has a large group of healers so we get a
lot of different topics getting bounced
around with no clear center. To list them
in order, they would be: healers sharing
energy, chakras, dark side of humanity,
being perfect, honey for healing, Hebrews
and healing and sterilizing an area.)
Karra: okay,
you have a question for me Velvet.
Velvet: yep, a question about healing.
Karra: okay.
Velvet: can we healers…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Velvet: take another healer’s energy
away if they fight back?
Karra: it depends on what you mean by
fighting back, physical fighting no.
Velvet: no, I’m talking about healing
Karra: healing powers. Why would you
want to fight another healer?
Russ: sounds like contradiction in
Karra: exactly.
Velvet: no, well you’re trying to take
a healer’s energy away, another
healers and they’re trying to take
your energy away, what do you do?
Karra: it doesn’t work that way.
Velvet: it doesn’t?
Karra: no, healers don’t take…..do not
fight over energy. They share energy
if necessary. One healer will help
another healer but they will not fight
each other.
Velvet: so if one healer is low on
Karra: you can then……
Velvet: and one’s on high?
Karra: you can blend the two together,
if the weaker healer is stronger in
his or her healing ability, she can
then focus the energy of the weaker
healer that is being used to help.
Velvet: okay, that sounds fair.
Karra: uh-huh but never fight over
Velvet: okay, I just want to ask one
Karra: oh that’s all right.
Velvet: okay when you’re putting your
hands on someone’s back and they start
to get hot, are you giving them energy
or are you taking….?
Karra: it depends on which part you
doing it. If you're pumping
Velvet: on your back, you’re right
here on this part.
Karra: yes.
Skip: shoulders.
Velvet: shoulders? Shoulder blades,
what should you do?
Karra: well it depends…..
Velvet: is it are you taking the
energy away?
Karra: if you’re taking away the hurt,
then you are taking away the energy
that’s creating the hurt. If you are
making them feel better and stronger,
you’re pumping the energy in.
Velvet: now Linda said something about
light to light.
Karra: uh-huh.
Velvet: what is that?
Karra: light energy.
Velvet: light energy, when one light
touches another…….
Karra: it makes it brighter.
Velvet: uh-huh and she said when it
comes out, you go (breathes deeply),
and that’s when you see the light.
Karra: that’s a very odd way to
describe it but basically what you’re
doing is you’re pumping your light
energy because you give off light
which can be called an aura.
Velvet: an aura?
Karra: aura.
Velvet: aura?
Karra: yes.
Velvet: what’s that?
Karra: it’s an energy field that
surrounds you that is light.
Velvet: I have another book, Mark gave
my mom a book on chrakras and the
human energy fields.
Russ: chakras.
Karra: chakras.
Velvet: chakras and the human energy
Karra: uh-huh.
Velvet: what is that about?
Karra: it’s about points of energy
spread throughout the body that can be
used for healing and other purposes.
Okay Skip, as a healer, do you have a
Skip: no but my powers getting
Karra: uh-huh, why is that?
Skip: because my attitude is changing.
Karra: that’s part of the key, if
you’re negative, then the energy is
suppressed. As you become more and
more positive, you become stronger and
Skip: my attitude’s totally changed.
Karra: that’s good, you've become
stronger and stronger in a spiritual
form as well as a physical form.
Skip: uh-huh, because I’m not the same
person that you met six, eight months
Karra: no, you were a very dark
individual at that point.
Skip: (chuckles)
Russ: somewhat dark and unfocused.
Karra: uh-huh and now you’re laughing
which is is a positive laugh.
Russ: and you’ve got your focus back.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: now you know where you’re going
with it.
Skip: yep, indeed.
Russ: it definitely shows.
Skip: do something that makes me feel
even better.
Russ: what’s that?
Skip: become rich and famous.
Karra: you're already are rich and
famous Skip.
Skip: I mean to the rest of the world.
Karra: ahhh…..
(Skip laughs)
Karra: you’re talking about fiscal
Skip: yes, yes, yes. Getting tired of
being mediocre.
(someone comes into the room)
Russ: I have a suggestion.....
Karra: hello, hello and hello.
Velvet: hello.
Karra: how’s it going mistress healer?
Skip: no, my attitude has changed
completely since we first started
having these sessions.
Karra: oh that’s good. Now, all the
healers put their hands up and wave
them. Sorry, just my way of having fun
and it's also a statement of point.
