(Ashtar paints a
picture of the future and what is needed to
continue the evolutionary path we are on. To do
so, he explained it may be necessary to expand
to other areas in the United States to pass on
the information and form groups in support of
that goal.)
greetings and
felicitations and
welcome. Let us get
down to the
communication, the
eloquence of the
communication of
tonight's speak. We
will address certain
matters, upcoming
events which concern
you all. It has come
to my attention that
your stock market has
gone from a bull
market to a bear
market. This has been
predicted in our
predictions by our by
our resident
prognosticator (Tia).
The information that
is relayed for this
purpose is for your
understanding for your
decisions to make. The
potential that is to
occur is A, an
economic depression
with all that entails,
B, unrest and strife
relating to said
market activity, C,
civil disobedience
relating in an
indirect way to the
activities, D,
activities of an
illegal nature
concerning certain
activities in monetary
gathering, E, the
outcome of certain
investigations. Let us
address E first. The
outcome of these
investigations will
get certain key
actions to occur.
Possible resigning of
said leader of
country, possible
resignation of Vice
President, definite
ability of Vice
investigation into
other activities
concerning certain
supposed suicides,
investigations into
certain monetary gains
of individuals, namely
Whitewater will be
reopened. Okay, let us
look at other fields
of information to
watch. The stock
market activity on the
computer, the Dow
index, watch that,
that is not as
important as the
Russell 2000 or the
NASDAQ 400. Those are
things to be watched.
The NASDAQ, the
Russell index and
other indexes. Link
those with the current
activity on the Dow
market and you will be
able to project when
and where this event
will occur. How to do
this is done by
watching the increase
and decrease in the
activities in those
areas. Also of areas
to look into is the
growth in
technologies. IBM is a
good company to watch.
McIntosh is already
showing signs of wear.
Computer engineering,
it has been brought to
my attention that
there is certain
rivalry, this is
irrelevant. Each
computer has its
specific duty and
function for the
upcoming problems.
Traveling great
distances, this is
being looked into.
This is for release of
information. This has
a very important role
into preparing other
areas. That is why all
three of you are
present. The traveling
of individuals to
other parts of your
planet is necessary
for the release of
information but, done
carefully and in such
a way that it does not
sound as if it is
doomsaying. The future
that comes after this
event of the crash and
the economic problems
that follow and the
civil problems and the
governmental problems
is a preparation for
the final outcome of
preparation for the
next evolutionary
stage. That is why it
is important to give
out this information
in other areas of your
planet. Not just
through your Internet,
not everybody has
access to your
Internet. So it is
necessary for
individuals to embark
on probably one of the
hardest parts of their
life. The difficulty
that has been
occurring at this time
is preparation for the
hardness to come.
Certain substances
will have to be given
up to keep
enlightenment and
knowledge focused.
Those substances will
be decided by the
individual and will be
discarded at the
appropriate time.
There is other also
medical matters that
need to be addressed
relating to certain
substances. These
substances have helped
in the past and now
have become a very
un-useful tool, a
hindrance but the
learning from those
hindrances are now
going to pay
dividends. The
advancement of the
local mind in the
areas that individuals
travel to will be done
slowly and
surreptitiously using
the intelligence of
that individual or
individuals and being
able to release the
information in a way
that is a credit to
themselves and to
others. The phrase, "I
am a simple
individual" is an
understatement. The
individual or
individuals that do
the traveling do not
give themselves enough
credit. Credit will be
returned in the
future. Any questions?
Let us start off with
the young man at the
far end.
John: is the photon
cloud have any effect
on all this?
Ashtar: the photon
cloud is irrelevant in
this matter.
John: okay.
Ashtar: young lady.
Karen: when you're
saying substances,
does that mean all
drugs, all smoking,
all everything else?
Ashtar: that is
self-evident. Young
Russ: okay, on the
Internet front,
working with other
groups to increase the
knowledge though
people aren't are all
hooked up, we are
being asked to join
somebody from the one
of the ships, Starship
Ashtar: uh-huh.
