(Omal explains that the
devas at one time had physical bodies
during the time of Atlantis. It was
after the continent was no more they
somehow became the form they are now.
He confirms that they were one of the
original seven races that originally
colonized the island.)
greetings Russ.
Russ: greetings Omal.
Omal: and how are you
Russ: headache's gone away,
I’m doing pretty good then.
Omal: good, let us proceed
with due haste as is
Russ: alrighty. Pretty much
everything I’ve got here is
going to take like the rest of
the tape......
Omal: okay.
Russ: are you in any rush?
Omal: no I’m not.
Russ: okay, because we’ve got
a lot of stuff to go over
Omal: okay.
Russ: okay, of the seven races
that came to Atlantis, was one
a race that was practically
non-corporeal at some time or
any time?
Omal: afterwards.
Russ: after?
Omal: after Atlantis.
Russ: which would put it
Omal: they became a different
form after Atlantis.
Russ: you mean those that
Omal: yes, their species died
out on your planet......
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: but in essence they
Russ: oh. So did they come in
the original five races…..or I
mean seven races?
Omal: yes.
Russ: oh I see, and then they
died but they stayed on
instead of going onto another
plane of existence, they
stayed on the planet.
Omal: correct.
Russ: now is this what we
would go ahead and call the
devas or elves or spirits?
Omal: in essence yes, in
essence yes. It’s a little bit
more complicated and that in
itself to explain would take
approximately one of your
Russ: can we work on that
sometime, maybe in sections or
Omal: in sections would be
more useful.
Russ: like little bits at a
time I'm saying.
Omal: yes.
Russ: okay.
Omal: because just to explain
what they are now and where
they are now were to take
approximately as I said one of
your hours. To explain them in
full detail, you are talking
of somewhere in the region of
possibly 24 hours to explain
their full history from when
they arrived to what they are.
Russ: well, to shorten things,
what is my connection with
them and why do I feel so
connected with them?
Omal: the connection is of
what you did to them.
Russ: what did I do to them?
Omal: as a geneticist, you
used their material against
their will…..
Russ: oh.
Omal: and you're trying to
right that.
Russ: okay, so by going
through and working with you a
little bit on this will help
me better understand to be
able to hopefully correct
those imbalances that I
Omal: correct.
Russ: so now more than ever
I'd like to definitely work on
this in sections.
Omal: okay.
Russ: good,
thank you.