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(Treebeard goes over the relationship between trees and humans before moving on to the relationship between trees and devas. The maturity of trees determines their consciousness with it being fully established in trees that have been alive for three hundred years.) 

Treebeard: greetings and hello.

Russ: greetings Treebeard.

Laura: hello.

Skip: greetings Treebeard.

Treebeard: I am hearing of a new voice?

Laura: a voice that was there a couple weeks ago but is now healed to the point where you can hear it.

Treebeard: ahh, you have fine vocal cords although being of little horse.

Laura: thank you, they're getting better.

Treebeard: that is being of good. Okay, where are we of talking? Oh yes, of devas and answers doing of questions.

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: after much contemplation, a explanation in connection of being devas and awareness of spirituality and focusness of them being in two places of at same time. From contemplation and interaction with the tree lifeforms in on your area of habitation, dwelling on this I have concluded that first necessary being for you for me to be short and to the point which will be difficult as the answer is long so I give abbreviated answer and open option for being of questioning. Now to address first part being question of trees leaving deva for second part of answer. First part being that the awareness ability of little young sprouting trees is of unimportance so pulling and harming them is no more harmful than plucking one of hair from head. But as awareness grows, and size grows, it is necessary to be more in tune with their awareness of time perception. Time perception much like that of deva can be over long time where a person standing by a tree for a moment is no more noticeable then of a molecule in front of face of you. But, house being built next to of great tree is noticeable when the house is of age itself. So a house that is being of 10 cycles of your planet is no more noticeable than a speck of dust in the sun. For a moment and a blink it is not along anymore. But a house of great age is noticeable as a person standing before you and talking for great time in your measurement. For example being of one twenty forth of your day. So a tree being of awareness depends on length of time however, if harm befall the tree at the hand of a physical moving being, such as mammal, then tree take notice and being aware learn that those cause harm and therefore becomes as you would be saying of "black at heart" towards that species. However tree also understand that sometimes being of necessary for help in removal of limbs that cause pain, problem, or damage or infested with parasitic life forms that it is unable to control of itself. So therefore to compare a tree's awareness of your species or any species is to compare it to a mote of dust floating in the sunlight for a moment. So therefore being of great age, you would have to be of doing good for a tree to be of noticing you. Most species of tree in your general locale are too young to be fully conscious of the environment and happenings around them. They are no more conscious than a fly is conscious, or a mayfly that is alive for one rotation of your planet being of one day. So it is hard for a tree to comprehend unless of great age. Now awareness starts to afix solidly after about a hundred cycles around your planet, tree starts to become more in tune but still of a juvenile level. As the tree becomes of greater age, to about 300 cycles around your solar disk, then awareness firmly fixed so therefore being of total consciousness and aware. Greater the age, greater the wisdom, different species being of different levels of awareness. Ones of great time being more deeply aware and more open to awareness of surroundings. First part of answer. Answer one question from each before proceeding to second answer concerning deva and interaction thereof.

Russ: you once mentioned the trees on the very tops of the mountains behind my house on the ski slopes there as being of great age.

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Russ: a great age would that be over the 300 year fixed awareness cycle you mentioned?

Treebeard: that is being of correct. Next person speaking question please.

Laura: does age of trees matter so much when mammals or humans like to hug and talk to trees, send love?

Treebeard: more feeling of emotion for brief moment of warmth and happiness as feline rubbing against you.

Laura: but trees like?

Treebeard: yes.

Laura: huh.

Treebeard: last person asking question?

Skip: okay now, from what you're saying, the older a tree gets, the more conscious and awareness it is of what's going on with the environment and what's happening around it.

Treebeard: that is of being of correct.

Skip: okay, now in this area, there's not any trees older than a hundred years.

Treebeard: so trees being of baby trees and awareness being that of a fly floating.....

Skip: okay....

Treebeard: but starting to grow in awareness.

Skip: I'm sorry, because this whole mountain clear down to Carson City was clear cut at the turn of the century.

Treebeard: I believe there are a few here and there that are parent trees and varieties that are too small to being of useful nature.

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: so there are little pockets as you would be of saying of trees of great age that are memory trees.

Skip: okay, right.

Treebeard: I will cover memory trees in a moment to explain with deva and interaction of deva.......