How many healers are in the room?
Velvet: five.
Karra: uh-huh, so there’s a lot of
healers all in one place.
Russ: uh-huh.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: which means that there should
be no ailments or illnesses in this
room at all.
Skip: that’s right.
Karra: uh-huh, yes it is strong energy
isn’t it?
Linda T: uh-huh.
Karra: okay, any questions?
Russ: first off, how’s that pyramid
set up, okay?
Karra: it’s still slightly off but
it’s manageable.
Russ: okay, I see the problem.
Karra: okay?
Russ: it’s an exact science, I know.
Karra: yes, like healing is an exact
Russ: correct, we’ll try that and see
if that works.
Skip: question.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: I want to find out if my dark
side is disappearing.
Karra: no, it gets suppressed.
Skip: I’m sorry?
Karra: it gets suppressed, it doesn’t
disappear, it just gets suppressed by
good. Everybody has a dark side,
Linda T: Karra, isn’t it true that a
dark side is not really a dark side,
it’s only a misunderstood emotion or
Karra: it’s a politically correct way
of putting it I suppose. It is a
mischievous side that behaves in a way
that is unrepressed and self-centered
and no morals, no values, it’s dark.
Linda T: right, no integrity.
Karra: yes........and everybody has
it, some to a lesser and some to a
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: but it can be harnessed and
used sometimes. It is always there to
remind us of what we could be if we
weren’t so moralistic and I don’t mean
that in a good sense.
Russ: right.
Linda T: Karra?
Karra: uh-huh?
Linda T: learning to be one with each
one of those aspects of yourself and
in that way that you want to change or
transform to the cosmic vibration.
Karra: yes, it’s a reminder, it’s a
Linda T: oh.
Karra: uh-huh but it serves a
function. Could you imagine…….
Linda T: a great function right?
Karra: yeah if you want to. Could you
imagine somebody that has no negative
vibrations whatsoever?
Linda T: that wouldn't be too
Skip: that be perfect.
Russ: no it would be hell.
Skip: no I said they would be perfect.
Linda T: right.
Karra: they would be too good to be
Skip: that’s right.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: they’d be perfect and there is
no such a thing.
Karra: no, everybody that I know,
every entity makes mistakes from time
to time.
Russ: yeah even Jesus had problems….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: being a healer.
Karra: yes, exactly.
Skip: my dad told me a little thing
when I was just a little guy….
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: that the person that didn’t make
mistakes is the person that never done
Karra: uh-huh, I think you told Kiri
that last time.
Skip: I think so.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: hmm, okay.
Skip: but it’s the truth, if you don’t
do anything, you can’t make mistakes.
Karra: if you don’t do anything you’re
quite right, can't make mistakes.
Okay, next question.
Russ: okay the Egyptians at the height
of their medical science were skilled
at surgery and also in the use of
honey for healing in the fact that
they found out that honey inhibits the
growth of bacteria and also draws
water from the cells. Now why does
honey do this, I never even heard of
this before?
Karra: it’s because of the molecular
structure and the density and
viscosity of the material. It also has
certain properties that are quite
frequently overlooked. One of the
contents is natural sugar, a natural
sweetener which acts as a preservative
and in essence gives the
microorganisms or bacteria a lot of
food to feed on. They overfeed, they
overindulge and what happens when
something overeats and overindulges?
Skip: they die.
Karra: exactly.
Russ: okay, so when using this in
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: honey actually has a very good
role in herbology as far as being able
to.....let’s say somebody cuts
themselves, sealing it off by pouring
honey on the wound.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: let’s say you're at the time
when you don’t have any hydrogen
peroxide, you’re out in the woods….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: someone cuts themselves and all
you’ve got is a jar of honey.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: just pour some honey on the
Karra: clean the wound first.
Russ: okay.
Karra: yeah, honey is always used for
more beneficial things than just a
Russ: like what?
Karra: like mixing it into things if
you make a poultice.
Russ: okay.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: oh I see what you mean, for like
a skin ulcer or something.
Karra: correct.
Russ: hmm.
Skip: it could also work for sun
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: sun burn?
Skip: yes.
Karra: don’t forget to make it nice
and viscous so you can baste yourself
with it. See, having so many healers
grouped together in one place all at
the same time you can actually get
down to real healing business.
Russ: ahh.
Skip: well doesn’t some of the
commercial lotions….
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: have honey additives in them?
Russ: really?
