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(Monka reminds us of some suggestions on not letting the timeline of the conference force a need to hurry the process along unnecessarily. He also reminds us that as time goes along, the technology will improve making it even easier for the participants to exchange their points of view.) 

Monka: greetings and welcome. Thank you for this opportunity to be able talk to you this evening. As time on your scale is limited and as it is infinite on mine, I will be brief and to the point. Communication is a interesting subject to cover and as a communicator, from one communicator to the other, it is important as the esteemed gentleman before me has discussed to state the facts that it is important to weigh each answer and question carefully. To hurry into matters without first thinking through what the questions are can lead to problems. The mediums that you use are also subject to error. And in doing so it is important to understand that these processes aren't something that are going to take a short period of time, they are going to be long and the communication mediums will improve. We are currently working on ways to expedite and to speed up the process. The technological equipment that you are using will change and the processes will speed up. With this speeding up it is necessary to be aware that it is not going to be a fast process. The faster these pieces of technology progress will have very little bearing on the fact that these discussions are a long-term deal. The individuals will come and go but it is important to remember that nothing is worth hurrying for. Hurrying does not achieve a goal, hurrying means that you have more time to repeat those lessons. And as the technological equipment advances, it will mean that it will become difficult if things are hurried. So, it is important to remember the basic communication ground rules, think things through, answer the question, answer the question correctly, ask a question, ask the question correctly, think on the answer, formulate an answer, take your time. Thank you…….

Russ: thank you.

Monka: Monka........