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: very important. Ok, deva and interaction thereof in connection with being of trees. Devas as most are understanding go under many different forms and auspices. One being of forms of deities to locales being worshiped in a way by people for things that they look after. Being example the tree gods and duties for trees. This is important due to looking at trees at this being of time. Trees and devas, their primary function is to look after of trees as gardeners look after plants but, because of perception of time and explain briefly, time being a concept that devas being not understanding. A moment or one of your seconds may be of such great length of time you would perceive as eternity, a thousand years being to deva but of a second. So time is of different concept, one moment one, one moment the other. Much being done in both instances but, interaction of trees with deva is as protector tending to area by vibrations that would discourage or create feelings of great protection for area. Working in way that is for protection of trees. When big area threatened by as Skip being of mentioning clear cutting, devas congregate in areas and protect small areas so that memory of forest being of kept. Duties for devas at then become negative and hostile in a way that makes area a place where bad things happen. Negative side being of trees pick up on this vibrational feeling and in self become negative and nasty aiding in the protecting of area. Sometimes deva use of different tactic of making area so beautiful that people come to sit and relish in trees and do not touch of trees because it is such a relaxing and soothing area. Both purposes being done by devas for reasons that benefit at the time. Over time, let us say a stand of trees that has reputation for bad will become surrounded by younger trees that are lighter and fairer and the stand becomes old, dark and feeling of forebooding and not welcome but it does not expand out of old grove. In time, old grove fade away into memory and is being gone and trees around remember reason why that spot became dark and black to protect and in doing so honor area. In the forests of Europe, there are stands that have meadows that no trees now being of growing but if dig down deep find roots of many great trees. That being example of memory forest. Memory forests are being of very key and important for health of forest overall as keepers of memory but they being keeping of negative to themselves knowing that job is having been done for the greater good of forest around. On other side, devas that are being of cheerful light and beauty work with trees in way to make area so adorable and admirous that it becomes spot of great light and joy and always have feeling of mystic. All that I have mentioned concerning trees are being done by devas to protect in one way or another. So devas being of guardians for particular groups such as being of mentioning trees. It is important for moment to say that trees and deva trees, that is devas that look after trees is very key to the issue of devas. To understanding of deva then necessary to understanding of tree, one being interchangeable for the other in understanding but not in physical form. After all, deva only being visible when deva wish though to be noticed. But deva of protecting of great trees will work whatever it perceiving of best for area of trees. So devas find necessary to use both to protect. Sometimes groups of devas of different kinds, being example devas of fire, will work with devas of trees to help clear out old or young, weak or sick being of trees to facilitate maximum growth effect for trees overall. So devas being playing of many parts for understanding and protection of the trees. Also if human being in state of different consciousness can tap both the awareness of trees and the awareness of devas and feel the hand of devas and trees. How to do so I will save for another time. Does this answer your question satisfactorily Russ?

Russ: yes it does.

Treebeard: it is not as long as I would hope to give but as I stated, one of your recording devices would not be enough for an answer.

Russ: no, this gave me a lot of good clues.

Skip: yeah.

Treebeard: ok, let us discuss what you wish to ask as questions.

Russ: okay, to my understanding then, understanding trees will help you to gain more of an understanding of devas?

Treebeard: yes and being of no. You have to understand both at same time to understand one.

Russ: okay, so gaining an insight into the consciousness of the way the tree works helps you in starting the comprehension of beginning to feel the consciousness of the deva that helps the tree?

Treebeard: that is being closer to truth.

Russ: ok.

Treebeard: yes to answer a question, very much being like a druid. A tree-hugging druid I think word would being of used.

Russ: hmm, Skip?

Skip: I've got kind of a problematic question here I guess. We use....the human race uses trees for building and other products like paper and so on and so forth, are we destroying the devas and the trees by using these things as we do and growing new ones in their place?

Treebeard: one thing being of devas cannot being destroyed and being of wood used is normally young wood that has not a fixed firmly consciousness. So therefore growing trees to farm them to supply carpentry materials is no more harmful than what devas do to grow trees so that they may aid in growth of forest. So it is not negative.

Skip: in other words we're not destroying our own environment?

Treebeard: no, as long as being of replacing.

Skip: yeah, they replace them now which they didn't use to. People have gotten wiser about harvesting lumber.

