(Tia relates on the
wars that happened in Dorondedunn's past such as
the where hair color determined the various sides
that battled over racial divisions that wiped out
much of the male population. Following that the
planet became matriarchal and had some major wars
that were even more intense.)
Tia: now somebody might
accuse you of being an alarmist…..
Tia: yes.
Russ: okay….
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and well with good reason. I
mean in times past you have
predicted stuff that due to things
that happened in the White House
have not happened….
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and so therefore some people
worry that possibly we're jumping
the gun and stuff even though I
know we’re not…..
Tia: uh-huh but you have received
emails from people saying that
that’s the impression that they’re
Russ: no.
Tia: no?
Russ: they’re just a general
impression I would get if I was
reading stuff like that.....
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: and I was wondering how you
would respond to someone like
Tia: well okay my response is it’s
better to be prepared than to be
caught with your panties down.
Russ: correct.
Tia: it’s better to have a plan of
saving money, saving food, being
cautious, being careful, being
prepared for whatever comes. If it
never comes that’s wonderful, that
is great, but if it comes and when
it comes you will be prepared.
There is no set date, people have
often have made the mistake of
setting a date on when things are
going to happen, when the world’s
going end blah blah blah, when
there’s going to be a nuclear war
etc. etc..
Russ: right.
Tia: and are any of those groups
that have predicted the coming
return of Christ, the nuclear war,
are they still around?
Russ: yeah.
Tia: uh-huh but they’re fading
away because they made the simple,
simple mistake of putting a date.
There is no date on the
Apocalypse, there is no
Apocalypse, it just gets worse and
worse and worse until people pull
her fingers out of their tush and
get their act together and realize
that they’ve got to pull together.
Whether they’re in Africa, or
they’re African-Americans and
white Americans, one group’s
members are the Black Panthers,
the other group's a member of the
triple K gang, they’ve all got to
realize that they have to pull
together otherwise none of them
are going to survive as a group.
They have to drop their grudges
and say, “okay, just because the
skin's a different color, we all
bleed red blood, we all have
hearts and livers and lungs and
brains, we have to get on.”
Russ: well and that’s it, pulling
together has never been man’s
strong suit.
Tia: no and it wasn’t on my
Russ: and it wasn’t on Sirius.
Tia: no.
Russ: for example, on Sirius it
was one group of people….
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: who got together for a
common cause…..
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: 120,000 to be exact.
(Ed. Note: it was actually a
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: on Durondedunn, I don’t know
the story there but I’m sure it
was a similar story.
Tia: well actually it was after
the men decimated themselves
because of the redheads and the
blondes and the black hairs and
the brown hairs, they all lived in
different parts of the planet.
Skin color never meant anything to
us. So your skin’s darker or
lighter or whatever, it was hair
color was kind of the racial
difference. All the blonde people
lived in the cold climates, all
the redheads happened to live in
the kind of middle climates where
it would be warm or cold and then
of course the dark-haired ones
lived further South in the more
hot zones.
Russ: hmm, okay. And so that’s
when it became matriarchal?
Tia: pretty much after that that
we realized that we had to get
together and work together and
then it was those that lived in
the cold climates wanted a bigger
area from those that lived in the
temperate zones and so on. And
that’s when we women had our
bloody wars, it wasn't over hair
color or stature, it was over
land, much like you had.
Russ: hmmm.
Tia: and our wars were much more
bloody then the males had, much
more bloody, much more ferocious.
Russ: hmmm. Well you didn’t go
through that though....
Tia: no.
Russ: so all you can do is read
the history books on that.
Tia: uh-huh, yes.
Russ: hmmm. Well someday I'll read
about our history books and how
everything was nice and peaceful
until all hell broke loose.
Tia: name me a day when it’s been
peaceful on your planet.
Russ: locally or worldly?
Tia: worldly.
Russ: yeah, never happen.
Tia: I think it was Christmas Day
Russ: I don’t think so.
Tia: I’m joking.
