(Tia describes her times
hunting hologram Durondedunn deer on the
base to get the feel of being back home. She
also tells us how the real thing back home
looks and what they do with it once they
kill it.)
John: what are
you hunting for?
Tia: oh sorry, I was going to
talk to Nicole. I’m hunting
holographic deer with nasty,
pointed antlers. Well actually
it has two single antlers and
they’re about this long.
Russ: those aren’t deer.
John: oh yeah, it’s a species
of deer.
Tia: it’s a Durondedunn
Russ: we call them antelopes.
Tia: it’s a Durondedunn
John: yeah, not with horns
that long.
Tia: it is on my home planet.
Russ: oh, so they’re
Durondedunn antelopes.
John: and how do you hunt
them? Do you mind me
interjecting here? How do you
hunt them? What method do you
use to….
Tia: just my bare hands and my
speed and my skill and my
John: and you kill them?
Tia: well they’re holograms
actually but on my home planet
yes, you’d kill them by
breaking the neck.
John: okay, do you ingest the
Tia: yes, uh-huh, that’s the
reason why we hunt them.
John: and it’s very good
Tia: oh, very good eating,
it’s beautiful.
John: you utilize the hide and
the horns and all of the meat?
Tia: yes, everything is used
on my planet. Everything from
the intestinal tract to the
brain, every part is used. The
bones are used to ground down
to make powder for various
John: okay now as far as the
intestinal tract….
Tia: uh-huh.
John: do you use that to make
Tia: no, we use that as
fertilizer. The lining of the
intestine, yes that would be
used to make baggies.......sausages.
John: baggies is sausages, is
it Sirian?
Tia: well that’s what the
translation from Durondedunn
to English would be, would be
John: okay but the baggies are
full of meat….
Tia: yes, uh-huh.
John: is that correct?
Tia: full of meat, yes.
John: thank you.