Treebeard: yes, so I am of understanding.

Russ: now two locations where I have seen examples of the good and the bad trees, one would be the good tree location I have been to has been Muir Woods on the coast, Pacific coast.

Skip: Muir Woods?

Russ: yeah, the Muir Woods redwoods forest. It is a protected area.....it has paths going through it and many tourists go through there. When you go through there it's just a religious experience. And then as I was saying, the ones up on top of Heavenly (A ski resort), it's almost as if they're angry at something. Just from what they experience with the wind and the people chopping them down to make ski runs and things like that, it almost seems like you don't want to go into the trees.

Treebeard: that being example of both, I'm not familiar with both areas but if image being of projected then yes, examples being of such.

Russ: ok.

Skip: well the ones on the coast Treebeard are probably between a 1,000 and 3,000 years old, they are mammoth redwoods okay?

Treebeard: so they being of memory trees?

Skip: yes, very much so. And the ones on top of the mountain here at Heavenly are approximately a hundred years old.

Treebeard: the image being projected by Russ is of little stunted trees of.....

Skip: oh I see what you're saying okay.

Treebeard: other trees lower down being of…..keep thinking Russ…of little young trees that have no more memory than being of a hair.

Russ: but they wouldn't have wanted the wood up there at the top, it's just too stunted.

Skip: it is all gnarled and twisted and everything else from the weather.

Russ: yes but there is life there, they are growing but they're old.

Treebeard: by what being projected, they make trees in coastal grove look like babies.

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: so they have lots of awareness to them but after let's say a 1,000 years of harsh winters and snow covering them and getting blasted, no love being shown, how do devas work with trees like that?

Treebeard: they attract like devas that have been used and manipulated and forced to do other people's doing so they become likewise.

Russ: so people can force devas to do something?

Treebeard: it depends on how you define force. Change an environment can be described as force, using changing for negative will make deva become likewise, changing for positive with good intent, deva become likewise. It is reflection of energy being transmitted that devas use.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Treebeard: and I apologize for amount of energy being given off.

Russ: oh no problem.

Skip: no that's fine, that's fine Treebeard.

Russ: now a couple notes on my little local area of gardening in my backyard. To appease my devas that hang out there or deva, I'm trying to think of some good ideas that they would work well with as far as helping the growth and one idea I had was putting out some cinder blocks to portion off some certain parts of the garden where we have little garden areas. And then putting potting soil with little plants inside the holes of them.

Treebeard: no I think not of good idea. Maybe something more of natural.

Russ: like a wood?

Treebeard: that being of good idea. Wood would be of breaking down and returning nutrient to of soil.

Russ: oh okay.

Skip: how about a rock wall? Natural rock wall….

Treebeard: that would being of working but cinder block…thank you for projection…is looking like of being made by using chemicals to bind.

Russ: good idea. So an actual slate or something like that to wall it in perhaps.

Skip: because cinder blocks are made with concrete and sand.

Treebeard: young lady, you are being of wanting question?

Laura: listening more.

Treebeard: ahhh …but perceiving question wandering in mind.

Laura: not so much a question, just seeing flow of thoughts that work for good.

Treebeard: ahhh yes, to answer question but not being of spoken, it is sometimes being best to be as you say, watching and listening but also to vocalize suspicions of questions that need to be formulated to answer to make life more understandable and to answer of being self, not self of doubt of perceptions.

Laura: no doubt really, more a question really.

Treebeard: okay, let us proceed and answer of more questions.

Russ: okay, I'm needing to work with various plant life to liven up areas and stuff and I'm wondering about the difference between perennials and annuals and which one I should use to do so.

Treebeard: being of depending of amount of work you wish to do. If wishing to be of replanting over and over again in different forms and ways, then annuals being of best way to go. But if being of wishing not to do as much, then perennials that grow depending on speed, size and shape being of best way for that purpose.

Russ: hmm, something that takes care of itself hopefully.

Treebeard: then being which would be of better?

Russ: probably the perennial.

Treebeard: that being of answer.

Russ: hmm.

Treebeard: for moment I think of giving you answer but think not that it would be best for you to being of thinking questions oneself…answer oneself. Being forgiveness beg, English not of my language.

Russ: no worries.