Russ: of course, but it's just
something that all planet’s goes
Tia: uh-huh, it’s a matter of
evolvement, evolving from a
warlike planet such as your planet
or my planet or Sirius and
realizing that warfare does not
solve everything. The bloodshed of
women fighting for land and men
and so on is not right. The ratio
on my planet of women to men is
still about three or four to one.
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: at one time, men on your
planet would love this, the ratio
was thirty to one.
Russ: women to men?
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: thirty women vying for one
Russ: poor guys would be worn out.
Tia: well that’s when they started
to become docile.
Russ: yeah I would be, I wouldn’t
have any energy to do anything
else but be docile.
Tia: uh-huh pretty much so and
then it became a genetic thing and
finally that’s how they ended up.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: seeing men that are so much a
part of your everyday existence
being the dominant ones, the thing
is that if you’re not careful, you
may go the same way.
Russ: hmmm, it's possible.
Tia: the thing is on my planet is
that lesbians or lesbianism or
being bisexual is not really
frowned upon.
Russ: hmm.
Tia: it’s not frowned upon at all,
it’s something that…..
Russ: it seems it would be a
natural course of events actually.
Tia: yes it is actually. But in my
day and age….
Russ: uh-huh.
Tia: it’s still reasonably common
but it’s not something that you
see every day and it's accepted.
Russ: interesting.
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: well I’m sure someday we'll
find out about peace and love.
Tia: yes hopefully.
Russ: yeah.
Tia: it’s hard coming from, as I
keep on saying, a garden planet
and seeing what you people are
doing to your planet.
Russ: well there is an answer.
Tia: what?
Russ: I don’t know the answer but
I know there's an answer.
Tia: of course there’s an answer.
Russ: I think the answer’s in the
Great Pyramid.
Tia: I don’t know, I don’t know.
Russ: I just think it holds a key.
Should I let her in?
Tia: no.
Russ: why, what's she saying?
Tia: they’ve got to learn
patience, they’ve got to learn
that you can’t have access to
everywhere. You see, the way I see
it is that a matriarchal society
has the advantage over a
patriarchal society because there
are times when we women can’t
fight. Six months out of a year
maybe we’re unable to fight
because we’re busy giving birth so
that we understand in more detail
the rhythmic cycles of the human
Russ: hmmm.
Tia: we have religious
Russ: right.
Tia: where we have religious
Russ: right.
Tia: one religious order against
another or one province against
another led by the religious order
of that area.
Russ: okay.
Tia: and the religious battles
will be fought until somebody is
either seriously injured or dies
and fortunately they’re not very
often. I think I remember seeing
three of them. One when I was very
little, one when I was not quite a
teenager and then one when I was
Russ: oh.
Tia: I was 14 when I saw that one
and I would’ve been delighted for
it to be my turn to join in. It’s
a big free-for-all, we're dressed,
we’re wearing protective gearing
but we have these huge, huge
battles of….…..well not huge, two,
three thousand people a side……
Russ: right.
Tia: where we pound on each other
until somebody gets seriously
injured or is killed and all the
bloodshed is kind of a gift back
to the soil, back to the mother.
Russ: that's a bit violent.
Tia: yes but it’s a controlled
violence releasing all that
tension and pressure.
Russ: hmm. Well the Romans had
their gladiators, I suppose that’s
good for you guys.
Tia: yes in a way but it’s all the
stress and tension that builds up
is released in the festival and of
course afterwards there’s a whole
load of drunken debauchery.
Russ: yeah of course.
Tia: uh-huh. It’s a rhythmic cycle
of life and death.
Russ: hmm, well like I say, it’s
not the first time I’ve heard of
that happening.
Tia: no and I believe it still
happens on your planet in Sandalwood,
the island of Sandalwood, I
believe they call it the Pisolla.
Russ: hmm, I’m not sure on that
fact but I'll take your word for
it. Hmm, well, we have our
National Football League and
France has got the World Cup and
so on and so forth.
Tia: yes, soccer, apparently a
long protracted war is a lot less
damaging than one World Cup
Russ: that’s what I understand
Tia: uh-huh.