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(Omal explores the relationship between the gods of old and devas where he confirms they have been perceived as gods in ancient times. He reminds us devas are one of the seven races that colonized Earth from Sirius when they settled on Atlantis. He finally explains how devas are created and how they can manipulate the weather to benefit those who are holding a rain dance in their honor.) 

Russ: on the story of devas okay?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: I'm doing some research into some of the various entities who have existed throughout our lives as myths and storytelling’s of the gods and goddesses and various deities and the different sects and religions.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and obviously through each basic civilization or community you find similarities between all of them….

Omal: yes.

Russ: as they go along. But is this merely because of the fact that they represent a common theme or the fact that the devas take on the characteristics of each of the various places that they visit and pass those on?

Omal: it is more along the lines of the devas using existing stories, myths and legends to achieve what they want.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: if you look at some of your stories, there are talks of appeasing the gods.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: so the devas behave in a particular way to get what they want whether it is an area that nobody goes into that is their domain. For example the top of Mount Olympus, an area where they can live in peace and harmony and away from outside influences. Or if it is being brought gifts and having things planted and grown to appease them. Or a building built so they may dwell for a time in that place in a happy, relaxed state.

Russ: hmm, now the Indian or Hindu religion.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: has probably some of the most colorful deities or devas on the planet as far as their breadth of fullness that had been developed among them and from that I’m reminded of the ancient stories of UFOs and aliens encounters in India way back before written history ever began. I’m wondering how close these two are related?

Omal: yes they are quite related. You have to remember that the devas were one of the seven races.

(the races who came during the colonization of Atlantis from Sirius)

Russ: correct.

Omal: and the interreaction or interaction between the devas and the people of that area is something that has been going on for a long, long time.

Russ: now are the devas of India basically confined to that area or…..

Omal: no.

Russ: or they're worldwide?

Omal: they’re worldwide. Some may inhabit an area for a thousand years or two thousand years because they are comfortable there. Others may wander around from place to place and cannot be held in one place for any length of time. Others may go as the wind blows them.

Russ: all right well how would you……I mean excuse me, how would we……..

Omal: thank you.

Russ: my pleasure.....go about determining which devas happen to be hanging around in our area? Indian devas or Greek or Nordic let's say for example?

Omal: it depends on the individual. Some people can call devas, others feel their presence. It is…..one deva can have many aspects. There is a group of devas that for example are descended from one deva from the bacterial process in the way that devas spread and continue, the fact that they split in half.

Russ: correct.

Omal: so that a deva may have many parts to it and be many different individuals but it remembers that it was one once.

Russ: hmmm okay, this reminds me of a time where I ran a ceremony solo in which I was summoning a particular beneficial entity and a big noise banged on my window all of a sudden with nothing outside to show any physical presence.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: scared the living %^$&y*out of me. But I mean this is something that we talked about last week, devas taking on a more physical form, would this be a sample of that?

Omal: yes.

Russ: ahhh.

Omal: you have to remember that they inhabit an area between your world and another space and they will switch between them from time to time. At certain times they are more powerful and more physical than at other times. It is not the same for each deva.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: it is like a wave, sometimes they are very strong and present and other times they are very weak and hard to perceive.

Russ: this is the reason for ceremonies being held at a particular times of the moon or seasons.

Omal: for some yes, for others it does not matter.

Russ: ahh.

Omal: but for the people that worship the devas….

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: it is handy to have a time that the devas will be remembered and the devas become aware of that time and will act upon that time.

Russ: okay. An example that’s it’s reminded me of Mark working with Diana and Herne…

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: okay so that we know that devas of that particular ilk happen to be in this particular area. Now for other devas, you would be merely calling upon entities that you feel close to and their ability to respond to that would demonstrate the fact that they are in this area correct?

Omal: correct but let us look at the devas that Mark works with.

Russ: okay.

Omal: what type of devas are they?

Russ: hunter and earth devas.

Omal: correct. What was in this area before your species, your race came?

John: Native Americans.

Omal: that did what?

Russ: hunted and dealt a lot with the earth.

Omal: correct. So it would be logical that they would present in the area. It is possible that they are of that family as it were, that line and kind of deva. Devas that are associated with the earth and hunting. Quite logical if you think about it so it would be logical that an area where there was hunting and worshiping of the earth, that there would be devas in that area of that kind.

Russ: so what about in like big cities, what kind of devas would you expect there? Probably none.

Omal: yes and no, it depends on the environments created.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: more playful and mischievous devas I should imagine.

Russ: indeed. So I'm trying to remember my history of mythological origins and trying to decide which other devas of that same brand are in other cultures. For example Nordic, I can’t remember any hunting deities in the Nordic culture.

Omal: what about Thor, the God of thunder, he enjoyed hunting.

Russ: oh did he? See this is why I’m asking because I’m not really familiar up on Thor. Hmm and on the female side of that?

Omal: Frika, Fria, Fria was more of the ground, the trees.

Russ: that’s true.

Omal: Fria was the mother goddess of the earth.

Russ: well with as much Wagner gets played around here I suppose they might be hanging around.

