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(Kiri gives a dissertation on 2nd engineering and beyond of the invention process by using an example of an intercom that was handy. She and our guest focus on its most simple functions and eliminate anything unnecessary.) 

Kiri: yo dudes. Hey Skip.

Skip: hi sweetie.

Kiri: hey how's it going? What can I do for you?

Skip: I'm still working on that warp engine.

Kiri: getting close huh?

Skip: no.

Kiri: you're going to find your new toy when it's finished is going to help you tremendously. You want to get a program called a CAD designer, is that correct? 

Russ: uh-huh, computer aided design program.

Kiri: it will give you......

Skip: are you....oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay all right, now I'm with you now. I'm sorry, my mind's slow.

Kiri: oh that's all right, that's all right. It will give you a three dimensional design capability. You will be able to construct things in three dimensions. Now there are other programs that go with it that will be able to say, let's say you design a room like this one right?

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: you could put pillars in there, bumph, bumph, bumph. Let's say Athenian pillars, those nice slender ones. You can see how it would look, you could color the walls, you could put pictures in, you could color the walls whatever color you want. If you want the top part a tan color and the bottom part a cream color, that works or vice versa. This will help you tremendously and with that you'll be able to design warp engines. I can't tell you more than that because I'm getting glared at the moment, I'm the one that Omal's watching you know, notice that? 

Skip: yeah I know.

Kiri: I'm the one that pushes the edge of the envelope.

Skip: that's okay, I'm still working on it.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: I just....I can't recall enough to give me some of the answers that I need. 

(from a past life)

Russ: it's all on tape if you want me to give you a transcript.

Kiri: uh-huh but don't......

Skip: what now?

Russ: her original dissertation on warp engines.

Kiri: uh-huh but don't do a Nikolai Tesla, tell somebody, don't keep it to yourself.

Skip: why not? I told somebody about a trailer hitch that's on the market.

Kiri: uh-huh but what I'm saying is.....

Russ: well patent it and then tell them all about it.

Kiri: that's right. Do the smart thing, patent it first and then tell them. Don't do what Tesla did, he was working on the exact same thing.

Russ: Tesla patented all his stuff.

Kiri: all the ones that he told people about. The ones that were in here (points to her head), what use are they if they're in here and not patented and being worked upon?

Skip: I put mine on paper.

Kiri: uh-huh, that's good, keep it on paper so that they can see it.

Skip: but I didn't patent it.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: now it's on almost every trailer on the road.

Kiri: I think that goes back to Omal's thing about potentials and being helpful.

Skip: I helped everybody (laughs).

Kiri: uh-huh

Skip: self-contained trailer brakes, I designed them almost 20 years ago.

Kiri: uh-huh and in return you've saved lives.

Skip: true enough.

Kiri: you've helped people to have an easier life. Just that one thing has paid hundreds of dividends. Think of how many people would have been killed if the brakes weren't there.

Skip: yeah, true enough.

Russ: if you made lots of money and become a millionaire, we might never have met you there Skip.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: yeah that's true too.

Russ: you wouldn't be the person you are now.

Skip: oh I don't know, probably give it all away.

Kiri: see you could open a can of worms there, big can of worms. Okay....

Skip: anyhow, you can't foresee the future and can't reiterate on the past so.....

Kiri: no you can't unfortunately.

Skip: second engineering is better than first because you see the first engineering and you can always improve on it.
Kiri: that's right.

Skip: so second engineering is always better than the first.

Kiri: uh-huh. Well the trick is that when you take something that is in existence......

Skip: and improve upon it.

Kiri: and improve upon it. For example, let us look at this thing here.

Russ: I got to go darling.

Kiri: okay, I'll see you later ace.

Russ: all right, have Mark just go ahead and label this and date it.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: bye Skip.

Skip: so long there there Russ, I have to go down myself here pretty quick.

Kiri: now you take this thing here right? This is a PA system right?

Skip: it's a what?

Kiri: not a PA system, a intercom.

Skip: okay.

Kiri: okay, now I can make something half that size right?

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: how would we improve upon this?

Skip: for one thing, cut the wire off of it.

Kiri: no that's.....you mean put batteries in there?

Skip: why should you put batteries in it?

Kiri: to give it power to work.

Skip: it can work on voice.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: you don't need batteries.

Kiri: okay, let's not worry about the power supply at the moment.

Skip: okay, go ahead.

Kiri: okay, how could you make that better and more efficient?

Skip: well, right now I don't know exactly what it does. I know it's an intercom but you could make it a lot smaller I know that.

Kiri: uh-huh, that is the first thing I would do, I'd make it smaller.

Skip: and VOX it, voice operated transmitter.

Kiri: uh-huh, that makes it smaller still.

Skip: yes it does.

Kiri: does away with all the buttons.

Skip: that eliminates your buttons.

Kiri: uh-huh, so in other words, we've eliminated all this area here.

Skip: yeah.

Kiri: except for the volume. We've eliminated this part which is the power supply.

Skip: no you don't have to have a volume on it for the simple reason that volume can be created by your own distance from the whatchamacallit, you don't need a volume switch on it. And as far as power supply, you don't need one for the simple reason that you can buy a VOX, you can create power from the speaker itself which would transmit through the microchips in it to no power at all, you don't need any power.

