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(A question on the country of Georgia to Tia gets us a history lesson on the Amazons of legend and their real story plus another lesson on tribalism. We explore the tribes of the past and tribes of the present and how technology has either diminished of helped them to grow. A third lesson comes from learning who was the inspiration for the preamble of the Constitution of the United States. She reminds us we are all humans first and members of a country second.) 

Tia: I’d like to hear David’s question first.

David: how is Zhirinovsky’s popularity doing?

Tia: it’s climbing, it is climbing. He holds certain persuasive techniques that he uses.

David: like that guy with the little small mustache right underneath his nose?

Tia: uh-huh.

David: that’s who he reminds me of.

Tia: well he has a lot more experience in it than the little corporal did. I don’t think he will go quite that way but however with that area…….

David: he’s already talked about genocide on a couple different cultures.

Tia: uh-huh but they all talk about it in that area. You take the Georgians for example, they’ve been practicing it on the…..what’s that tribe down there? Azerbaijan?

David: uh-huh, Azerbaijan?

Tia: thank you. They’ve been butchering each other for centuries there. If you go back to Georgia, there was a great tribe there at one time that had very strong influences throughout that whole entire area about 3,000 years ago all the way down into Greece and the Greeks wrote about them. Anybody can guess what that tribe was?

Russ: Mongols?

Tia: no. I’ll give you a clue.

John: archers?

Tia: getting close.

John: the name Ottoman came to mind for me.

Tia: a little bit before the Ottoman time. The only thing that I can say that would be another clue is the stories of them removing a part of their body to aid archery is total......(blows a raspberry)

Russ: she means Amazons.

Tia: uh-huh, they did exist and they had great power in that area.

John: okay so you’re talking about precursors to the Ottoman tribe.

Tia: well we’re talking about precursors to quite a few things in that area actually but what happened was that they were suppressed and their tribes were overwhelmed and they become a small tribe where the males became more dominant. In a way this is a genocide.

John: yeah the Georgians.....

Tia: uh-huh?

John: how about the country of Georgia right now, aren’t they very unstable?

Tia: that is why I brought them up. They are very unstable, they’re always attacking and fighting amongst themselves and causing lots of problems and also they do have a nuclear capability there because some of the bases are in their area so they’ve got to be watched very carefully. Let’s get back to the various political, activist generals and so on that are trying to get in power. Now I don’t see the generals that are running at the moment actually getting much in the way of power. They may get elected to a seat in their government, they may become a leader of a party but I would see more of a ex-communist politician coming to the foreground because communism in that area is very necessary. I’m not saying that it works but people there need to be dominated. If you take for example the Greeks and their saying that it is best to have a democracy with a benevolent dictator, that’s what the people of that area need is somebody that is strong that can lead them down the right path whereas if you have a party system, they cannot enact their long-range plans because they’ve got to be reelected or somebody else is elected that has a different idea and they cannot enact their long-range plans. That area does need long-range plans for it to work. It is one of the areas where a democracy or a Republic doesn’t work.

John: and what about the plans with certain aspects of the peoples and the military there to force a Republic or a Democratic….

Tia: I think I have just addressed that with the explanation on long-range plans that they do need somebody very strong like a czar that can run the country without having to worry about political changes every four or five or six years. Are you comfortable there?

(speaking to a cat)

Tia: okay next question, ahhh she’s arrived.

Russ: when you look at South Africa and you look at Eastern Europe….

Tia: I do?

Russ: and you compare it to the United States, what similarities are you going to find?

Tia: tribalism for one thing, technology for another. Tribalism and references to the various tribes in South Africa and the tribes in the countries of the former USSR and your own country. Now what are your tribes here called?

Russ: Crips and Bloods.

Tia: uh-huh, gangs is a much better…...

David: it's not always gangs but not all of them consider themselves gangs.

