(Treebeard starts off
by explaining if the goal is to
attract a deva, then care must be kept
of the plants around any sacred spot
to avoid upsetting the deva if it
accepts the area. At one point he
shares his opinion that the reason
deva help plants is also for the
purpose of helping us grow
Treebeard: greetings.
Russ: greetings Treebeard.
Treebeard: greetings Russ,
greetings Skip.
Skip: yes, greetings sir.
Treebeard: and how are we all
this day?
Skip: just fine.
Russ: excellent.
Treebeard: good, good. Okay, I
know you have been dwelling on
numerous questions from our last
talk a few moments ago.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: would you being of
liking to ask of at this time?
Russ: okay. Two nights ago I
went out to the garden and took
out some candles and kind of had
a little ceremony out there for
a deva…
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: to work on bringing good
energy into the environment and
was starting to feel a nice
change happening there.
Treebeard: it is being more of
what was?
Russ: yeah, yeah, it seems to
be, I don’t know if you'd call
it a brighter green? Like when
you look out there it seems just
brighter? You can’t see anything
growing anything more but it
just looks brighter. I can’t
really feel it, I can’t feel the
energy there…..
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: but it’s a perception of
Treebeard: it is possible that
devas are being responding to
offering of welcome being back.
Russ: and we gave it a good
watering today too.
Treebeard: uh-huh, it is being
of very important that care be
taken to take of plants. Plants
being part of calling for of
devas. If they are being
neglected then devas feel same
way and then things start going
not as wanted.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: so being of
importance that devas be kept of
Russ: we're working on that.
Trying to think of a kind of
like a little statue or
something that would be good to
symbolize the life essence out
Treebeard: depending on what
deva being present, depending on
whether or not would be of idea.
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: if it being of deva
known of having such then it may
be welcomed. If not deva of that
being used to of statuary, then
deva may get very offended.
Russ: like one of those little
pagoda looking things, maybe put
a candle inside and it lights up
but I can see where it would
depend on the deva but how do
you get really in tune with it?
Treebeard: being sitting in
peace and meditation and feeling
the energy with mind’s eye deva
will image eyes. If no image
then deva not wanting any such
thing but you have to being of
careful of if it is being of
your mind that puts image there
or if being of deva’s.
Russ: right.
Treebeard: knowing difference is
something that takes of great
Russ: being open and closing off
your own personality and ego.
Treebeard: that is being of
Russ: hmm, well that’s always
Treebeard: okay, you are
Skip: no, just listening and
Treebeard: ahh, I thought I
heard question forming.
Skip: no.
Treebeard: okay, continue Russ.
Russ: okay. Devas are aware of
us as only energy, correct?
Treebeard: yes and no, remember
deva being of different
perception of time?
Russ: right.
Treebeard: so being in area for
brief moment may be moment when
deva see brief moment as a
eternity or being of when deva
see it faster than being of you.
Russ: right, which is kind of
how if I was imagining that kind
of perception, then as you were
talking about a tree and its
perception of us and a similar
view of a deva and its
perception of us, then to a tree
we're almost like a brief flash
of energy going by in our 80
years or however long we’re with
that tree or corresponding.
Treebeard: could be as
unnoticeable as gentle breeze
that you do not feel. For
example I see on monitor gentle
breeze blowing of now in area
you are being in but you not
feel gentle breeze until I
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: that may be all
noticing that tree or deva being
doing of you. Yes in part but it
is perception for deva and tree
being hard for you even with
explanation to fully comprehend
what is perception for them.
Even for being of myself it is
of difficulty with my age.
Russ: hmmm.
Treebeard: no, not being totally
true, it being more of a brief
moment for them to be of
flashing but not of energy. It
is more as I stated a
noticeable, gentle breeze.
Russ: hmm. Now one thing that
Omal and I and Skip here, I’m
not sure if you were here for
that session, but we discussed
the various races of Atlantis
and the fact that devas were one
of the seven races of Atlantis.
Skip: yeah I was here, yeah.
Russ: right and so we discussed
how the fact that devas from
then could be existing now with
no problem at all. For them that
lifespan would be nothing.
Treebeard: not so much of could
be but being of definite.
Russ: okay.
Treebeard: it is very high
probability that devas that
being then are being now. Some
may of being of gone away
elsewhere, others may being of
new from other locations because
of devas saying go to such
place. But as stated, whether it
is of great time or little time
is not of importance. The word
time being of irrelevance comes
to of mind.
Russ: all right, so now the
question I have concerning that,
is with such longevity and such
a almost mythical if not godlike
abilities that they do
Treebeard: pardon me, I am being
reminded not to interrupt with
answer before you have finished
Russ: oh, sorry. Well the
oration was basically is how can
we interreact.......I mean what
is their.......I should say,
what is their goal? Their
purpose for us then throughout
this existence of our earth?
They must hold a rather huge
purpose for us but I don't think
we really see it in any kind of
sense that we can comprehend.
Treebeard: if I was being giving
you of answer then they would
not have goal and objective or
agenda that may be working on so
to give answer by saying what I
believe is their agenda serves
very little of purpose.
Russ: hmm, so.....
Treebeard: they being having of
their own agenda which they may
or may not be of telling but
main agenda being in my
perception from my experiences
back home is more for helping of
plants so you achieve a higher
of spiritual level.
Russ: actually that’s a very
good answer for getting a clue.
Treebeard: but it is important
to say that that is my belief.
Russ: right.
Treebeard: I do not know answer
for reason that devas do not
Russ: but still it’s something
to dwell upon as a clue for
getting our own perception of an
answer and also our own belief.
Treebeard: it is my belief, it
is not what I think they are of
telling me.
Russ: right.
Treebeard: it is pure conjecture
of what I think and feel that
their agenda is.
Russ: let me put one last point
on that then is that helping the
growth of plants helps in our
growth of spirit.
Treebeard: yes.
Russ: okay.
Treebeard: simple answer for
simple worded question.
(Russ starts laughing at
Treebeard's answer)
Treebeard: but I could
extrapolate and analyze the
question and come up with much
longer answer but for you being
Russ: hasty?
Treebeard: yes, it is being best
to give simple understandable
Russ: okay, that’s workable.
Treebeard: okay, we have of more
questions please?
Russ: with your own experience
with plants.....
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: to them, are you not
similar to being a deva to the
plants? Or myself helping the
plants, do they see the
difference between the two?
Treebeard: as I stated,
perception of time even of my
age, I am but flash in eye of
Russ: oh, this is from the
plant's perspective let’s say.
Treebeard: no, because being of
different corporal form, it is a
different stimuli that is being
of given to plant. It would be
like saying that the feline look
upon you as a deity for
supplying warmth, comfort, food,
love, affection as opposed to
someone that would be stepping
on little ones and treating with
disrespect and hurting. Even not
thinking but they are being of
hurting would be looked upon the
other side as a deity of
darkness so it is wrong to be of
saying that.
Russ: I see.