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(Kiri talks about acceptance of going for goals once death has come and the attachments that are released in the process. Death it turns out is much like life, there is still growing taking place.) 

Russ: well now here’s a question for you. Were I to die tomorrow….

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: I would be working on my desire to work towards that $500,000 or whatever my goal happens to be……

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: wouldn't that keep me behind as far as before I can move on to the next…..

Kiri: not necessarily.

Russ: because I’m attached to it and I've got that attachment that's holding me back?

Kiri: not necessarily, not necessarily.

Skip: no, you may of…..excuse me I’m sorry, go ahead.

Kiri: oh no no, you go ahead.

Skip: you may have learned what you’re supposed to learn now…

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: so you would go ahead and move ahead no matter whether you've still got things to accomplish in your 3-D mind or not.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: exactly what I was going to say but worded differently.

Russ: ahh, so I would see the futility of that $500,000.

Kiri: not necessarily.

Skip: no you’re still working towards it.

Kiri: uh-huh but it would just be a different objective. What would possibly happen is that all the events that you set in to action would end up amassing that amount after your departure and then your child would benefit. So therefore you would be detached from it and remote from it, it would be irrelevant at that point. Having learned all that you’re supposed to learn, it’s your time to move on, it’s your time.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: no ifs, ands or buts. So therefore any plans or anything that you have that are not relevant to your moving on are besides the point, they may or may not bear fruition.

Russ: up until now I’ve achieved most all my goals.

Kiri: you think so?

Russ: well the ones I set early in my life that I wanted to achieve by a certain time period. Now my goals have all been changing to make room for the new goals that I need to work on and those of course are more spiritual than they are physical.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: they constantly change, even if you’re not even spiritually aware, they still constantly change.

Kiri: oh yeah.

Russ: right.

Kiri: but that’s part of the growth patterns, that’s all part of growing, all part of learning you see. To grow and advance is all part of the evolution of the being, constantly advancing, constantly growing, constantly struggling, even up to the last moment. You’ve got to continue that advancing, you cannot sit down and vegetate and sort of like, “my life is done, it’s over, let’s just sit in the chair and watch entertainment all day.” That achieves nothing. Even if you do that at a younger age, what does it do for you? You have no goals, no objectives, no ambitions to do anything, no wanting to do anything, what’s the point of that?

Russ: well I read something today that was about bacteria is the only form of culture some people have.

(that gets Kiri snickering)

Skip: amoeba.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: yeah and this is true….

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: this is very true. Some people never, never progress out of that state.

Kiri: yeah and as much as you try to coax them and push them and prod them and give them all the incentives and everything, that’s all that they ever will be because they've lacked A, the learning capability to learn the lessons and they repeat the same mistakes over and over again, ask the same questions over and over again just different ways, not even remembering that they’ve asked those questions or having the cognitive capability to be able to realize that they’ve asked those questions. To realize that they’re asking the same question in in a different way. How many times can you ask the same question in different ways? It’s endless, endless possibilities like we were discussing last week, it’s endless, infinite number of possibilities to ask one question.

Skip: yeah, it’s the same thing lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

Kiri: uh-huh.