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Tia's D-Jump To the 6th Dimension

(Tia describes herself and then describes her home planet. In the telling we get a description of her, that fact that she is descended from felines and how far both Mars and Durondedunn are from Earth. We hear from her the details of how she left her planet and the accident she had doing a D-jump which is astral traveling through dimensions. We find out from her how she can speak to cats and even about some of the animals on her home planet.) 

Russ: okay darling, describe yourself a little bit for Linda.

Tia: oh yes, I'm 5 foot two, I think you would call me a strawberry blonde but my hair's more red than blonde. I have pointed ears, I have blue eyes whereas yours work like this, mine work like cats.

Linda M: oh!

Tia: uh-huh. I have about three extra vertebrae in my back which makes me very flexible, I would say that I am of athletic build although I’m getting a little bit flabby around the tummy at the moment. I have a little bump at the end of my spine where I have a vestige of a tail, I’m descended from felines.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: so that’s why I started by going (says hi in Durondedunn). That means hello in my language.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: uh-huh.

Linda M: and how far away are you?

Tia: my home planet or where I am right now?

Linda M: your home planet and where you’re at right now.

Tia: right now I am about 84,000,000 miles away.

Linda M: that’s a lot.

Tia: yeah comes through pretty clear doesn’t it?

Linda M: yeah.

Tia: uh-huh. My home planet is about I should say about 60 light years away?

Linda M: hmm, how did you get to this planet?

Tia: well I kind of made a silly little mistake, I did what Mark does.

Linda M: what’s that?

Tia: astral travel.

Linda M: uh-huh.

Tia: now to come up here, Mark does what they called dimension jumping, which to go from your dimension which is on the third dimension, you have to go through the fourth which is time and the thing is about time is that it’s not just one line. The best analogy is…..is there a piece of wool or string kicking around?

Russ: I've got a piece of dental floss, I don’t know if that’s going to work.

Tia: no that doesn’t work, that’s one single piece of kind of plasticky type material.

Russ: yeah right, like what? Oh, you mean that you can split into different pieces?

Tia: uh-huh. Well it’s like a piece of string that you….

Russ: unravel.

Tia: unravel.

Russ: so it’s like a little pieces of string coming off of one.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: uh-huh, yeah. It’s all a whole load of tiny little pieces of string all rolled together to make a bigger piece of string and time is like that. You see there's not just one linear timeline, a timeline is just one aspect of time. There are many, many different timelines. For example, here's a little thought exercise for you. Okay, think of 10 different things that you can do sitting there right now, let’s hear them.

Russ: steeple my fingers.

Tia: five each from both of you.

Russ: okay, your turn. What can you do just sitting there?

Linda M: listen?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, ask questions.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: wiggle my foot.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: shake my head.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: acknowledge how many times I blink?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, count to a 100.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: imagine having fun?

Tia: uh-huh, very fun.

Russ: okay, and cross my leg.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: uncross my leg.

Tia: uh-huh okay, in time in the fourth dimension, all of those things happen at the exact same time but not altogether. In each different line they all happen plus the fact that you could stand up, you could stand up and walk across the room, you could stand up on one leg, you could lick your finger and stick it in the air, you could scratch your nose, scratch your ear, stick your finger up your nose, stick your finger in your mouth etc., all those things happen all at the exact same time. When you travel through time, doing a dimension jump, if you stop and look at those……

Linda M: is it like a concussion?

Tia: it’s a little bit more than that. That’s the first part of it, if you stop and look at all of those, think of all of those things happening as we just discussed all at the same time and seeing all of them at the same time, you would have sensory overload. Some people go crazy, some people as you pointed out have a feeling like concussion.

Linda M: you mean where they can't keep their eyes open?

Tia: they can’t concentrate, they can’t see anything, they get totally confused and they find themselves back at their start point or they find themselves trapped in that time with all those things happening and all the things that continue from that point happening all at the same time and their body is left behind and basically it’s left in a coma apart state and eventually dies. What happened to me, I don’t remember too clearly because when that happens you kind of go back into a vegetable type state until you are brought to your waiting period and you analyze things and the mistakes and everything that you made.

Linda M: oh I went through that the past five years.

Tia: oh-huh well this is a after death type thing.

Linda M: uh-huh.

Tia: okay but you can do it whilst you’re alive, you can analyze all the things that you’ve done, all the stupid things and decide where you can go but when you do a dimension jump and you make a mistake like that as I said, you either go crazy, you get stuck in there, you get a feeling like blow over the head or a implosion in the chest or in the worst-case scenario you basically die. You go into shock with what you see, all the possibilities of everything that you can ever think of all happening at the same time and you die that's it, end of story. In my case, it was a very near-death experience. Basically I was in limbo. My body, what I did, which is a pretty neat trick if you can pull it off is I pulled my body in with me.

Linda M: uh-huh.

