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(Omal discusses how the evolution of society has progressed and how the spiritual development of the superego has been part of that evolution. The point he makes is that a country based on classes has a better chance of economic and spiritual advancement than those societies without a definite goal.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations. Greetings Karen, greetings Russ.

Russ: greetings Omal.

Karen: greetings.

Russ: all right, well that was a cheery little note from Tia.

Omal: yes she is a ray of sunshine. It amazes me that she manages to maintain a bouncy, bubbly personality when she gives gloomy information.

Russ: yeah leaves me going kind of uh-oh. All right, currently.....well I'm working a little bit on as I was mentioning the past and who would I work on with that? Would that be yourself?

Omal: myself or Korton.

Russ: and Korton's not here tonight.

Omal: correct.

Russ: so we'll work on it with you.

Omal: okay.

Russ: okay so we saw as we mentioned Atlantis leading into Greece.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now is that the only time from Greece til now....or Greece, Roman, dark ages to now that we've seen the cycle happen?

Omal: no.

Russ: what was the one between that then?

Omal: while there are certain cultures that even though they have a King or an Emperor, have a democratic system. For example Charlemagne in 801.

Russ: uh-hmm.

Omal: he had a feudalistic society with Democratic leanings.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Omal: let us move on to the British Commonwealth and the British Empire. They had a democratic system sort of that was a Emperor or King or Queen or Empress that ruled over the country but had representatives from the people and that started in about 1600. Let us shop around again in the Orient. India had a semi-democratic system. Democratic societies are not new. They can be traced back through thousands of years through elected individuals that act on a lifetime capacity. Yes?

Russ: I was going to say, so essentially what we're looking at is each person trying to re-create what we came to this planet for in the first place?

Omal: correct, the ideal utopia.

Russ: correct, it's in our genes as a built-in program.

Omal: yes, it is something that was set in motion many thousands of years ago. It was deduced at the time of the failing of Atlantis that it would not have worked at all on your planet with the group of individuals that had come. Admittedly that they were a bunch of religious dissidents that wanted freedom and political dissidents and they wanted to create the ideal society. But the lesson that they did not learn was all's they had to do was wait on their home planet. They were impatient, imperfect and not ready for what was to come so they tried to create their version of it knowing that it was to come on a planet that was young and new in their opinion. They did not have the rigid structure that was necessary for the advancement. A society that has a rigid system of classes has a far better chance of an economic and spiritual development. You take the United Kingdom or any country in Europe including Japan. Look at their feudalistic society and how it shaped their current society. The ideal society to look at would not be so much as the United Kingdom as Japan but you can compare both of them as they are equally alike to give you an idea on how things should work. You have a feudal society where you have the Emperor. The Emperor has his ministers and their ministers have the Lords that control the land. Together they work together and create a society where everybody knows their place. A few hundred years pass, the start of the 20th century and a democracy with a hereditary Emperor or King or Queen is in existence with a Democratic system. The monarchy or Emperor is a figurehead in essence that they have the power to veto only if it is absolutely necessary. It is their government but the government controls how much they receive so therefore they do as the government says. The people in the society understand their places and how it works. It is alike your internal combustion engine, each part plays an important part in the functioning of the engine. From the spark plug, to the wiring that gives the electrical ignition to the oil that keeps the engine lubricated to the cooling system that keeps it cool so it does not overheat, everything has an important part to play and societies are like that. A rigid society has a much better chance of advancing to a spiritual development then a society that has free will and has no clear focus. For example, what is the focus or the goal of your country for the next hundred years?

Russ: there is none, basically just make money and be successful and have fun.

Omal: what is the goal of the Japanese society?

Russ: it's changing more to our goal though now than it used to be.

Omal: how about let us say Germany?

Russ: hmm, since the unification?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: I'd say that'd be more closer to what we're looking at.

Omal: correct. A society that is rigid and yet has a definite goal on where it wishes to go.

Russ: right.

Omal: the development of higher technology to improve the society and the surrounding areas to affect a more easy lifestyle whereas your country is decided towards making more money which is not a goal but a loop.

Russ: right, now but we are more spiritually inclined than Germany is.

Omal: more spiritually diversified.

Russ: well the New Age has a bigger following here let's say.

Omal: yes but it does not matter if it is a New Age or the Christian religions or old age religions, it matters on whether society is focused on a goal.

Russ: ahh.

