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(Omal gives a dissertation on the next evolutionary step of humanity where all the talented people with mental skills come together and rebuild a world once enough lessons are learned. We look back in time to Atlantis and the failed ambitions from that time still being a factor in humanity's evolution.) 

Okay now, let me get to my dissertation. Okay, concerning the development and evolutionary purpose of the mind. Now these problems that we have been discussing concerning economic and possiblatil effects such as depressions, welfare reforms, political expenditure in a frivolous nature as Tia puts it, are all key elements into the learning process and how the mind interacts with these learning's. The reason for these learning's with such abilities as healing, manifesting, coercion, astral travel, psychokinesis, all have an interconnected network within these learning patterns. Those people that seek knowledge, astral travel is the way to do it. Those people that seek to control and teach, coercion again is a very useful tool. Those people that are put on your planet for the higher purpose of helping, not only through education but through their manifesting capabilities that have that unique gift of being able to create nothing, or something out of nothing. From a pile of debris on the ground to a useful tool such as a truck bed spring being created into a piece of art. A fanciful piece of art at that but a very useful talent in itself. And another unique group of individuals, the healers that are put again for a higher purpose on your planet to help heal and educate for a spiritual pathway not only for themselves but for other people. Those lucky individuals that have the opportunity to come in contact with healers of exceptional gifts that can take away their pain and make them feel better and accelerate their healing process. Lastly, the group of psychokinesis individuals, they are again another extraordinary group of people that have an extreme purpose, not as high as the manifestors or the healers but their purpose is equally as important as all the other purposes. Being able to move and manipulate objects with the mind is a unique and very useful gift. They are more the engineers and the builders. Even though they do not have the manifesting capability, they have the ability to visualize and construct things that they have at hand. For example, building a wall of large blocks or a building with large blocks serves a unique purpose of being able to construct shelter quickly and rapidly. All the groups working together in unison create the ideal situation for the next evolutionary advancement of the planet. From this, comes the next logical step, the step of higher abilities, spiritual awareness and what the liberals are seeking, a utopia. But the two pathways of the spiritual and the political cannot meet due to the fact that one group is concerned with everybody and helping everybody, the other group is concerned with helping an elected few to have power over the majority. Each group has its purpose, one is the end result and something to aspire to, the other is something to look at, learn and avoid. Okay, let us start with Skip's question as he is dying to ask a question.

Skip: I am?

Omal: there is one on your mind.

Skip: I'm not aware of it.

Omal: okay, let us look at the.......let us put it this way. What is the most important thing that you feel is your goal?

Skip: at the present time?

Omal: correct.

Skip: I don't know, just helping other people. I don't have any other goals than that Omal.

Omal: that is a very high goal, helping other people.

Skip: that's what I've done all my life.

Omal: that fits into the esteemed category of a manifestor and a healer which you are both.

Skip: uh-huh, yeah I know I'm both.

Omal: so that puts you in a unique position. Something that is able to be an objective, a goal. Heading on a pathway of such a high purpose, almost self-sacrificing purpose, which is what you have done for many years. You have had the opportunity in the past to be extraordinarily wealthy if I'm not mistaken.

Skip: yeah.

Omal: and you have turned down that opportunity every time because of one thing that you really want to do and that is to help. That is where you get your wealth reward. It is not a fiscal or currency reward.

Skip: one question.

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: am I ever going to have a partner to help me with this?

Omal: umm, that is something that I really can't answer.

Skip: figured you couldn't, I just thought I'd insert that little bit okay?

Omal: okay Russ, your question.

Russ: okay, you mentioned about idealists looking for utopia.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: doesn't this reflect back to Atlantis and the same sort of utopia that was being searched for then?

Omal: correct but the same situation that is now also occurred, greed, dominance, the seeking of power to control others.

Russ: so we're seeing a turnaround from that same point going full circle let's say?

Omal: yes, basically.

Russ: okay.

Omal: but not quite. You don't have long-distance space travel. Admittedly, it did take approximately six months to travel from Sirius as it was then to where you are now, to your planet.

Russ: quite a long time for what it is now.

Omal: well for us it does not take that long.

Russ: right.

Omal: but for you in your current technology, traveling at your current speed, it would take approximately...

Russ: six years.

Omal: no, you do not have light travel do you?

Russ: oh yeah that's right, six light years.

Omal: correct. So you're talking at your current speed, it would take approximately 150,000 years at full speed, doesn't work.

Skip: we can't build anything that big to hold that much fuel.

Russ: you couldn't build anything that would support anybody for that long.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: well the fuel is unimportant, once you are in motion in space with its nature, you continue at that speed. For example let us say you are on the space shuttle? You are outside the gravitational field of your planet, you fire a rock off into space, it will continue.....let's say you fire it at 5 miles an hour, it will continue at 5 miles an hour indefinitely until it reaches a gravitational field that alters its speed and trajectory or until it hits something.

Russ: now it could hit something, come off its gravitational field and could shoot off at a faster speed......

Omal: correct.

Russ: or it could be sucked into the gravitational well of the body that it hits.

Omal: correct and ultimately stops.

Russ: right.

Omal: but, where you are now is the starting point of where you could go or the finishing point of where you have been. Okay, next questions please.

Russ: tell me I can put that all on the Internet.

Omal: yes, you can.

Russ: bonus, cool.