Skip: yes they do, wheat germ and
Russ: wow.....see, learn something new
every night.
Karra: yeah, that’s the most useful
advantage of having so many healers
together is you can sit down and trade
Skip: you see now I've remembered a
lot of things that I was taught when I
was a little boy that my grandmother
used as home remedies per se.
Karra: and your grandmother was a
pioneer lady right?
Skip: more or less yes, more or less.
Karra: uh-huh, so she would have
knowledge of how to survive on the…..
Skip: natural things in and around the
country we lived in which like a bee
sting, if you take tobacco and wet it
you put it on, it will draw the bee
sting out.
Shane: you know what else will work?
Karra: huh?
Shane: is a leaf and the ground, you
take the earth in a tree and you take
the grass and the leaf and you mix
them together and you take the stinger
Skip: tobacco seems to do a real good
Shane: tobacco is up from the earth
Linda T: it’s true, it's right, it's
exactly right.
Karra: that it’s a leaf, uh-huh.
Skip: it’s a leaf.
Russ: never heard that before.
Skip: what? Tobacco to pull out a bee
Russ: I mean either one of those two
I’ve never heard of before.
Linda T: oh yeah...
Russ: you know? I just suffered you
Linda T: or if you get bit by a spider
or any kind of poison snake, anything
poison, it’ll suck it right out.
Skip: yeah, tobacco will pull it,
it’ll pull it.
Karra: and tying in with this, how
much percentage Indian are you Skip?
Skip: about 25%.
Karra: but Russ is what? You're.....
Russ: I'm about an eighth yeah.
Karra: uh-huh, so between all the
people of room, we probably got about
half a percent….
Russ: almost three quarters of an
Karra: yeah....
Russ: we're missing a link.
Karra: yeah, between the three people
that are of Indian descent, I’m sure
you could come up with some old Indian
medicines that you can work together
with and this is a prime example with
herbology and the uses of tobacco,
it’s not all bad Russ.
Skip: there's a lot a natural
vegetables, weeds and so on and so
forth that have healing powers.
Russ: hey by the way, the Hebrew
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: upon leaving Egypt and before
Egypt, had a degree of keeping a
cleanliness that wasn’t even equaled
up until our modern times.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and I mean no one around them
even came close to what these
guys.......and it was….
Karra: are you sure?
Russ: pretty sure.
Karra: you mean in their area or on
your planet?
Russ: in their area.
Karra: ahh okay, yeah.
Linda T: what type of a cleanliness?
Karra: well for example, they'd change
clothes if they were in an area where
there was communicable disease and
they were treating it, washing
Linda T: uh-huh.
Russ: I mean everybody else took
healing and they basically treated it
as a mystic kind of thing and they
asked their gods to heal or the
priests would heal but the Hebrew
people took all that religious stuff
and threw it out the window and just
took everything they learned from the
people around them and used that
strictly, logically as what worked and
they healed with just that.
Karra: and that’s an example of why as
a race they have survived so long.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: I mean how old is the Hebrew
Russ: it's close to 3,000, 4,000 years
Karra: close to 4,000.
Russ: right.
Karra: what’s the next oldest race?
Russ: that would be the Mayans maybe?
Skip: Egyptians, wouldn’t it?
Russ: Egyptians aren't really a race
Karra: neither are the Mayans.
Russ: right, well there are Mayans,
there are......
Laura: the Mayans that survived.
Russ: yeah.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: oh the Chinese.
Karra: yes.
Russ: oh okay, right and the Chinese
had a degree of cleaning also that was
very big on cleanliness.
Karra: that’s right.
Russ: oh, I see.
Linda T: both aspects are true.
Karra: uh-huh.
Linda T: it’s the same as that when
you get a spiritual healing and
doctors who work from a third
dimensional place of operation, both
aspects are necessary….
Karra: yes.
Linda T: it’s them learning to work
together in harmony that the earth
needs to learn.
Karra: and that’s why I’m so happy,
almost ecstatically happy that we have
so many healers together in one place.
It is a prime example of healers
coming together to exchange ideas.
Russ: uh-huh. Well when we’re coming
up into our future here where things
will need to be more understood as
what works because let’s say you can’t
get to a doctor…..
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: then again we get right back
down to where the Hebrews started
Karra: correct and relearning how to
set bones, how to deal with herbology,
how to deal with the importance of
cleanliness, you learn all the basics
that have been taken for granted. For
example, how do you sterilize a room?
