(Karra explains the use of
magnets on the base and their use in healing
things like broken arms where they pull the two
halves together that are broken. Also included is
her description of how they use crystals in
conjunction with the magnets to heal.)
Karra: hello.
Russ: hi Karra.
John: hi Karra.
Karra: greetings, how is it going gentlemen?
Russ: good of course.
John: good, good.
Karra: okay, let us get down to business, healers
Russ: healers hall.
Karra: okay, what do you wish to know?
Russ: we used in your bio.......
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: where we added the chemical compounds combined
with crystals...
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: let's go a little bit on that.
Karra: okay........yes?
Russ: maybe you could describe it a little bit for
Karra: chemical compounds. Okay, using such
chemicals as iron.
Russ: right.
Karra: after all, you all need iron but it is such a
minute amount that it is very hard to explain. You
use very minute amounts of chemical compounds. For
example, calcium mixed in water, apart from making a
very horrible taste in the mouth, is quite useful.
But there are other ways of getting these chemical
compounds such as calcium through milk.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: that is very useful for bones and hair. So
the chemical compounds that I am using are actually
included in the food so it would be more accurate to
say nutritional chemical compounds.
Russ: ahhh, well that clears that up a little bit.
Karra: yes.
Russ: okay. Now as I remember, we were working at
one time on somebody who had broken their leg I
think or something and you were talking about their
arm. I believe you were talking about use of
Karra: yes.
Russ: on Hades Base in conjunction with the cast and
Karra: yes.
Russ: and now we're finding similar healing
techniques being employed down here on earth.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: with the use of magnets.
Karra: very strong, powerful magnets.
Russ: right.
Karra: and what is actually happening is it is
stimulating pushing together North and South
together, pull together, generating a field that
Russ: right.
John: would those very powerful magnets be
Karra: they can be but electromagnets have to be
shielded from the rest of the body because they can
have detrimental effects but the generating field of
an electromagnet has to be very high and intense to
be that harmful to the body.
Russ: but regular magnets will do the same job.
Karra: but it takes longer yes.
Russ: right.
Karra: the magnets we use on the base are a magnet
that are very, very powerful over a short distance
and then dissipate quite quickly.
Russ: hmmm, do we have anything similar down here?
Karra: electromagnets to a certain extent but of
course these magnets are charged in a different way
in their magna......please, help me.
John: magnetic.
Russ: magnetic field.
John: properties?
Karra: magnetism.
John: magnetism?
Karra: that is the word I was looking for,
magnetism. The magnetism is much more intense in the
ones that we have up here over a shorter area.
Electromagnets, their energy field dissipates quite
Russ: uh-huh. Now as I recall when Linda was here,
we were discussing from quite a while back actually
the use of special magnets.
Karra: bio magnets.
Russ: bio magnets. Now how does that field compare
to the ones that you use?
Karra: they are similar but they're also quite
Russ: they're weaker right?
Karra: oh much weaker, much, much weaker. And even
though they do accelerate the healing process, it is
not as rapid as it would be up here with our much
more intense and stronger magnetic field. There are
magnets up here which are quite capable of actually
leaching out of your body the iron, they are that
Russ: wow.
Karra: so it is necessary sometimes to ingest iron
in minute amounts to individuals that work in this
field. They will ingest more iron than they actually
need because they know they're going to lose some of
Russ: I see.
John: are you familiar with the magnets that you can
wear in your shoes?
Karra: those are bio magnets.
John: oh okay, so we are talking about the same
Karra: correct.
John: I've got a pair.
Karra: uh-huh.
John: and do you see some benefit with them?
Karra: yes and no. Don't expect a lot because the
magnetic field is not as intense as would be
necessary to heal. However, they are very soothing
and relaxing. They make you feel comfortable. It is
something that is useful.
Russ: hmm, do doubling the magnets up double the
Karra: not as much as one would like.
Russ: uh-huh. So tripling then you would get you
more of a benefit then singularly.
Karra: yes but the field is not as intense as one
would like.
Russ: okay so no matter what, you're going to have
to work with it on a slower basis.
Karra: correct.
Russ: now besides working on healing broken bones,
what other uses would magnetism that we can find
down here like for example with bio magnets, help in
the healing properties of of the body?
Karra: oh there are many, many different uses that
would be used. Cuts, scratches, headaches believe it
or not.
Russ: hmmm.
John: how about wear and tear on your legs?
Karra: yes.
John: I was told that bio magnets are good because
the type of work I do and all the lifting and......
Karra: well that goes back to wearing them in your
shoes and the soothing affect that it has. You see
when something is not as tired, it will last longer.
When a muscle becomes tired, it is working harder to
pump oxygen and blood to the extremities and
therefore it takes more energy. Something that makes
that easier is very useful.
