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(Tia describes her home planet to a guest so we get a lot due to the questioning that we hadn’t heard before. She relates how they, like us, were abusing their planet but eventually turned it around in ways that sound impossible for this planet because of the economic mindset. She also relates how the males of the planet are genetically placid from birth while the planet itself is matriarchal.) 

Tia: I’m on a totally different religion, on my home planet we have a matriarchal society.

Linda M: I don’t know what that means.

Russ: when women are in authority, like a mother society.

Linda M: so it’s a very warm, welcoming type of place to live?

Tia: yeah, in a way.

Russ: somewhat, we have a patriarchal society in the United States and the world here.

Tia: uh-huh.

Linda M: is the land very welcoming like a mother’s arms are open wider?

Tia: we fixed the problems that we created. We, my species, we can be incredibly aggressive. We can make your race look like a bunch of wimps.

Linda M: oh.

Tia: being a matriarchal society, we have a history similar to yours in the fact that we had an industrial age, we almost destroyed our planet but we learned that by taking care of the planet in an appropriate way, not just going ahead and saying, “okay, no more burning forests, no more industrial capability”, we learned how to control our industrial capability and we learned how to use those gases as a benefit instead of just discharging them into the air and in turn it made it much more economical and much more profitable. We learned how to control the growth of the planet, we learned how to control the land, we learned how to control the seas, we learned how to control chemicals. We learned all sorts of things and we found that there is a space in between high industrial capability which pollutes the atmosphere and living in harmony with the land. There is a middle ground. You cannot say no more forest fires because forest fires are part of nature’s cycle.

Linda M: yeah.

Tia: you cannot say no more building of dams because dams are part of nature’s cycle. After all on your planet, you have beavers, do not beavers build dams for beaver purposes the same as humans build dams for human purposes?

Linda M: yeah.

Tia: so it’s finding that balance and we found that balance and it’s not that difficult but you can’t say, “okay no more industrialization, no more computers, no more CO2, no more ozone being produced, no more ozone damaging chemicals being produced, you have to find that balance and in doing so you find that there is a way of controlling and using and harmonizing with those chemicals so that there is a neutral ground.

Linda M: it sounds like a well-prepared meal type thing.

Tia: uh-huh, it’s well-thought-out.

Linda M: and you believed in running the land for your children of the future.

Tia: no, we run it because it’s aesthetically pleasing to us now……

Linda M: yeah.

Tia: the fact that it benefits the children in the future is an added bonus.

Linda M: uh-huh. Do you have famine and worry about drugs like they do here?

Tia: yeah, we have our social problems, we have famines but we don’t interfere, it’s a natural part of the cycle. A few hundred years ago we almost eradicated our race because of our tribalistic nature. At the time it was approximately 50-50 male to female and when the fighting happened the males were almost wiped out. It went from 50-50 to about 33 or actually 25-75. So it was a ratio of about four to one. And that was dangerous so the women took control, we finished up the wars, we had our own wars which were even more barbaric than the men had and we decided to work together. We still feel the effects of those wars, the ratio at the moment is about three to one.

Linda M: so do women have two husbands?

Tia: no it’s actually the opposite way around.

Linda M: oh really?

Tia: the fact that it wasn’t the women that suffered so badly it was the men. There are less men on our planet and by some quirk of nature we have girl childs more often than we have male childs……..

Linda M: hmmm.

Tia: and male childs are very placid nowadays, very, very placid.

Linda M: very important.

Tia: hmm, their placidity is kind of looked upon as undesirable sometimes.

Linda M: why?

Tia: because of the way that we are, we're very competitive in nature. We can be very aggressive and being placid means that you get walked upon and we try to make them tough. I have three brothers on my home planet and now unfortunately four sisters. That’s also another problem that we suffer from is that sometimes ailments, simple ailments at wrong times will kill us off.

Linda M: ailments as in sickness?

Tia: yeah.

Linda M: like a common cold?

Tia: uh-huh, it’s only the young that have that…….

Linda M: are you immune to antibiotics?

Tia: my immune system is different from yours, I heal much, much, much more rapidly however if I get a cold, I’m much, much sicker.

Linda M: antibiotics, they do work though.

Tia: oh they work but if you over prescribe them things become immune to it. Sorry it’s not, it’s viruses that they’re designed to attack it's…..I forget what it is but things that aren’t viruses that are prescribed for as well and it just doesn’t work. And that’s part of the problem. And the other part of the problem is that people on your planet start to feel better so they stop taking the medication and of course they’re not that better.

Linda M: and then the….

Tia: it comes back, the virus comes back and they start taking the tablets again and it’s too late because the virus is……

Linda M: has already conquered.

Tia: well they mutated. 