Linda T: you need to rise the
Karra: we're talking about just
practical cleaning….
Linda T: cleaning it?
Russ: for like a surgery or something?
Karra: yeah, for a surgery.
Linda T: disinfect it.
Russ: take the carpets out?
Karra: you use boiling, hot water, as
hot as possible.
Russ: what do you do about the
Karra: remove the carpets. You get
anything that could bring in
infections or negative vibrations or
parasites, get them out.
Russ: you mean wash the walls and
Linda T: yeah.
Karra: everything, top to bottom and
where do you start cleaning?
Russ: on the ceiling.
Karra: correct and you work your way
Skip: yeah, you have to.
Karra: uh-huh, because it’s no good
starting on the floor because the heat
going up will create a huge
environment for the microbes on the
ceiling and they will fall back down
to the floor. So you get every
possible contaminant out of the room.
Felines, feline hair, other people…
Linda T: that goes for thoughts,
emotions and actions.
Karra: uh-huh, now here’s an
interesting thought, what is the best
person to have as a doctor, as a
Russ: someone you know?
Karra: no, somebody that has knowledge
certainly, that's important but the
best person to be a healer and the
most sterile is a lady that is
ovulating. And now this is because
when a lady ovulates or a woman
ovulates, it’s because to be at the
perfect stage to receive a child, they
have to be sterile. I’m not saying
sterile as in the expert way, I’m
saying as in cleanliness sterile.
Skip: hmmm.
Russ: oh I see, okay.
Karra: so at that point, that point
when a lady is ovulating or a woman or
a young lady, she is as clean as she
can be.
Russ: well when you were doing surgery
in the field back when you were in the
(part of the Sirian Defense Force who
helped out 3rd dimensional worlds
where the path to a higher dimension
was blocked)
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: how did you deal with the
un-antiseptic environments you are in?
Karra: I just told you, I just told
you, boiling hot water.
Russ: oh you just boil everything and
just do the tents and everything.
Karra: tents, everything.
Skip: you got to do the instruments,
bandages, the whole works, everything
needs to be boiled.
Karra: yep, we used to take the tent
down and we used to boil it.
Russ: boil the whole tent?
Karra: the whole tent.
Skip: that’s the quickest way to do
Russ: sheesh.
Karra: and the poles, the poles would
be cleansed with fire.
Russ: man, what kind of poles were you
Karra: well we were using metal poles.
Skip: the fire does, fire is a
sterilizer too.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: but you can’t use fire on
Karra: that’s right, can’t use it on
Skip: that’s correct but you can use
it on anything metal.
Karra: that’s right.
Laura: haven't you ever seen anybody
burning the end of a blade to take a
sliver out?
Russ: yeah, I’ve done it myself a few
times sure.
Skip: and you never give it a thought.
Russ: well yeah, I knew that's why I
was doing it......
Karra: c'mon Russ.
Russ: but I never thought of having a
boil a tent.
Skip: why not?
Russ: I'd never find a pan big enough.
(everyone laughs)
Karra: it’s surprising how small a
tent can get down to.
Skip: yes it is.
Russ: that’s good.
Karra: I have......if you come down to
my lab Russ, you will see a pan that
holds I think about 30 of your
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: big tent will fit in there.
Russ: really?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, well I’m learning
something new again, all right.
Skip: well that’s why I told you.
Russ: okay cool, thank you darling.
Karra: but mental thinking can also be
a healing process. If you create a
healing vibe or vibrations, you can
heal things quite easy. That’s what
we're always stressing the importance
Skip: well the positive attitude that
I’m coming up with is making me feel
better, consequently it’s easier for
me to make other people feel better.
Karra: oh that’s good, having a
positive external front can help
Skip: have a what now?
Karra: a positive…..
Skip: oh yes, yes, yes okay right.
Karra: a positive demeanor.
Skip: attitude.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: that’s the word I was looking
for, attitude.
Skip: inside and out, inside and out.
Karra: that’s right.
Skip: okay, in other words, project a
positive attitude and still have that
same positive attitude on the inside
of you.
Karra: that’s right.
Skip: and it’s making it easier for me
to perform or reach…..maybe not
perform, that wouldn't be the right
word…..how to reach other people and
help them mentally and physically.
Karra: now I’m going to have to step
out for a few minutes because I need
to go and pick up a very drunken young
lady that’s taken a nosedive and I
shall be back shortly.