but still, you are
asking......people are
asking a lot to believe
in and.....
Omal: exactly.
Russ: I mean that’s
stretching it.
Skip: well….
Russ: just because if we
look at Atlantis and we
look at what the
cataclysm that went
through it….
Skip: uh-huh.
Russ: how are you going
to get an intact pyramid
sitting there after what
it went through? Even if
it’s settled.
Skip: it’s possible.
Russ: I suppose.
Skip: I’m not saying
it’s impossible okay?
Russ: yeah.
Omal: you see what you
are being asked to
believe, it is a lot of
subjection, supposition,
information and it is a
little too detailed.
Skip: sounds like a
legend rather than a…
Omal: correct.
Skip: you understand
what I…..
Russ: I have had no way
to find the guy in any
kind of searches except
for that little piece
that I just read you.
Skip: sounds like a
Russ: I can’t find him
Skip: and a legend is
always 90% untrue.
Russ: boy you would
think there would be a
big archaeological
Skip: yes, yes.
Russ: after something
like this came to light.
And this is '75 years
when he finally revealed
it. Well that’s 20 years
ago. In 20 years no
one’s found it?
Omal: and the five-years
gap between him finding
it and actually
announcing it.
Skip: so in his mind it
could’ve grown also.
Omal: correct.
Russ: right, how about
the guy who took them
out diving? He knew
where the guy was diving
Omal: correct.
Russ: I mean do a
Skip: in 1970?
Russ: 1975? Or 1970,
Skip: 1970........
Russ: it’s almost 30
Omal: he would be able
to locate approximately
where he was from his
charts and possibly the
feelings of the water
and so on.
Skip: well here’s
another thing too, it
all depends on whether
it was a scientific dive
or it was a recreational
Russ: it was
Skip: if it was
recreational, the man
has no idea where he
took him….
Omal: correct.
Skip: he just took him
out to dive. Because
they don’t mark
it.......in other words
they don’t keep accurate
records of recreational
Russ: right.
Skip: they would if it
was a scientific dive,
they would know exactly
where he was going down.
Russ: right. But still
Skip: I’m sorry, I was
getting carried away.
Omal: oh that’s quite
all right, you are
bringing up some very
good points.
Russ: right. But see
this is all going on the
fact that many people
have always said that
there’s pyramids there,
that they’re causing the
Bermuda Triangle
disturbances, there’s
these big crystals that
are affecting planes and
navigational things
Skip: you know that’s
another big in my
estimation hoax. And the
reason why I say this is
because I believe that
there’s a magnetic,
earth magnetic field out
there that spins
people’s compasses and
everything else and they
wander off by not being
able to know where
they’re at.
Omal: a lot of what is
in that area is credited
to supernatural
phenomenon. As Skip has
correctly pointed out, a
lot of it is stupidity,
regardless of what is
there, a lot of what
happens is because of
stupidity and
superstition that they
believe and they assume
that that area is caused
by what is there. Even
if there is nothing
there, which I’m not
going to confirm or
Skip: well no that’s
understandable but the
biggest thing that I see
in almost every
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: of the reports
that I’ve heard
including the aircraft
that disappeared in that
area, the training
aircraft, Army aircraft,
their compasses went
Omal: correct.
Skip: right away they
start panicking. Instead
of flying in a straight
line and they can see if
they're flying in a
straight line. The same
with a ship, they know
if they're turning the
rudder one way or
Russ: right…..
Skip: they panic and
start running around in
Russ: right.
Skip: because their
compasses and their
instruments go off?
Omal: correct, Skip is
very correct in what he
is saying.
Russ: so there's a
natural phenomenon or
there might be an
unnatural phenomenon but
either way it's
Skip: well I say it’s a
natural phenomenon to
most part, okay?
Omal: regardless of what
the phenomenon is, Skip
is very correct in
saying that it is
stupidity that is
causing a lot of these
missing or disappeared
or whatever
Russ: hmmm, okay.
Omal: regardless of what
has been there. Okay my
time is as I said
Skip: oh I’m sorry.
Omal: ask a few more
questions and then I
must…..well ask one
Russ: actually that’s it
for me, I'm going to let
you go.
Omal: thank you.
Skip: me too, go ahead,
go ahead Omal. Thank
you, we appreciate it.
Omal: live long, prosper
and I’ll be back.
Russ: farewell.
Skip: thank you.