Omal: the spirituality comes with that. It is advantageous to have lots of free time and to be able to have the necessary currency to have that free time but it is also important to have a goal.

Russ: so that's why what we're looking at in the future here is one of the keys for gaining that spiritual upliftment.

Omal: correct.

Russ: got it, okay.

Omal: young lady, do you have a question?

Karen: no, it was there but now it's not.

Omal: do not worry, relax and feel free to interrupt.

Russ: please do, I just had some stuff I had to get through real quick for the webpage to put on there.

Karen: no I was just curious. I mean spiritually everyone should be more or less on the same wavelength if they're allowing certain thoughts into their head and believing what they're hearing, am I not right?.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: I would beg to differ. It is up to the individual to decide where they wish to go with their spirituality but that is a personal opinion. It works well up here on the base but we're not a democracy.

Russ: you're an autocrat? Autocracy?

Omal: we are an autocratic society.

Russ: autocratic society, that's what I meant.

Omal: I am the base commander, I make the laws.

Karen: that's a good job.

Omal: it is a hard job. I envy you having the freedom to wander around, to be dormant when you wish to be dormant. To be able to stand outside in the rain and feel the rain on your face. I envy your freedom and your lack of responsibility.

Russ: now one thing we mentioned in the webpage recently that I did up was the subject on ego.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and Tia, who I think it was who is working with me on this, mentioned that yourself, Ashtar, Sananda, Korton and all of us have an ego but yours is a superego.

Omal: you have superego also.

Russ: but what makes mine different from yours?

Omal: nothing apart from mine plays more an important role in who I am. Your superego is subordinate to your normal ego. With myself it is reversed, the higher you evolve, the more important a superego becomes. A superego is the inside that tells you that what you have done is good and it feels good. It tells you when you have done something wrong and it makes you feel the wrong. A superego tells you that something is good or bad, it makes you feel the actions and it makes you feel the rewards. It makes you act in a particular way with the confidence necessary to be a base commander, to be a department head. It gives you that confidence that when you're in your field as I am, it gives you the tone in your voice, it gives you your mannerisms, the way that you carry yourself, the way that you behave towards others with respect and deference. It gives you the air that you need to be comfortable and confident.

Russ: so for example with the lighting at the racetrack? It gave you the confidence to know that that was how it was supposed to be?

(for the tri-base ski races)

Omal: actually that was an idea that had been discarded by the organizer.

Russ: oh really?

Omal: due to the fact that he thought it could not be done.

Karen: can't we use that in our everyday lives as well?

Omal: yes you can.

Karen: I mean don't we feel like....well I think I can go climb that mountain and that's more or less saying that I can and that's like your superego taking over?

Omal: yes it is but you use your superegos occasionally.

Russ: so does the superego control you or you control it?

Omal: both.

Karen: it's a pinball game.

(a computer game her and I had been playing)

Omal: that is a third dimensional ego.

Karen: I'm sorry. (laughs)

Russ: I see what you mean.

Omal: superego gives you the confidence to concede that somebody is better at something than you and to accept it with confidence or the confidence to concede that you are better than somebody and they have the opportunity to be able to catch you up and you to pay respect when they catch you and in their attempting to try as opposed to putting them down, laughing at them, joking. So it is both of you if the report that I am having recently that need to learn how to control your egos in this manner.

Russ: well I did say good job.

Karen: and I did almost succeed and just tell him that he was better than me and tell him he won and he was better than me. It's so funny.

Russ: so I see what you mean okay, so the superego does play a role and the key here that we're looking at then is letting it play a more important role.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: ahh.

Omal: the development on a spiritual level is when the superego comes into play. It is good to be competitive, after all the example of this recent tri-base event is a good example of competitive nature. There was nobody standing up and saying, "I beat you, I'm better than you." It is all, "better luck next year. See you next year, looking forward to racing against you, may the best person win."

Karen: almost like fencing?

Omal: hmmm.

Karen: etiquette.

Omal: yes etiquette, politeness and it is very important.

Russ: hmm, thank you, it is important. Okay, well being as I'm sure you're on a schedule and stuff I'm not going to hold you up for any more questions on my end.

Omal: thank you, young lady?

Karen: yes.

Omal: do you have a question?

Karen: no, not that I can think of right now.

Omal: okay thank you.

Karen: thank you.

Omal: live long, prosper and it would not be a channeling session without me saying, "I'll be back".