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(Tia launches into a long dissertation and discussion on what factors are used to gauge the planet’s level of well-being. Besides the stock market there is the media who she says doesn’t do a good enough job showing what aliens types are out in our galaxy. To make her point she list all the ones we’re familiar with and a bunch more that are rather surprising.) 

Tia: okay let us look at the market’s current entertainment.

Russ: it went up 10 points today.

Tia: 11 actually, not very much.

Russ: not very much.

Tia: no, but the NASDAQ did make records. So the NASDAQ set a new record, the Dow dropped, overall increase in shares did occur but even though the Dow did drop. As I said in the past, we’re using the Dow as an indicator. There are two other indicators that we do use, the Russell 500 and the NASDAQ composites. So with those we can analyze much easier by using three pointers. If you wish to use a fourth one, there's the S&P that you can also use but using these pointers gives you a good feel for the pulse of the economy. With these pulses, you can see what’s going on. If two go up and two go down, then yeah it’s pretty stable. If three go up and one go down, it means that it’s increasing and if the opposite occurs, three go down and one goes up, again it’s decreasing. If all four go up, it’s going up pretty fast. If all four go down, then it may be worth watching what is going on and seeing how the trends are. Now there are external trends to watch, for example gross national product, consumer confidence and inflation. Again three pointers worth watching. With these things like consumer confidence, you can see what’s happened in the past and the trends that are going. With the gross national product, again you can see the trends. See on what’s happening and how things are going. Inflation, again that’s a very good thing to watch for. It’s a handy tool to use to direct. So, a brief synopsis, the market at the moment is appearing to be stabilizing but it is worth watching to see how fast things grow. With things growing rapidly, of course there are always downtrends and these downtrends are worth watching to see how they continue. But at the moment, with its increases, it’s hay time, to make hay, to have money, to invest if you feel that you need to invest. But what do you invest in? Well there’s lots of things that you can invest in and my recommendations are just as good as anybody else’s so what’s the point of me giving recommendations that anybody can give that knows a little about the market. It’s pointless, it’s like an opinion, everybody has one. Any questions hon?

Russ: yeah love, you’re using Earth economic factors to determine things like……excuse me for a second…..to determine things like changes in our economy…..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and indicators showing potential changes that are around the corner.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now what other indicators are there besides Earth indicators that you use?

Tia: we use things like the general behavior of people. By watching people and the way that they behave and how they talk will give you an indication on how they are doing. If you talk and observe enough people, you can come up with an opinion that is external to released figures that are calculated by governmental agencies, business corporations and so on. Which even though they're pretty accurate, they really don’t know what’s going on, they don’t have their finger totally on the pulse of the community. So what you want to do is to look at how people behave, how they interact, how they spend their money, what they spend their money on. If they’re spending a lot of money, if they’re not spending a lot of money. So you have to look at how people behave to see what is actually going on.

Russ: now is there a growth phase in consciousness to watch for at the same time?

Tia: hmmmm, yes and no, it depends on the social status of the individuals. People in the lower brackets tend to be concerned with one thing and one thing only which is?

Russ: that’s an unfair grouping though wouldn’t you say?

Tia: I’m starting from the bottom and I’m working my way up.

Russ: okay, well I’ll play.

Tia: you’ll play. Before we play, why do you have that reservation?

Russ: well due to the fact that I’ve been in that same bracket more times than I can count….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and yet every one of those times that I’ve been in that bracket have been my highest leaps in consciousness or at least in learning.

Tia: yes but you’ve already been exposed to that quest for knowledge.

Russ: at my lowest points I’ve been exposed….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: but at my higher points, those are the points I was never exposed to it.

Tia: yes but you were already spiritually aware.

Russ: well that’s just many lifetimes.

Tia: uh-huh, you were conscious of those lifetimes and of those experiences. Most people are not. Take for example your former girlfriend.

Russ: okay.

Tia: she was never exposed to those spiritual situations.

Russ: different continent…..or different country.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, what I’m talking about is those people born in the United States….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: with those past lives from Atlantis now taking more of a predominant role in their consciousness and their growth.

Tia: okay let us look at another person.

Russ: okay.

Tia: Jack, very Americanized.