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: and that is what those bio magnets do.
John: do bio magnets that we get on this planet, do
they wear out after a period of time? Do they lose
their magnetism?
Karra: eventually yes but it is something that takes
quite a while, something that I wouldn't worry about
your lifetime Johnny.
John: oh really? So the pair I bought a couple years
ago in Sedona are still functioning and working
Karra: they should be.
John: okay.
Karra: if they're not, you got ripped off, they
weren't real magnets.
Russ: now what if you're able to hook up a battery
charge to one? Would that increase the power without
the debilitating effects of actually having
Karra: no, it wouldn't increase the electrical
magnetic field as much as you are implying.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: yes it does increase it but it is not a
dramatic jump.
Russ: okay.
Karra: you have to remember to have positive to
North, negative the South otherwise you are
realigning these poor suckers and if they lose
alignment, what happens?
Russ: they reverse it.
Karra: no they lose magnetism.
Russ: oh.
Karra: if they lose alignment. They all have to
point in the same way for magnetism correct?
Russ: correct.
Karra: now if one's going this way, one's going that
way and another one's that way and they're going all
higgledy-piggledy, what happens to the magnet?
Russ: it just becomes a piece of metal.
Karra: correct.
Russ: uh-huh.
John: higgledy-piggledy, is that a technical term?
Karra: oh yes, very, very technical.
John: oh, okay.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: yeah, originally from Sirius from way, way
back, it survived the eons of time to....
Karra: oh yes, oh immensely, immensely old. It is
like some of our medical expressions that we use to
shorten words. Like H..F..HFF. Somebody comes in
with a broken leg, let's say it's a guy and I would
say, "HFF, we better work on this one quickly".
Russ: hmmm.
Karra: what does HFF mean? His #@^%@* fault.
Russ: well that's putting it......
John: okay yeah,
Russ: diplomatically.
John: very, very technical.
Karra: uh-huh, oh yes, it's a fightfully technical
term. Or what would be another one? Let me see.
H.....HDB no, HPH. I remember when I was a medic in
the army, Sirian Defense Force I had a few of these.
Russ: what's it mean?
Karra: hygiene person......hygiene personal habits.
Russ: oh.
Karra: it means he doesn't have any.
Russ: so it would be actually PHH, personal hygiene
Karra: well, English isn't my language.
Russ: true, true.
Karra: I get the words mixed up.
Russ: hmm, okay.
Karra: yes?
Russ: and now working with crystals and magnets?
Karra: uh-huh, okay now crystals are more of an
energy supply for the spiritual being to recharge
the injured individual. It is quite common for
somebody that has been hurt to feel physically
drained of energy and this is because their body's
immune system is fighting the infection or fighting
to repair itself. So what do you do? You use crystal
to re-energize the individual or, if you happen to
be fortunate enough to have healing crystals, use
the energies from those focusing in on the harmed
area and what it is actually doing is the energy
that is already in that area focusing on healing is
being directed by this crystal, let's say it is a
laser crystal right and you're using a sweeping
motion right? What you're doing is focusing the
energy in that area in a sweeping motion and
augmenting it with the energy of the crystal which
is helping to heal by sweeping the energy into a
useful, cohesive unit.
Russ: so if we were to use magnets also that would
do the same thing?
Karra: yes but sometimes it is best to use a
combination of healing techniques.
Russ: right, which is why I'm thinking of using
both, the crystals and magnets.
Karra: yes, you would use them either simultaneously
or one after the other.
John: are you familiar with this publication?
Karra: oh this one? I'm afraid I can't open Mark's
eyes to read it and I don't read English very well.
What is it called?
John: it's called the "The Complete Crystal
Karra: yes, I believe I am aware of it.
Russ: being as it's my book.
John: no, this is my book.
Russ: oh I've got one too then.
John: oh, yeah I know.
Russ: oh, so yeah she's quite familiar with it.
John: it's "a practical path to self-development,
empowerment and healing for the beginner and
Karra: uh-huh.
John: it's by someone called Uma....
Russ: Sibley..
John: Sibley?
Karra: oh yes.
John: Shilbey?
Russ: Sibley.
Karra: Sibley.
John: Sibley.
Karra: I am vaguely aware of it...........your
question being Johnny?
John: is it a good, practical handbook for us to use
Karra: yes, it is quite a useful tool.
John: would there be some other publications that
you're aware of that we have on this planet?
Karra: I do not have Tia's expertise on computers
otherwise I would look it up and help you. As much
as I would love to, I lack the expertise.
John: okay, that's good enough.
Karra: okay. All right, last questions.
John: that was my last question.
Karra: okay I'll see you guys later, especially you
Russ: of course my love.