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(Treebeard answers a question on the types of energy used by devas where he expands the answer to get into a complete dissertation about energy. The point is made that all things are energy and it is merely the storage of that energy that makes a difference such as a human body.) 

Treebeard: greetings.

Russ: greetings Treebeard.

Skip: how are you doing Treebeard?

Treebeard: I am functioning well. Greetings young lady.

Skip: Treebeard, let me introduce this young lady. This is my lady and her name is Vickie…..

Treebeard: Vicki…...

Skip: this is Treebeard.

Treebeard: I am honored and being of pleasure to meet your acquaintance.

Vicki: thank you Treebeard.

Treebeard: you are most welcome. Greetings young man.

Shane: is your name Tweety Bird or Treebird?

Treebeard: Treebeard although that is not my real name. It is not within your linguistic ability to distort your tongue to being of able to say my name.

Skip: do you remember this young man Treebeard?

Treebeard: I am of remembering many things.

Skip: this is Shane my grandson.

Treebeard: that is correct.

Skip: okay all right I didn’t know if I introduced you or not.

Treebeard: I believe being of few weeks ago.

Skip: okay.

Treebeard: okay let us say at this time that we are of answering questions. As much time has been of taken by Omal, we will keep things of short as I am being told that we have extra person of showing for talking. So instead of being of dissertation, I give of answering questions for you.

Russ: okay.......

Skip: Russ?

Russ: recently in one of the sessions that I’m transcribing that you were speaking in when we were talking about devas, you mentioned the fact that devas use our energy and I’m wondering how do devas use our energy? Is it for in positive in working with making the garden more beautiful or negative in making it so for example if someone’s hurting a place to make it so it was less beautiful?

Treebeard: I would think that would being of evident that both being of used depending on situation as you stated.

Russ: so the devas work off the person's energy that’s involved?

Treebeard: that is being of correct. As you stated, if negative then use negative, if positive then being of using positive.

Russ: okay. I guess the question I had was, why did they use our energy, why not just use earth energy or ether energy or……?

Treebeard: what is nearer and easier and is of causing either being benefit or negativity? Why not use the root cause of either positive or negative?

Russ: that’s true.

Skip: human energy would be more accessible than anything else.

Treebeard: it is not so much being accessible but for being that that is source of either benefit or negative. Creating environment that for being of if let us say great trees to create feeling of beauty by dappled sunlight through branches or necessary to being for drying so that seeds can germinate through great intense fire but not so intense as to destroy all. Part of problem that I perceive is that by interfering with natural cycle, fire becomes far more catastrophic then little natural fires that burn through creating necessary nutrients for soil and in some cases being for germination of seeds. So solar energy being for used in many different ways and devas help and use such energy by manipulating branches and fauna and flora for purpose to maximize effect of solar energy. So you are correct in asking of question.

Russ: hmm, now is energy strictly energy like a generic kind of energy? Are there different kinds of energy? Like is human energy more creative than solar energy?

Treebeard: there are many different kinds of energy but define energy.

Shane: like waterpower, because it makes electricity and that’s energy.

Treebeard: okay we have electrical energy.

Skip: then you have your soul and physical energy, you have your healing power….

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Skip: you have your solar energy……

Treebeard: define difference on each please.

Skip: there is no way to define it other than it’s a force.

Treebeard: please define.

Russ: isn’t it electrically charged particles that is the difference between all forms but there’s more electrons for energy then there would be without?

Shane: isn’t energy power?

Russ: yeah but it’s also, you have energy, I have energy.

Vicki: a rock has energy.

Russ: a rock has energy.

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Skip: so it’s the creation of atoms in different forms.

Shane: there you go.

Treebeard: correct, it is all the same but depending on source of storage depends on what type of energy. Spiritual energy is just the same as electric energy except for being of stored in different way.

Russ: so how’s it generated?

Shane: it's stronger.

Treebeard: correct, stronger as well.

Russ: but how is it generated, how do you generate spiritual energy?

Shane: I don’t know.

Vicki: you have it or you don’t.

Skip: now wait a minute.

Vicki: if you have it you work with it.

Skip: wait a minute.

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Skip: energy is formed by positive and negative electrons, everything is formed by it, everything.

Treebeard: uh-huh.

Skip: and if you have no energy you don’t exist.

Treebeard: correct.

Skip: so you are a form of energy, it isn’t produced, you are a form of energy.

Russ: true.

Skip: there's no production here, you’re a form of energy, that’s a form of energy, this is a form of energy, he’s a form of energy, the wall's a form of energy. It’s not produced, it exists.

Treebeard: the air is a form of energy.

Treebeard: it exists from positive and negative electrons, atomic……how do you explain it?

Russ: so energy isn’t created? Energy just exists.

Skip: it’s not produced, it’s not manufactured okay? Is what I’m trying to say, it’s not manufactured. It exists.

Russ: all right.

Treebeard: I am thinking it being of better to take up with someone that knows more of what Skip is talking about.

Skip: I’m sorry.

Treebeard: that is okay. Okay, I am of departing.

Russ: thank you Treebeard.

Skip: thank you Treebeard.

Russ: you brought up some interesting points.