Russ: came from Greece though.

Tia: uh-huh but, let me follow this through.

Russ: okay.

Tia: he’s very Americanized, I believe he’s an American citizen correct?

Russ: oh yeah.

Tia: he worked for governmental agencies.

Russ: correct.

Tia: but yet he comes from the old world where there is a history of connection with Atlantis, where they actually do believe in Atlantis, it’s not some harebrained scheme.

Russ: right.

Tia: so why is it that Jack is so different from you coming from a place where it is accepted, that it more than likely did exist?

Russ: hmm, because people who are….

(Mark's cat Joey made a thump in the room above us)
Tia: she’s got heavy feet.

Russ: yeah…..people with more familiar........and it has to do with past lives. Okay yeah their belief is there but their past lives are bringing them here to this country due to the technological nature of this country is completely similar to what Atlantis was so therefore I’m talking about people who were born in this country.

Tia: okay, David.

Russ: good point.

Tia: until he met you….

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: no idea of past lives…..

Russ: right.

Tia: no idea on spiritual awareness……

Russ: right.

Tia: but, he was exposed to it. Now, David is in the bottom bracket correct?

Russ: oh yeah.

Tia: very much so and his spiritual growth goes in spurts. When he moves temporarily up into another bracket where he has property and so on, he searches but when he is knocked back down into the lower bracket he’s more concerned with survival. "Where’s my next meal coming from, where’s my next luxury coming from" and that’s all he’s concerned with. But, the average person that has not been exposed is more concerned with advancing to the next bracket. When they achieve that next bracket, they have a stable lifestyle, they wish to go on to the next level and the next level is having luxuries such as a car, TV, VCR, pets, computers and so on. Now having achieved that bracket, then they start to branch out for spiritualness. Whether it is from an established Christian religion or Celtic or Buddhism or Druidism or Hinduism or Muslim, whatever, they branch out and search. Now there are certain groups that are external, groups that have a strong ethnic background in spiritualism, they’re outside of the normal run-of-the-mill people.

Russ: hmm, okay well take for example….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and this is why I bring this up, the fact that as you mentioned David wasn’t much into it until he was exposed by myself.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: at that point took a much further interest.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now I’m taking this to the next level which is the fact that the media has kind of taken my position now. People are being exposed on a huge, wider scale and especially with the Internet too…..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: to where it’s not just me telling people or people like me telling other people, they’re seeing this in many different forms, especially entertainment forms that are hugely popular….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and hugely making a point on their brains.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: inspirational or something like that. Now with that, I think we’re seeing the changes coming about from a larger group of people….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: in the same bracket that David was.

Tia: they’re interested but they do not have the ability to advance. Mainly because there is one factor involved in the media that plays a very strong role in it.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: and that factor is, "how much money can we make from this?" So there’s a lot of erroneous information out there that is very deceptive, very uninformative due to the fact it’s a mishmash of realities and fantasies. A collection of ideas that look compatible but are not. For example, let us take the humanoid species.

Russ: okay.

Tia: how many humanoid species do you know?

Russ: roughly four?

Tia: I can actually think of a lot more. There’s my species, your species, the Zeta’s, the Wookies, the Sirians, the Reptilians, yes they fit in there, they’re bipedal life forms. They all have one thing in common.

Russ: hmm?

Tia: they all have hands or things approaching hands, they all have two eyes…..oh the blue guys, the androgynous race that we have up here. Okay so that’s eight races, all bipedal, all bifocal, all with digitals. Now, how many species are there that are spacefaring? Also the bat race and the pig race and the frog race that Mark’s seen so that brings it up to 11.

Russ: I would say they’re all spacefaring except for the frog race…

Tia: uh-huh. Now the question wasn’t how many of those are spacefaring, it’s how many spacefaring races are there?

Russ: oh, quite a few.

Tia: uh-huh, a lot and the humanoids are just a small percentage of the spacefaring races.

Russ: they’re not very good at it either.

Tia: no. There are other races out there that you would not recognize as lifeforms but they are alive. So your popular entertainment portrays basically this one category, the humanoids. They don’t portray any of the gaseous lifeforms, they don’t portray any of the liquid lifeforms, they don’t portray any of the plant intelligent lifeforms, they don’t portray many in the way of aquatic lifeforms that are intelligent spacefaring races.