Kiri: yeah, using an electromagnetic field.

Skip: yes.

Kiri: so we've taken something that is, what's it? That's about 5 inches long by about 3 inches wide?

Skip: yep.

Kiri: and we've reduced it down to I should say probably maybe an inch by an inch.

Skip: either that or about that.

Kiri: uh hmm, I could actually make it smaller.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: what I would do is I would mount the microphone on a cord right? Which gives you the antenna for the receiving and transmitting right? Use the cord from the microphone down as the antenna as well as the microphone cord.

Skip: okay, if you're going to do that then when you touch it you're automatically increasing the volume because you are a radio receiver.

Kiri: that's right, soon as you touch it you increase the volume.

Skip: that's right.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: because you are.......a 3-D body is a receiver.

Kiri: that's correct. Okay, we've got the electromagnetic power, we've got the speaker on the bottom right? As well as the receiver....

Skip: at the top.

Kiri: at the top next the microphone. So basically we've got something that's maybe about that wide right? And probably about that long on a flexible tube.

Skip: you could even shorten the antenna.

Kiri: oh certainly.

Skip: to be only just approximately 3 to 4 inches.

Kiri: well I was just thinking if you want to grab it.

Skip: that's what I'm saying, just 3 to 4 inches to get your fist in between the two units.

Kiri: so you've created something that is much better, much more efficient.

Skip: and that goes back to what I said before, second engineering is better than the first.

Kiri: exactly and that's my point that you can take something like that. Okay now the trick is to take that idea right? Well we've actually gone to the next stage where I was going to go, we had your initial idea which was the second engineering and we've gone to third engineering.

Skip: yeah because we discussed it between us.

Kiri: okay, now how do we go to the next logical step from there?

Skip: research what we've talked about and find out if everything that we have said is practical to a point of commercial application.

Kiri: uh-huh, yes exactly.

Skip: and then if it's all practical in commercial use or in everyday use, go ahead and patent it that way and try to put it into production. To try to put it into production is sometimes a real long and drawn out affair.

Kiri: yeah, okay, let us assume we've done that, how do we improve on the product?

Skip: oh yes definitely.

Kiri: you've got to keep improving.

Skip: that's right, you got to.

Kiri: uh-huh. Okay the next stage would be, let's make it a little bit more advanced and sophisticated. Okay, instead of having a speaker, let's say we put a little liquid crystal screen in there.

Skip: LCD?

Kiri: uh-huh. In the top you put a fiber-optic camera and a fiber-optic speaker or microphone. You mount underneath the screen, you mount a little micro-speaker.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: you now have what?

Skip: TV.

Kiri: well you have......

Skip: telecommunications.

Kiri: exactly, which is what we have all over the place up here.

Skip: and you can make it this size.

Kiri: exactly, be able to look at your watch and go....

Skip: talk to the people.

Kiri: uh-huh. And, using the electrical field of the body right?

Skip: it is your receiver and transmitter.

Kiri: uh-huh, as well as your power supply. So you don't need the batteries, you don't need the storage device of the power, you don't need the magnet anymore.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: you now have a total, independent, biochemical, electrical system.

Skip: uh-huh around your wrist.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Kiri: pretty cool device huh?

Skip: then it would go to a lapel pin.

Kiri: well actually, the way that I do it is I have a device like this, this thing here and it has a projector in it which I can project the holographic image of the person I'm talking to.

Skip: all right okay, you're going into the holographic okay.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: I was going into the miniaturization.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: of the LCD.

Kiri: yeah but I have a device that is actually a lot thinner than this one, it's probably about yea thick. And it projects the picture of the person and the sound comes from the picture. It's only a mini picture. For example, if I was talking to you and I was using my watch, I would press the answer button and it would project out and there would be a picture of you about yea tall standing on my desk talking to me and you would have the exact same picture if you the exact setup of me talking to you. And I mean, it's easy, it's like having you actually there or the person that you're talking to.

Skip: easier to talk to, easier to talk to.

Kiri: instead of talking down to an empty.....

Skip: you have a tendency to feel like you are talking down to people.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: over communications.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: why that is, I don't know.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: even over what we call a telephone.

Kiri: yeah.

Skip: people do talk down to you and they try to intimidate you over a phone and I won't allow it.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: I won't allow it for me and I won't....I've tried to teach my offspring not to allow it to happen to them.

Kiri: yeah uh-huh.

Skip: so the button on there shuts them off.

Kiri: uh-huh, oh most certainly, most certainly.

Skip: same with two-way radios, same with television, same with any means of communication. If you are not happy with what you see or hear......

Kiri: there's the on-off switch.

Skip: turn it off.

Kiri: uh-huh. Yeah the great thing is that I can give my communicator a command, a voice command, I can say for example let's say I'm having a conversation with somebody and they are being rude to me right? I've got their holo there, I can say, "communication device, switch off". And that tells the person I'm upset right? Or I can say, "communication device", they don't hear that part, they won't see that part. And I can say, "non-vocal switch off"and it would just switch off and cut out the command. They won't see any of that. There's a whole load of root commands that you can use that override the command pattern.

Skip: uh-huh.