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(Tia describes her physical body from its exterior to its internal structure. We learn she has a third more bone than humans but most are small allowing for greater flexibility. She also tells us about her retractable fingernails which have come up in previous conversations for the damage they could inflict sometimes accidentally.) 

Tia: but you have to remember, I don’t have a human body.

Carrie: (Carrie starts laughing) what? Okay, well explain this to me, now I know you guys have explained your face to me, what is your body like?

Tia: it’s humanoid but I have a lighter bone structure, I have one third more bones than you guys do….

Carrie: that’s a lot of bones.

Tia: uh-huh, they’re very small bones. I’m a lot more flexible, I can flip back over and scratch my ear with my foot.

Carrie: that’s very flexible.

Tia: uh-huh.

Carrie: that’s too flexible.

Tia: no it’s not. I have retractable fingernails.

Carrie: ohhh, that’s wild.

Tia: uh-huh, it’s great in a fight.

Carrie: I wish mine would grow.

Tia: yeah, it’s great in a fight. It’s also great when I get really going.

Carrie: I’ll bet.

Tia: wreeeowww. I’m five-foot-two as you know, I have slightly pointed ears, no smart comments Russ. I have catlike eyes.

Carrie: that'd be cool.

Tia: uh-huh, it is very cool, I like them, I wouldn’t want my eyes any other way. What else? I have five toes, five fingers, don’t have any extra joints, I’m slightly different construction lower down in the pleasure department. You still there?

Carrie: yeah I’m here.

Tia: oh. Uh-huh, it’s slightly further forward and slightly higher up than you guys.

Carrie: well that’s kind of weird.

Tia: well I think you guys are just as weird.

Carrie: oh I know, I mean I don’t mean to offend you, I mean my visual image you know?

Tia: uh-huh.

(Carrie starts laughing)

Carrie: I’ve been working a lot with my creative mind lately.

Tia: it’s good for you.

Carrie: it’s been getting out of hand.

Tia: not that far up, it's about half an inch, about half an inch further up than yours is.

Carrie: okay.

Tia: uh-huh and of course I’m smaller as well.

Carrie: wow, that would be like….

Tia: really bugs my eyes out and Russ is sitting there blushing like crazy.