Russ: apparently they
have a chat channel
and there's lots of
things with workers
and light seekers or
light workers and star
seeds and walk-ins and
they're all joining
together aboard this
one, well on the
Starship Athena. I'm
not sure if it's a
page or just something
and we're being asked
to link up to it and
it comes from
Commander Aleon?
Ashtar: yes, I'm aware
of Aleon.
Russ: okay and
apparently this is a
channeled kind of
thing to us in
particular because we
are also working with
Ashtar Command and so
they are trying to
bring all the Ashtar
Command workers
Ashtar: not just
Ashtar Command
workers. It has been
discussed by you and
the channel host body
that it would be
useful to bring
individuals together
from other groups.
Russ: right.
Ashtar: this is part
of that bringing
together, proceed.
Russ: ahh, okay thank
Ashtar: young man at
the end.
John: does it look
like we're going to go
into a full-scale
Ashtar: the potential
is there. In your
stock market, there
are a few people that
experienced the crash
of '78. There are a
few people more than
experienced the crash
of '78 which I would
estimate to be 1% of
all people that give
advice. The crash of
'88 is going to be
minor compared to what
is the potential to
come. It is necessary
to watch and analyze
what is going on.
Young lady.
Karen: you said join
all groups. Is that, I
mean you were talking
about groups from
other planets like
Russ was saying but
does that mean groups
that we have gathered
Ashtar: individually
yes but the time will
become self-evident
when it is necessary
to bring your
associates together.
The time will as I
said be self-evident
but the preparation in
advance is also
necessary. You will
decide what that
preparation is. Young
man at this end.
Russ: yes I'm taking a
long trip coming up
here to Cancun Mexico
and would this be an
appropriate place to
also spread this
information then?
Ashtar: that is your
decision. It depends
on whether it is
spiritual, business or
all three. The
potential for passing
information on is all
around you. I will
give a brief
dissertation and then
final questions from
each of you.
Concerning spiritual
groups and individuals
around you. It is
necessary to focus
them into their
particular abilities.
The advancement that
each of you teachers
have is necessary for
your spiritual growth
as well as your
associates and
comrades. The
development of the
associate minds around
you will be able to
formulate a group that
if you all split up,
you will have the
ability to form your
own groups that will
be able to work with
other groups of former
associates. For
example, Mr. (Ed
notes: name edited),
if you form a group,
it will be capable
with the teachings
that have been laid
down to interact with
individuals of Miss
(Ed notes: name
edited) group and in
turn, your two groups
will be able to
interact with Mr.
Hatfield's group and
vice versa. The
development of those
groups are important
even if you are all in
close proximity, your
associates and
comrades may not be
aware of each other
but, the time will
come where individuals
from each group may
interact with
individuals from each
other group so
therefore they will be
able to use
trainings, shield
trainings altogether
without having to say,
"how do you do yours?"
It will be automatic
and they will be able
to work together in
those meta-concert's
as a team regardless
if they are from the
state of New York, the
state of California,
Oregon or Washington
or Idaho or Arizona.
All those groups will
be able to work
together as a team.
Other individuals that
are not present
tonight that would've
been desirable to have
present in the state
of Nevada will also be
instructed in the
final stages and
preparation for the
upcoming event. They
themselves will
formulate groups in
those areas. Last
question starting at
the far end again with
the young man.
John: do you foresee a
lot of militia and
military type activity
being associated with
this economic
depression we're going
Ashtar: not so much
military but
militia-like activity
of individuals on a
more of a economic
system. Young lady.
Karen: I'm kind of at
a loss for words right
Ashtar: young man.
Russ: okay so when
I........I'll be
putting this message
on the webpage and
it's essentially then
a spiritual call to
Ashtar: not a call to
arms, we are a
peaceful organization.
Russ: well......
Ashtar: it is a
spiritual call to
mental activity.
Russ: correct, it is
what I meant, sorry.
Ashtar: thank you.
Russ: goodbye.
John: thank you.
Karen: thank you.