Tia: yes but they are huge networks of individuals closely linked, sometimes by blood, sometimes through intrigue and so on and they are very tribalistic.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: technology, let us take that. Okay South Africa doesn’t have a very high technological level except for in their mining technologies which is the envy of the world however because of their problems with their tribalism that is dying. Now the former Soviet Union, very high-end technology, very well advanced, the same as your country. But these things are hindrances because it takes away the personality of the people and the tribes. It can be useful with the tribalism to take away the personality and the aggressive nature to a certain extent but there again it is also survivalism of that particular group. For example, if you take a tribalistic group, let us say the Wappo. Anybody know what the Wappos were?

John: no.

Tia: Russ?

Russ: Italians?

Tia: no. Johnny, you know.

John: nothing came to mind right off hand.

Tia: they are an extinct group of native North Americans indigenous to the Napa Valley. I only know that because Mark told me.

John: the Wappos?

Tia: uh-huh and they recently became extinct because they had been assimilated and lost their culture. So technology can be a tool for exterminations of differences.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: another tribe, I think it’s the Mohicans? Mohawks.

John: yeah.

Tia: they’re very few in number aren’t they now?

John: there's a lot fewer than what there used to be.

Tia: uh-huh.

John: I mean they used to cover….

Tia: a very large area.

John: a very, very large area.

Tia: and what did technology do for them?

David: not a damn thing.

Tia: in fact it was a hindrance.

John: it led them to their upbringing especially since they were on the East they had a bigger impact than the Western tribes did.

Tia: Western tribes got butchered even worse. You take your local tribe, the Shoshone? No.

David: Washoe.

Tia: Washoe, thank you, thank you, knew you would come in handy for something.

(David chuckles)

Tia: what happened to them? They’re still here, there’s still a few of them, not as many as there once was a while ago……isn’t that a song or a part of the song? But they are still surviving just barely. They’ve been stopped from coming to their religious places so what did technology do for them? However, you take the Cherokee, certainly technology at first was very bad for them but now look at them.

John: they’re rebuilding the Cherokee nation.

Tia: that’s right. You take the five nations up in I believe it’s New York, Massachusetts? Can’t think of their name, keepers of the sacred light?

John: Algonquin?

Tia: could be, could be.

David: Iroquois.

Tia: thank you.

John: yeah Iroquois.

Tia: now, they gave your country something of great importance, anybody know what it is? Okay who knows the preamble to your Constitution?

David: I know some of it.

Tia: okay, how does it go? And speak up in a loud, crisp, clear voice.

David: oh boy, something about guarantee the people a Republic…

Tia: should I start? "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union." Do you know where that comes from?

John: I think it’s European.

Tia: "we the tribes of the Iroquois guarantee" and it goes on and on and on. "A franchise and so on for the people of the Iroquois." That’s the biggest gift of any Native American tribe to your country.

John: ahh, interesting.

Tia: uh-huh. Even in the drawings they have their Constitution shown, that long thing that they unroll. Anyway I’m hogging too much time here.

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: any last questions? Let’s start off with David.

David: no.

Tia: Johnny?

John: even though we all come from different tribes, isn’t the key to this that we're all one people and more than just being Americans or British or German, we're human beings, we’re earthlings?

Tia: yes.

John: isn’t that the……?

Tia: that is the point but do not lose your racial identity. If you remember the discussion we had some weeks back about what are you? David, what’s your nationality?

David: mostly British, I've got a little bit of Indian in me, Choctaw.

Tia: Johnny, what is your nationality?

John: earthling.

Tia: hey.

Russ: third dimensional being of the third planet from Sol.

Tia: oh, aren’t we being a little facetious tonight? First of all you are of the planet Earth, secondly you are Americans. You were born and raised in your country, in this country. Anyway, I’m getting nudged here, I’m going have to put on the next person.

Russ: what about my questions?

Tia: okay what about your question?

Russ: I’m borrowing one of David’s. What are the odds of us getting the whole solution to world peace figured out and two seconds later a Vogon construction fleet showing up?

(snickers from Tia)

Tia: (says goodbye in Durondedunn)

Tia: and to Russ……..

(says something else in Durondedunn that is probably a swear word)

Russ: bye love.
