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(Karra describes the God complex that affects every healer at some point. She gives a good way of dealing with it by using it as a tool with which to grow. She reveals that the most powerful healing tool is positive thinking.) 

Karra: Karra’s brief dissertation on healing concerning mental well-being of the healer and a common thing that occurs from time to time with all healers is occasionally the God syndrome, I can cure anything, I am capable of healing everyone. Now why does this happen? Well it happens frequently and all healers will suffer from it from time to time because being able to heal, make somebody feel better, makes you feel good and the more successes you have the stronger this feeling gets. Now normally when it occurs, it occurs briefly. I’ve suffered from it, that I can cure anyone and what happens to shatter this illusion is normally a failure and a massive failure at that, that you cannot save this person no matter what you do. So being aware of this does not stop you from suffering from this problem. The God complex in itself is a useful tool to learn from that you are not a God. Once this is brought home to you after these very successful and spectacular healings, it is something that drains and shatters you. But, having recovered from it and most healers do, you have to go on and remember that there are failures and there are successes as with everything. Why are there failures? You should not look at the successes and go, “okay, what did I do to make that a success?” Certainly that is a good thing to do but also it’s just as important to look at the failures and to say, “where did I go wrong?” Now often, curing an illness and this is kind of another topic but not quite, sometimes looking at the failures is the most powerful tool to successes. Now, there are three possible outcomes that can happen from a healing, the patient gets better, there is no change, the patient gets worse. Let’s look at the first one. Now, if you are using junk science, you can use it in this way. It worked, "the patient got better, it must be good." The patient stays the same, "ahh look, we’ve arrested it, we have stopped it.' The patient gets worse, "well, we should have started sooner or we should give them more." These three things are most common when using fake or junk science. But what is junk science? Junk science is using anything that is not known to work but is thought to work. For example, fasting. Fasting to make somebody better doesn’t work because it’s going to happen anyway, one of the three outcomes regardless of what happens. Using things that don’t work for that situation. For example, let us say I prescribe a herb that will sooth colitis. Again the three things that happen can happen whether or not the substance was taken. Sometimes it’s better to do nothing because it will take its course. Something that doesn’t…..can’t think of the English translation for the word but I was going to take a herb or a chemical that is used to help cure colds. It doesn’t work. Vitamin C does work, it works better than doing nothing but not as well as other remedies. Chicken soup or chicken broth, a well-known cure for the common cold, is this junk science or is it real? Russ?

Russ: it’s very real.

Karra: yes, very real and it does work, why? Well there’s certain chemicals from the bones actually and the way that it is prepared that makes it work. Another tool that makes it work is the mind, the mind of the individual. We go over this time and time again of having the patient in the right frame of mind. It doesn’t matter how good the medicine is, if the patient isn’t in the right frame of mind, it’s not going to work. Because the most powerful healing tool is what?

Russ: positive thinking.

Karra: exactly. With positive thinking, you can do two of the three things that I am using tonight in junk science. Actually, I’ll have a little Karra’s corner, junk science. But, with chicken broth, you can stop it or make it better. So it works but the mind is the key to making anything work. I can prescribe a junk science remedy. Here’s one that will work if the person believes it will work. They have a headache, you take salt, sugar, little bit of oil, virgin olive oil, a little bit of vinegar, a dash of diced, chopped finely lettuce leaves, mix it all together, make the person drink it, tastes revolting. If they believe that it will make their headache go away, that it will work, guess what? 90% of the time it will. Now, dissertation over, questions hon.

Russ: couldn’t we use that same method or that same potion you just gave me in a pill form?

Karra: yeah.

Russ: gel cap.

Karra: uh-huh, whatever.

Russ: it won’t taste bad though.

Karra: but it doesn’t do anything.

Russ: oh I don’t know about that, there’s some benefit to lettuce leaves.

Karra: it does nothing Russ, it will not cure headaches.

Russ: yeah well it’s the mental aspect right?

Karra: exactly.

Russ: now you've taught me how to cure headaches.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: always seems to work well.

Karra: yes.

Russ: now why can’t you just use that?

Karra: well you can but I’m saying that if somebody believes strong enough that something will work, it will work.

Russ: right, so maybe that’s what I’m doing, just doing something that I feel will work.

