(Kiri goes over the
details of an engineering experiment to create a
vehicle using balsa and rubber bands to transport
an egg a hundred feet. She gets Skip hooked into
doing the project also due to his extensive
engineering background.)
engineering questions
Kiri: okay.
Russ: eggs…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: and the ability
to move them a hundred
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay now, are
there any outside
rules I should know
about before I go
about taking time and
money to design
something that’s going
to carry an egg a
hundred feet?
Kiri: oh you’re going
to spend money?
Russ: I’m going to
spend money, I have to
spend money to make
this thing work. So
before I spend time
and money to do
this…..it’s an
engineering question
she put to me and
Mark, we have to
design something that
will take an egg a
hundred feet and I
have to know any rules
before doing all this
Kiri: yes, the only
power source allowed….
Russ: is a rubber
band, three rubber
Kiri: yeah, maximum.
Russ: three rubber
bands maximum.
Kiri: hey you want to
participate Skip?
Russ: I can do it,
I’ve got the plans in
my head, I just have
to know if there’s any
rules that will negate
the plans I’ve got in
my head.
Kiri: no, don't
forget, it’s got to be
Russ: balsa.
Kiri: balsa.
Russ: well now that’s
a question I wanted to
ask you here….
Kiri: okay, balsa,
Russ: balsa and glue.
Kiri: yes and of
course you need nails
and stuff to pin the
wheels on if you’re
going to pin the
wheels on there or if
you're going to need
nails to hold the
rubber bands.
Russ: now…..
Kiri: you want to
participate, you want
to do this? Come on,
you’ve got until the
end of September.
Skip, you’re in on it.
Laura: he can do this.
Russ: you’ll have a
great time with this
Kiri: Skip, you’re in
on it, you want to
Russ: nails, balsa,
glue and rubber bands.
Skip: three rubber
bands, 30 yards.
Kiri: thank you.
Skip: use balsa and
glue, rubber bands and
Russ: nails.
Kiri: nails.
Russ: and wheels.
Kiri: uh-huh, well,
wheels made out of
Russ: wheels made out
of balsa right.
Skip: yeah I’ll take
up the challenge, I
will take up that
Kiri: there is no
prize apart from the
prize of being the
Skip: I will take up
that challenge.
Kiri: okay and I’m the
official judge.
Skip: and you want to
transport an egg
Laura: 100....
Russ: 100 feet.
Kiri: well if you want
to do 300 feet,
certainly, let’s up
the ante a little bit.
Skip: 30 yards, 30
yards, a hundred feet.
Kiri: a hundred feet.
Skip: 30 yards.
Russ: uh-huh.
Velvet: a hundred
Skip: yeah, I’ll take
up that challenge.
Kiri: okay.
Skip: yes I will.
Kiri: end of September
okay? And we’ll have a
special channeling
session for that.
Russ: this should be a
good....how is Mark be
able to participate
and have you
Skip: now okay,
question, question,
Kiri: uh-huh?
Skip: raw egg or
Kiri: raw.
Skip: okay.
Kiri: raw egg.
Skip: okay.
Kiri: and at the end
we will break the eggs
and make an omelet.
Russ: if they don’t
break first.
Kiri: that’s right,
that will be the
reward that the person
that wins gets the
Laura: who’s cooking?
Kiri: the losers.
Russ: and there’s no
time right? No certain
time limit?
Kiri: no time, no
Russ: okay, so as long
as it gets there.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay. Does it
have to be a straight
course or can it veer
off here and there as
long as it makes……
Kiri: as long as it
makes it to the
hundred yards, hundred
yard marker.
Russ: how are you
going to mark that
Skip: hundred feet
Kiri: a hundred feet
marker yeah, well
you've get a tape
measure that goes a
hundred feet.
Shane: I don’t
Skip: yeah I do.
Russ: you do?
Skip: yeah.
Russ: okay.
Skip: I’ve got a
hundred foot tape.
Russ: we can use it.
Skip: now....
Kiri: yeah sure.
Skip: by you veering,
you’re going to travel
more than a hundred
feet partner.
Russ: yeah well I’m
taking that into
account. In my head I
got this planned out,
I just don't know
what's going to happen
until I put this into
Skip: let's
see.....yeah, I'll
take up that
Kiri: okay, right.
Russ: boy this is
going to be a real
challenge now.
Kiri: uh-huh, I think
Mark’s going to have a
workout as well.