Russ: “Men in Black” came kind of close.

Tia: no, not even close, not even close. There are so many different lifeforms out there that we make up as bipedal lifeforms, carbon based lifeforms, about maybe 2% if we're lucky.

Russ: hmm.

Tia: so what is in your popular entertainment is quite a lot of erroneous facts. There’s a lot of truth in them but there is also a lot of information that is way off the mark. There are a lot of lifeforms out there that show no interest whatsoever in your species, in your planet, they’re more interested in other things. So you see where I’m going with this?

Russ: right.

Tia: that the popular entertainment is probably about 2% accurate and the rest of it is fantasy, wishful thinking, mishmash of facts cobbled together that is there for purely entertainment. Now people like David go and to see things like this and they take it as that’s a possibility, that rings a bell. It’s the desire to feel not alone. Even though you’re not alone, but you want to feel comfortable, you want to be able to associate with an idea. So if you were to make a realistic entertainment on spacefaring races, you would be in for quite a shock on all the possibilities and all the possible motives and all the possible thought processes and so on. So that to say that the popular entertainment is a key element in the spiritual growth is wrong because there is a lot of mishmash ideas in there. Now what is useful is the revival in native consciousness meaning Native Americans, native British people, native Africans, native Chinese, their spiritual awareness is where the true information really is. Yes there is an increase in these things. Movies, TV series, documentaries, books, publications, all of these things have a connectedness but these massive blockbusters, "Men in Black", "Contact"........actually "Contact" is more realistic than "Men in Black" for your Earth terminology.

Russ: "Independence Day".

Tia: "Independence Day", "Star Trek", all these things serve a purpose primarily of entertainment. Little snippets, even "Star Wars", little snippets of information are scattered within. Little philosophies are scattered within but overall they are purely entertainment. Omal would beg to differ and I’ll let him deal with that in a little bit.

Russ: they do make my job easier.

Tia: what do you mean?

Russ: well when I discuss something like this, it’s not like I’m having to start from scratch.

Tia: oh, no.

Russ: I’m building on a information base that people have already accepted….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: as a possibility.

Tia: yes.

Russ: when I’m able to offer collaborating evidence towards that fact…..

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I’m not starting from total disbelief.

Tia: no, no, there are a lot of people out there that do and they get suckered into these cults.

Russ: well if Omal allows your answers from the last part there, that will go a long way too.

Tia: uh-huh. A good example of being suckered in and a costly one is the Heaven’s Gate group, they were suckered in badly.

Russ: yeah people are still asking whether or not "well, I wonder where they are now?"

Tia: they’re dead.

Russ: yeah I know, they’re in between lives going, "well that was pretty stupid......"

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: "let’s not do that next time."

Tia: yeah, exactly. They were not picked up, there was nothing there and not enough credit has been given to the people that said that there was nothing there. I mean, Mark went there and told, there was nothing there. The information got out late but it wouldn’t have changed anything.

Russ: no, people are going to do whatever they're going to do when they do it.

Tia: uh-huh. Art Bell did a lot of harm to the spiritual growth. Art Bell in my opinion is a joke but that’s my opinion. He may deny it, he may get upset, he may get angry but he is out there for the advancement and advancement only of Art Bell. Spiritually wise he is devoid in my opinion. He’s probably got spiritual inclinations but, the primary motivating factor is himself.

Russ: but again, just like with everything else, Art Bell serves a purpose.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: making my job easier.

Tia: he gets the ideas out there.

Russ: right, all I do is I cleanup his trash.

Tia: uh-huh and his trash is quite a lot.

Russ: yes but I mean without the trash…

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I’d have to start creating that stuff.

Tia: yeah, it is possible in a way that you could say that Art Bell was responsible for the suicides of the Heaven’s Gate crowd. By continuing that myth, they would have probably committed suicide anyway but he contributed to it in an indirect way.

Russ: well, nonetheless, the only responsibility lies with the Heaven’s Gate members.

Tia: correct. Anyway, my time's up for this bit.

Russ: okay.

Tia: or do you have any last questions?

Russ: no, go ahead love.

Tia: okay.