Tia: so basically all my clothes were left behind on my native planet and my body was sucked through with me. I stopped and looked at time and went into shock, I don’t remember very much about that. Apparently I came through on the other side but my body had shut down and my consciousness had shut down. Basically for all intense purposes my body was dead, my heart had stopped beating, my brain was still functioning. When your heart stops, you have four minutes before the brain starts to lose oxygen and starts to die.

Linda M: uh-huh.

Tia: that is when people have near-death experiences which is very similar to astral travel. If in that four minutes your heart is restarted you can live or, if you’re put in suspended animation, time stops for you. You are parked in that near-death experience which is a wonderful experience for a long time and then if somebody happens to be kicking around that happens to have cloning technology and a higher technology again and is capable of transferring your consciousness from one body to another body, you come back where I am right now. But it’s something that I don’t recommend.

Russ: she was rescued.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: I was rescued….

Russ: Ashtar Command…well….

Tia: well it wasn’t quite Ashtar Command.

Russ: right.

Tia: but basically I died. My original body is basically still intact in a cryogenic unit which is a deep freeze and it’s used basically if I need genetic materials. If I have a heart problem or I do something stupid and destroy my arm, I can have my other arm stitched on and with certain medical procedures that I really don’t understand can be reattached.

Linda M: oh my gosh, has that ever happened?

Tia: it happened to me.

Linda M: oh good.

Tia: uh-huh, I got a whole new body out of it but it takes about a year for a body to be fully cloned.

Linda M: and do you see scars?

Tia: nope.

Linda: hmm.

Tia: in fact I have three scars……

Russ: a missing one that you want back.

Tia: I have three that I want back.

Russ: okay.

Linda M: three bodies?

Tia: no three scars.

Linda M: oh.

Russ: it's part of her initiation.

Tia: uh-huh, you see on my home planet it is a matriarchal society.

Linda M: doesn’t that hurt?

Tia: I was young when I had them.

Linda M: how old are you?

Tia: I am 29 in your years.

Linda M: oh my goodness.

Tia: in my years I am 33.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: my planet rotates on a faster axis. We have 23 hours in our day and we have 300 days in our year.

Linda M: hmm. 

Russ: hmm, now people back on Durondedunn must’ve been a little bit wondering why all of a sudden Tia is there and all is left is your clothes. "Where’d Tia go?" Bit of a story that gets passed around through the years afterwards.

Tia: hey, I got abducted by aliens. Happens……..sorry?

Linda M: I was curious, what language do you speak on your planet?

Tia: well it’s called……..in my language it's (says a Durondedunn word) Don’t even try to pronounce it, it’s hard enough to manipulate Mark’s mouth and tongue to get the sounds right.

Linda M: oh okay.

Tia: we speak a language that is similar to…..it sounds similar to what your cats when they meow? 

Linda M: yeah.

Tia: partly because our vocal cords are a little shorter than yours so we're a much higher octave in our speaking.

Linda M: uh-huh.

Tia: and I don’t sound like the voice that Mark has or his body is using.

Linda M: do you respect American’s bodies?

Tia: uh-huh, I respect all life, I respect all life forms.

Linda M: good.

Tia: on my home planet, death is part of life. We have ritual hunts that are a reminder of our past and also help to supply certain religious organizations and sects with food and it’s done on a purely religious purpose.

Linda M: you don’t eat the bodies do you?

Tia: we eat animals like you do.

Linda M: oh, what kind of animals do you have?

Tia: I don’t know the words for some of them, we have some very similar to your deer apart from they're a little bit smaller and they're a lot, lot faster. We have some very interesting three-legged animals which have little short bodies with very powerful back legs but just the one front leg.

Linda M: how interesting.

Tia: uh-huh, we have animals that have very, very long limbs that glide through the air and fly, not like your bats and not like your birds. We have ohhh…..hate them.......we have a little creature that is probably about this big and it has four legs and it's very, very venomous but it’s good eating as long as you cut the head off to eat them, that’s where all the poison is. It’s kind of like a spider but it’s not a spider. We also have.....…oh it’s a beautiful animal, it’s ferocious, it’s a herbivore which means it eats plants only, it comes in big, big groups and it has nasty, nasty antlers.

Linda M: what, are they poisonous?

Tia: no they’re not poisonous, they just don’t like being hunted and those are the ones we hunt for religious ceremonies. They're kind of like…..what’s that animal that you have that has the shaggy black head and brown body? It’s a herbivore on your planet Russ?

Russ: you mean buffaloes?

Tia: yeah, something like that apart from the horns…..straight out and very, very pointed.

Linda M: hmm.

Tia: and those are the ones that we hunt for religious purposes because it takes great skill to bring one down, it’s very spiritual having achieved it and the chase is very spiritual. And we ladies are the only ones that are allowed to hunt it, we’re the only ones that are allowed to take any life. So it’s something that’s very, very intertwined is our religious and spiritual beliefs. Sorry?

Linda M: I think that’s good.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: also she has phenomenal hearing.

Linda M: good.

Tia: uh-huh, worse than Mark’s.

Russ: well excellent,  