Karra: it’s possible but in what I’ve taught you it does work.

Russ: right.

Karra: it does work. There’s no ifs, ands or buts, it works. Explain to the tape what I taught you.

Russ: oh, visualize the headache in my head, the pain and then just project it outside my body.

Karra: correct but it’s necessary because people will go huh? What’s he talking about, what’s his secret?

Russ: oh right.

Karra: but it has to be strong visualization and you know it works…...

Russ: sure.

Karra: they know it has to work.

Russ: well you just get it once or twice and you’ve got the confidence to do it every time.

Karra: exactly, exactly, that is the key right there. If it doesn’t work to start off with, it’s not because it’s not for you, it’s because you do not know strong enough.

Russ: right, well I’ve told people with migraines this and there’s no way it’s going to work.

Karra: oh, migraines are different......

Russ: yeah.

Karra: very different. In fact somebody that you should talk to about migraines who does not suffer from migraines anymore or not very often, guess who that is?

Russ: Carrie?

Karra: no.

Russ: who?

Karra: somebody close at hand.

Russ: Mark?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: oh, that’s good. Concerning your God complex.

Karra: ahh yes.

Russ: now speaking of Carrie.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I mean we worked pretty good miracles on her, you did actually but she did a lot of it.

Karra: exactly.

Russ: still, it would be hard after something like that, especially with the successes she’s gone through lately….

Karra: uh-huh, not to suffer from it.

Russ: not to suffer from it. How do you keep from doing that?

Karra: because I’ve had failures.

Russ: huh?

Karra: I learned long ago that I cannot save everybody and that success is something to be relished and enjoyed but not to go over and over again. Certainly it was a success, a very good success but she did most of the work, I can’t take credit for that.

Russ: hmm, true.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I mean if that was the case, Mark could take credit because you used his body.

Karra: correct.

Russ: I could take credit because I gave her encouragement.

Karra: and you gave the room for it to be done in.

Russ: and so on and so on, sure.

Karra: correct. You see in a healing, there is more than just the two people involved.

Russ: right.

Karra: so, how can I take responsibility for everything that transpired in those sessions? A lot of it was ritualized if you’ll remember.

Russ: oh yeah.

Karra: that is what she needed. The ritual itself changes and adjusts her frequency to mine. Remember there were times where she would say something and you wouldn’t hear me say anything and she would laugh or smile or answer again out vocally what I was thinking.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: that is because I changed her frequency to match mine. I had come down as far as I could or up as far as I could so that she could come down or come up to my frequency so that we could meet and work together.

Russ: I see. So in essence, when the healer is doing the work, it’s actually the patient who’s actually healing so to avoid the complex, the best thing is to just keep understanding it’s the patient doing it and all you're doing is giving the patient the keys to help them heal themselves.

Karra: yes and no, yes and no. There are certain times where I do all the work from beginning to end.

Russ: like a broken arm or something?

Karra: yes, I do the work.

Russ: the whole arm?

Karra: I set the bone, I wrap the bandages, I tell the person how to behave, how to keep it clean, how to think, how to react. I set up the structure for them to do the healing. I’ve done the work at that point. All’s they have to do is follow what I have told them. So you see that there are certain times where I do all the work, certain times when the patient does all the work and certain times when we do the work, the patient and I and those involved.

Russ: hmm, understandable. So when you’ve actually saved a life, there are also points where you’re going to lose a life?

Karra: correct.

Russ: and even though let’s say you have a 100% success rate okay?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: you have no failures whatsoever.

Karra: I’d like to meet a healer that has a 100% success rate.

Russ: well that’s what I mean. I mean let’s say that they’ve only had three or four or five healings that they’ve done.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: all 100%, everybody got better.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: okay. The key is that you’ve got to know the odds are against you.

Karra: you have to but you also have to experience the coming down from the God syndrome.

Russ: so you have to feel it, there’s no way to stop it.

Karra: correct because it’s going to happen. It will happen regardless of how great a healer you are.

Russ: must be a humbling experience.

Karra: that’s why it happens.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: it’s important to understand that some people you cannot save.

Russ: understandable.

Karra: okay thank you.

Russ: thank you.

Karra: bye hon.