Omal: it would not surprise me. In fact Tia has pointed out a time where Mark was being very foolish wearing a cloak and shoving his sword into the air in a thunderstorm and shouting, “go ahead, do your worst.”

(Russ and John start laughing)

Russ: good call, all right.....

John: lightning rod in hand.

Russ "I tempt thee."

Omal: well what does that tell you?

Russ: that there is a strong influence in that area for them and him.

Omal: uh-huh.

John: and what that tells me is Mark’s got brain damage.

Omal: actually Mark was being very smart and clever. Here is a piece of information that you may not be aware of, water and electricity do not mix correct?

Russ: I disagree, they go quite nicely actually.

John: yeah, yeah, water's a good conductor.

Omal: yes, they do conduct but they do not mix. In a thunderstorm, you will have lightning and rain correct?

Russ: right.

John: uh-huh.

Omal: lightning takes place around the edges of the storm correct?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: when it is raining you are more deeply into the storm correct?

Russ: yeah.

Omal: so, with Mark thrusting his sword into a downpour of rain whilst there is thunder and lightning going around tells you what?

Russ: he’s fairly safe.

Omal: correct and it would not surprise me if Mark knew exactly what he was doing.

Russ: well I can still remember incidences on golf courses in the middle of a rainstorm where people huddle under trees and they just got nailed by lightning hard.

Omal: yes, well they would be at the edges of the storm.

Russ: ahh.

Omal: for example, there is a golfer that got struck by lightning I believe his name is Seve Ballesteros?

Russ: did he get hit by lightning? Oh I guess he did, yeah.

Omal: yeah and he said that he saw the storm clouds coming, he heard the clap of thunder and that is all he remembers.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: it had not started raining at that point. Most golfers stop playing and head for cover when there is thunder and lightning around so that they do not get wet or struck by lightning.

Russ: right, Hollywood much to the difference of that.

John: well I don’t know if I agree with that, I mean I’ve been in torrential downpours where it’s pouring rain and there is very big bolts of lightning right in the middle of it. It’s common in Arizona.

Omal: I did not say that it does not happen….

John: okay.

Omal: what I said was that often the lightning is around the edges of the storm. Occasionally you will get static charges that build up within the center of the storm. Now the clouds are all connected together and often it will be fed to the edges of the storm away from the water. Occasionally you will get lightning but for every hundred thunderstorms on your planet you will get one where lightning is unusual. But the vast majority of lightning strikes are around the edges of storms or gaps in the clouds.

Russ: yeah you might of been caught in that gap there.

John: yeah, I don’t know what it was.

Omal: so the next time that you have a thunderstorm, I believe your season is over…

Russ: yeah.

Omal: look out and watch the thunderstorm and you will see that the lightning does not actually happen in the center of the storm, it is more on the edges of the storm. This happens because as the rain is coming down, it's carrying the charges out of the clouds so that it cannot build up in the center…

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: where the downpour is. More to the outsides and gaps where there is not so much rain it can build up and therefore it has to be discharged.

Russ: interesting.

Omal: often lightning will jump from one cloud to another, that is because the positive and negative charges are creating the activity.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Omal: now dealing with the devas, sometimes the devas feed off of this energy to increase their mysterious nature. In your popular culture it is common to watch a thing on people of other religions celebrating their masses and there is thunderstorms and wind and rain and lightning, this is based partly in truth. The fact that devas will do this for their entertainment. Your Native Americans have their rain dance, it is a mutually beneficial setup for the devas and the natives of this continent.

Russ: yeah I’m trying to remember the deva that is worshiped by the Native Americans concerning thunder and rain or at least thunder. There is one, I can’t remember its name.

John: it's different....

Russ: they see it is a God, just like the Nordic folk did.

Omal: uh-huh, it is the devas interacting in a particular way.

Russ: oh okay, affecting physical universe.

Omal: correct, it is manipulation of molecules of water and energy in a particular way that benefits the people. They are happy so the devas return the compliment for leaving an area alone or improving an area or whatever, they're given the gift that they most desire by using manipulation. It may not be one deva, frequently it is more than one deva. Some devas will work with an individual, some devas will work with a group of individuals, some groups of devas will work with groups of individuals or individuals. It depends on what the devas desire and what the people desire and how that beneficial arrangement can be achieved.

Russ: hmm, now here’s the $64 question, is there an Earth deva?

Omal: the deity that was mentioned was Frika.

Russ: oh.

Omal: the goddess of the earth and the mother goddess in reference to Wagner.

Russ: I see, it wasn’t exactly what I was thinking of as far as a earth deva goes but that’s okay.

Omal: that is an Earth deva.

Russ: oh.

Omal: Gaia is another name.

John: two different names for the same deva?

Omal: not necessarily the same deva but the same family of devas.

John: okay.

Russ: oh, that’s why, then it's just a mental......

Omal: if I had said Gaia, you would have understood. As I said Frika, you did not.

Russ: right.

Omal: but it is the same deva or the same group of devas. On that note, live long, prosper and I’ll be back.

John: later dude.

Russ: good night.
