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(Treebeard gives us a lesson on how devas protect a forest depending on its type and gives us a project that help us take on the role of a deva to see things from their point of view. He also explains how tree devas work with other devas to achieve a goal.) 

Treebeard: greetings.

Russ: greetings Treebeard.

Skip: greetings.

Treebeard: greetings Skip.

Skip: how are you tonight Treebeard?

Treebeard: I am functioning well. Greetings Russ.

Russ: greetings Treebeard, an honor to have you with us again.

Treebeard: thank you, it is my being of pleasure to being here. Okay, will we continue where we being left off a few moments ago?

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: I am asking, not saying.

Russ: oh, yes.

Treebeard: okay, if we continue on the explanation being of the deva and interrelationship with the trees, you being of having questions?

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: ask.

Russ: okay, the problems that one sees when let's say a tree is cut down or a forest is leveled, the deva who is protecting that forest is going to feel kind of upset because of that but let's say there's new growth planted, will a new deva come in perhaps to take the charge or will the old deva stay and watch the youth grow?

Treebeard: it depending on purpose of area that is being cut. If it is as I being of seeing on your planet farming, it is more than likely that deva not being of concerned with tending so much to of trees but overall caring for area being of different kind of deva. But if it is forest that is being of cut for first time and of great age, then deva being of very upset react in numerous ways. Being of either anger and hostility or sadness and dejection. But depending on reaction of deva depends on whether or not it turns to tending or gives up and leaves. It is uncommon from my perception of devas being giving up unless it of happening repeatedly and fact being that devas of great age, it is hard for them to see it as of being common for area to be cut and cleared regularly. Also because of great age, they are knowing of that it is all part of cycle. So it is more a feeling of temporary loss as you would feel for the loss of a plant in your garden.

Russ: hmmm.

Treebeard: I am thinking of exercise to give you understanding of deva's reaction. In your area, you have many plants.

Russ: yes.

Treebeard: what I am thinking of doing for you is asking you to dig up one small sapling tree and being putting in pot and seeing it grow.

Russ: okay.

Treebeard: and if failure to grow and of dying, get another one until you get one of growing.

Russ: we've got lots of little saplings growing.

Skip: yeah, yeah, you've got a whole lot.

Russ: sure.

Treebeard: or another option is you are taking of seed and planting seed. One seed and seeing if it being of growing but I suggest due to your short attention span, it would being of better to pick one.

Russ: right.

Treebeard: you do not have gift of ultrasence to being of probing to see if seed is fertile and active as opposed to not being fertile of active.

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: so it would being better for you to experience deva not from very conception but from early stage of greening. When plant being of greening, you will see many times how of growing and by not telling anyone of what is purpose, you will also see lessons of deva of what deva experience when people unthinkingly do harm to of greening growth.

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: so it is only you and Skip that know of project and host when he listen to recording.

Russ: okay.

Treebeard: so it is lesson to see how little harm can being of done without consideration and feeling of deva. But being of remembering that you as deva will have to tend and care and look after and think of all possible happenings to protect this seedling.

Russ: good idea.

Treebeard: lesson for you Skip if you wish so, do you?

Skip: I have....I have about 4 trees in pots at home that were a gift to me.

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Skip: they're only about maybe a foot to 18 inches tall, very small and I've been taking care of them.

Treebeard: and so you've being of understanding.

Skip: I've was thinking about putting one of them in the ground.

Treebeard: okay that is good starting for you.

Skip: okay. Yeah, center of my front yard.

Treebeard: okay you will have to being of thinking as of deva.

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: it will be for you the same as Russ, no one being but of Russ and host to know what lesson is.

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: so even young man who tended of garden must not know that you will be overseeing and watching that of greening young growth.

Skip: okay, that's understandable.

Treebeard: so it give you both lesson in devaship.

Skip: okay great.

Russ: okay.

Skip: super yeah, that will work super. Thank you.

Treebeard: no problem. I also of thinking that it will give you pride in watching of greening to happen.

Russ: uh-hmm.

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: okay now, let us talk on other matters that you are thinking on.

Russ: okay, my question is in relationship to devas and their interaction with other etheric entities. For example, how do they work with weather to help get rain and so forth onto areas that need rain and so forth and keep that delicate balance of nature going?

Treebeard: they work of energy manipulation as best as possible. If no moisture being able to get, they will turn and look at area and see what can be protected. Even if being of whole area dies because of no precipitation, then they will make sure that opportunity for greening will re-occur. In such of helping trees of certain tolerances breed so that they lay down of seeds that once precipitation comes, then greening can return. Or they work in way where it is common for fire and fire devas that seeds that become necessary for roasting and burning to germinate. So working within environment is of importance of the greening that is necessary. It is almost like of you manipulating genes for specific characteristics within plants or other such.

Russ: hmmm, yeah because we're experiencing a drought right now in many parts of our country.

Skip: yeah.

Russ: being blamed on a weather phenomenon known as La NiƱa and it's something I was wondering how the devas work on such a problem where there is just no growth.

Treebeard: you being having to of remember that devas of great age have seen many different of climates on your planet in areas. For example area that once was a shallow sea is now of being of desert. So it is of necessary to realize that they have long view even in planning of now. You think of hot time to being of coming calling global warming.

Russ: uh-huh.

Treebeard: devas look further ahead to of time where global cooling will be of occurring.

Russ: the next ice age.

Treebeard: that is being of your cooling.

Russ: hmm.

Treebeard: but devas plan that far ahead. Whether it is a 1,000 of your cycles or 10,000 is a point of little concerning of devas. Their concerning is of long term.

Russ: hmm, I didn't realize that, I think us being living short-term we don't see it far ahead but....

Skip: yeah.

Treebeard: even my age of long time is small comparing of devas. On homeworld devas having been there for many millions and one deva that I call when I was much of younger then Russ to area that I adore and make garden, feeling I get of deva was of being of great age and when I say of great age I mean of inconceptual length of time.

Russ: there's a raccoon on the porch.

Skip: oh is there?

Russ: one of our local wildlife were looking in the door just now.

Treebeard: I see faint aura outside of scavenging animal.

Russ: right, that would be the raccoon.

Treebeard: I also of notice incredible energy burst towards there.

Russ: yes the kitten is rather wondering about that.

Treebeard: Kiri is of saying that the scavenging animal should be made sure not to enter.

Russ: right.

Treebeard: okay let us of finishing........

Russ: okay.

Treebeard: as I am of tired.

Russ: all right well I'm all done myself.

Skip: yes so am I, thank you Treebeard.

Russ: thank you Treebeard.

Treebeard: you are being of welcome.